


不平常的,超出一般的:~殊。~色。~产。~权。~性。~征。~需。~技。~务。~区。~价。~例。~效。单,单一:~为(wèi )。~设。~地。~惠。~辑。~使。~赦。~约。只,但:不~如此。“相如度秦王~以诈佯为予赵城,实不可得”。三岁的兽,……


1. 派 [pài]派 [pài]水的支流:九~(指长江支流之多)。一个系统的分支:~系。~别。~性。党~。作风,风度:正~。气~。~势。~头。分配,指定:~赴。~驻。~遣。委~。指摘:~不是。量词(a.用于派别,如“两~的意见争论不休”;……



汉语拼音:tè pài






  1. 特别派遣。

    清 沉初 《西清笔记·纪职志》:“新正, 重华宫 联句,先期南书房进緑头籤,上列诸臣衔名……候上择定。近常派二十八人,或有奉特派在名籤外者。” 李六如 《六十年的变迁》第一卷第四章:“ 清 朝政府为要镇压两 湖 的革命运动,特派 满 人 瑞澂 到 武昌 来接替 陈夔龙 做总督。”



  1. My work as a UNV in UNMIK has also proven to be a great career opportunity for me and I'm proud of my work and achievements here.


  2. The next time you return to that map, the base will be under your control, which makes further missions in the area less of a risk.


  3. But a pair of cable and Yang heart has the appearance of bamboo, said that soon turns around.


  4. But the army spokesman, the commissioner of the region and a local resident told the BBC the rebels' assault had been repulsed.


  5. It is the newest outpost of the United Nations Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (known as MINUSTAH from its initials in French).


  6. UNAMID spokesman Noureddine Mezni said the U. N. had highlighted the importance of allowing airports in Darfur to operate 24 hours a day .


  7. still had its police and military command structures intact, however, and was able to maintain law and order.


  8. And the BBC's Asia correspondent said the central committee will continue to try and expand the market.


  9. The author of this fine book, Geoffrey Robinson, was there that day, as a member of the United Nations mission that organised the poll.


  1. 特派使节团

    high commission.

  2. 特派全权大使

    an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary

  3. 特派使节的职位

    high commission

  4. 美国总统特派使节

    a special envoy from the American president

  5. 联合国海地特派团

    United Nations Mission in Haiti

  6. 他是一位特派大使。

    He is an ambassador extraordinary.

  7. 他是一位特派大使。

    He is an ambassador extraordinary.

  8. 他是一名特派记者。

    He was a specially appointed correspondent.

  9. 审计署驻太原特派办

    Taiyuan Resident Audit Office of CNAO

  10. 塞拉利昂复兴特派团

    Special Rehabilitation Mission to Sierra Leone

  11. 联合国驻利比亚特派团

    United Nations Mission in Libya

  12. 特派团支助司司长办公室

    Office of the Director Mission Support Division.

  13. 他是这个团体的特派专员。

    He is the high commissioner of this society.

  14. 以新华社特派记者的 身份。

    as a correspondent especially appointed by the Xin Hua News Agency.

  15. 他是华盛顿邮报的特派记者。

    He is a special correspondent for the Washington post.

  16. 联刚特派团6月13日公布了报告。

    MONUC made the report public on13 June.

  17. 我们将推荐庄同志担任特派记者。

    We are going to put Comrade Zhuang in for the post of special correspondent.

  18. 他们是调查这类事情的特派记者。

    They are the public chroniclers of such inquiries.

  19. 特派团将继续在11个地点开展业务。

    The Mission will continue to operate in11 locations.

  20. 他自告奋勇当这次会议的特派记者。

    He volunteered as special correspondent for the conference.

  21. 我们也赞赏大幅缩编特派团的计划。

    We also appreciate the plans for substantive downsizing of the Mission.

  22. 就地征聘的特派任务人员的薪金和工资

    Salary and wages for locally recruited mission personnel.

  23. 无疑,联合国海地稳定特派团功不可没。

    Without a doubt, the work of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti contributed to that achievement.

  24. 大卫凯是中央情报局的特派顾问。

    David Kay was special adviser to Central Intelligence Agency Director George Tenet.

  25. 驻波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那特派团

    Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina

  26. 西撒特派团将监督旧弹药库的拆除。

    MINURSO will monitor the removal of the old structures.

  27. 维和特派团仍然是联合国国际角色的中坚。

    Peacekeeping missions remain the backbone of the international role of the United Nations.

  28. 该步兵连已于2006年4月返回联利特派团。

    The infantry company returned to UNMIL in April2006.

  29. 表1显示审查期间各维和特派团的总趋势。

    Table1 showed overall trends in peacekeeping missions for the period under review.

  30. 表1显示审查期间各维和特派团得总趋势。

    Table1 showed overall trends in peacekeeping missions for the period under review.


  1. 问:特派拼音怎么拼?特派的读音是什么?特派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派的读音是tèpài,特派翻译成英文是 specially appointed

  2. 问:特派员拼音怎么拼?特派员的读音是什么?特派员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派员的读音是tèpàiyuán,特派员翻译成英文是 A special person who is send specially to transa...

  3. 问:特派代表拼音怎么拼?特派代表的读音是什么?特派代表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派代表的读音是tè pài dài biǎo,特派代表翻译成英文是 special representative

  4. 问:特派公使拼音怎么拼?特派公使的读音是什么?特派公使翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派公使的读音是tè pài gōng shǐ,特派公使翻译成英文是 envoy extraordinary

  5. 问:特派法官拼音怎么拼?特派法官的读音是什么?特派法官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派法官的读音是tèpàifǎguān,特派法官翻译成英文是 judge ad hoc

  6. 问:特派截击机拼音怎么拼?特派截击机的读音是什么?特派截击机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派截击机的读音是tè pài jié jī jī,特派截击机翻译成英文是 Specially Designated Interceptor

  7. 问:特派新闻记者拼音怎么拼?特派新闻记者的读音是什么?特派新闻记者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派新闻记者的读音是tè pài xīn wén jì zhě,特派新闻记者翻译成英文是 accredited journalist

  8. 问:特派高级官员拼音怎么拼?特派高级官员的读音是什么?特派高级官员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派高级官员的读音是tè pài gāo jí guān yuán,特派高级官员翻译成英文是 Designated Senior Official

  9. 问:特派遣生产监理代表拼音怎么拼?特派遣生产监理代表的读音是什么?特派遣生产监理代表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特派遣生产监理代表的读音是tè pài qiǎn shēng chǎn jiān lǐ dài biǎo,特派遣生产监理代表翻译成英文是 Designated Manufacturing Inspection Represe...