







汉语拼音:kè chuán






  1. 旅客乘坐的船;运载旅客的船。

    唐 张继 《枫桥夜泊》诗:“ 姑苏 城外 寒山寺 ,夜半鐘声到客船。” 前蜀 毛文锡 《巫山一段云》词:“暗湿啼猿树,高笼过客船,朝朝暮暮, 楚 江边,几度降神仙。” 元 周权 《野趣》诗:“空山晴滴翠,远水生緑烟。唤酒青林渡,斜阳繫客船。”



  1. From a passenger ship, everyone can see a thin bearded man on a small island, shouting and desperately waving his hands.


  2. The newly-built passenger ship set out on its first voyage.


  3. The company has provided passenger boat trips for divers in the Bahamas for several years.


  4. The liner fell aboard of the cargo ship on account of the thick fog.


  5. On the waters surrounding New York, close attention is being paid to ferries, harbor taxis and bridges.


  6. It is widely used in all kinds of yacht, high-speed passenger ships, cargoes and the ships which are used for special cases, etc.


  7. Vessels, passenger ships have to go from here!


  8. But Chilean officials reckon that the trend to big cruise ships, with their cheaper fares, will resume once recovery comes.


  9. It wants legally binding rules, backed by penalties, for Antarctic cruise ships.


  1. 甲板统舱客船

    deck passenger.

  2. 往返顾客船

    cruise passenger boat.

  3. 核子客船安全证书

    Nuclear passenger ship safety certificate

  4. 客船治安管理规定

    Provisions for Management of Public Order in Passenger Ship

  5. 客船误点两小时。

    The passenger ship was two hours late.

  6. 用于娱乐巡航的客船。

    a passenger ship used for pleasure cruises.

  7. 珠港高速客船相撞

    Zhuhai and Hong Kong High Speed Passenger Ships Collide with No Casualties

  8. 客船全速驶向纽约。

    The passenger ship was sailing for New York at her full steam.

  9. 那条客船和油轮相撞。

    The liner was in collision with an oiltanker.

  10. 港口、游船及客船安全计划。

    ? Draft security plan for ports, cruise ships and passenger ships.

  11. 客船上最低票价的舱位。

    the cheapest accommodations on a passenger ship.

  12. 客船非领有客船证书, 不得搭载乘客。

    Unless Ship Certificate, any passenger ship shall not carry passengers.

  13. 汽笛通知旅客船即将开航。

    The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail.

  14. 汽笛通知旅客船即将启航。

    The whistle warned visitors that the ship was ready to sail.

  15. 每天都有客船开往天津吗

    Is there a daily passenger ship to Tianjin

  16. 他当客船服务员,到过世界各地。

    He went around the world as a ship's steward.

  17. 这艘客船撞上了一座冰山。

    The passenger ship slammed into an iceberg.

  18. 由于迷雾,定期客船和货轮相撞了。

    The liner fell aboard of the cargo ship on account of the thick fog.

  19. 关于特种业务客船船室要求的议定书。

    Protocol on space requirements for special trade passenger ships.

  20. 发往烟台的客船每天有几班?

    How many passenger ships go to Yantai each day?

  21. 发展我国高速客船的技术政策建议

    Several Suggestions on the Technical Policy to Develop the High Speed Passenger Ships in China

  22. 我们是从辛辛那提乘大型客船来的。

    We came on the big passenger boat from Cincinnati.

  23. 我们是从辛辛那提乘大型客船来得。

    We came on the big passenger boat from Cincinnati.

  24. 浅析我国沿海客船的现状和发展方向

    Recommendations on the Development of Ch in ese Coastal Passenger Ships.

  25. 在客船的中上层,有两个餐厅,一个舞厅。

    On the middle and upper levels of the passenger ship there are two dining rooms and one ballroom.

  26. 在客船的中上层,有两个餐厅,一个舞厅。

    On the middle and upper levels of the passenger ship there are two dining rooms and one ballroom.

  27. 基于参数化客船总布置绘图系统的研究

    Researches on Drawing System for General Arrangement of Passenger Ship Based on Parameterization

  28. 再次,对滚装客船船型进行经济性分析。

    Thirdly, the economics of seaworthiness ship type was analyzed.

  29. 客船每周应举行1次弃船演习和消防演习。

    On passenger ships, an abandon ship drill and fire drill shall take place weekly.

  30. 一个滚装客船网络售票及优化配载系统

    A Passenger Ship Ticket Selling and Cargo Optimized Configuring MIS


  1. 问:客船拼音怎么拼?客船的读音是什么?客船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:客船的读音是kèchuán,客船翻译成英文是 a passenger ship


