


1. 晕 [yùn]2. 晕 [yūn]晕 [yùn]太阳或月亮周围形成的光圈:日~。光影色泽模糊的部分:霞~。墨~。头发昏,有旋转的感觉:~眩。~车。眼~。晕 [yūn]昏迷:~倒。~厥。头脑不清。……





汉语拼音:yùn chuán






  1. 坐船时头晕甚至呕吐。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二十回:“到了次日,已经出了海洋,喜得风平浪静,大家都还不晕船。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十八:“头等舱中的女护士--是看护晕船的人们的--也忽然在门边发见了。”《新民晚报》1987.1.16:“看来我的晕船使他失去了好大鱼群,我有点不安。”



  1. Jane: It certainly wasn't. After about ten minutes I began to feel really queasy and had to ask the cabin attendant for some seasick pills.


  2. Is not the direction of the sea, I can only seasickness, given my degeneration only dreamer.


  3. We were both sick on the journey and a fine drizzle met us as we disembarked.


  4. On his first day at sea, the wind was strong and the sea was rough, and Pollack became seasick.


  5. Take these pills in case of your feeling sick on the boat.


  6. Get seasick If it is not, and you are likely to get seasick , no form of transport could be worse .


  7. General nausea, vomiting and Yunju, seasick, chewing one, two or ginger in their mouth with, Ziou, quite good results.


  8. Motion sickness and motion sickness, seasickness, etc. , as referred to as motion sickness medicine.


  9. Let's go up to the deck and lying in the sun and forget about the motion sickness.


  1. 你晕船不晕船

    What kind of a sailor are you?

  2. 晕船等疾病

    motion sickness.

  3. 晕船的痛苦

    the throes of seasickness.

  4. 感到晕船恶心

    to be/ feel seasick

  5. 常晕船的人

    a bad sailor.

  6. 不晕船的人

    a good sailor.

  7. 你不晕船吧

    Are you a good sailor

  8. 我有点晕船

    I was feeling kind of seasick.

  9. 容易晕船的人

    bad sailor

  10. 你晕不晕船?

    What kind of sailor are you ?

  11. 杰克晕船吗?

    Jake gets seasick on boats.

  12. 你是不是晕船?

    Are you seasick?

  13. 彼得晕船。

    Peter is a bad sailor.

  14. 我感到晕船。

    I feel seasick.

  15. 他容易晕船。

    He is liable to seasickness.

  16. 服务员,我晕船。

    Porter, I'm feeling seasick.

  17. 请问有晕船药吗?

    Do you have pill for carsickness

  18. 我一晕船就呕吐。

    When I get seasick, I throw up my food.

  19. 坐船时晕船。

    Sally suffers from seasickness when she is at sea.

  20. 哪有晕船的船长啊?

    Are there any seasick captains?

  21. 我以为你不晕船的。

    I thought you were a good sailor.

  22. 你有传染病史么?你晕船么?

    Did you have any infected diseases before? Are you seasick?

  23. 我以为你不晕船得。

    I thought you were a good sailor .

  24. 带上足够的晕船药。

    Take a good supply of seasickness pills.

  25. 我其实,有点晕船了。

    Honestly, Im feeling a bit seasick.

  26. 初次下海,难免晕船。

    You will likely feel seasick on your first trip at sea.

  27. 在航行中他晕船。

    He got seasick during the voyage.

  28. 晕船得乘客待在下层。

    The passengers who felt seasick stayed below.

  29. 萨莉每次出海会晕船。

    Sally always suffers from seasickness when she is at sea.

  30. 我晕船, 恨不得立刻上岸。

    I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.


  1. 问:晕船拼音怎么拼?晕船的读音是什么?晕船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晕船的读音是yùnchuán,晕船翻译成英文是 be seasick

  2. 问:晕船呕吐拼音怎么拼?晕船呕吐的读音是什么?晕船呕吐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晕船呕吐的读音是Yùnchuán'ǒutù,晕船呕吐翻译成英文是 to be seasick

  3. 问:晕船病拼音怎么拼?晕船病的读音是什么?晕船病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晕船病的读音是yūn chuán bìng,晕船病翻译成英文是 sea sickness