




1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……



汉语拼音:sì sàn







  1. 向四面散开。

    《晋书·刘琨传》:“流移四散,十不存一。” 唐 白居易 《感怀》诗:“昨夜云四散,千里同月色。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》一百回:“﹝ 卜子修 ﹞对那些车夫乱打,吓得那些车夫四散奔逃。”

  2. 散布,抛撒。

    唐 玄奘 《大唐西域记·羯若鞠闍国》:“ 戒日王 以真珠杂寳及金银诸花,随步四散,供养三宝。”



  1. Place the light under, or above, so the light spreads out over it giving a diffused effect illuminating it, a bit like a movie screen.

  2. Night fell as we were walking, and the clouds, which had broken up in the afternoon, settled in and thickened.

  3. But I had to make a little barrier, going around it, out of cellophane, to stop it moving.

  4. The silver stag burst from his wand and charged: The dementors scattered and there was a triumphant yell from somewhere out of sight.

  5. The rate of spreading increased, and the birds "end up spreading all over space, " he said.

  6. On Sunday, he said, 'it was like a fire alarm went off and people ran in all directions. '

  7. The reasons for things do not proceed like an arrow, but rather spread to the side like a wind.

  8. to fill their bowls, licking off the congee slopped over the side, then scatter in the road or in the doorway, either squatting or standing.

  9. spring is right , a little breeze past , trying to flee the grass smoked drunk.


  1. 雾开始四散。

    The fog began to clear off.

  2. 敌军四散逃奔。

    The enemy troops were fleeing in all directions.

  3. 爆炸产生的碎片四散。

    The blast sent flaming debris into the air.

  4. 榴霰弹正在四散开来。

    The shrapnel was searching every cranny.

  5. 放学后孩子们就四散了。

    After school the children separated in all directions.

  6. 我看见无数火星四散飞舞。

    I saw millions of sparks flying about.

  7. 兔子匆匆无声地四散隐匿。

    The rabbits hurried noiselessly for cover.

  8. 警察到达时,他们四散奔逃。

    They made a bolt for the door when the police arrived.

  9. 警察到达时,他们四散奔逃。

    They made a bolt for the door when the police arrived.

  10. 猎人的靠近使鹅群四散。

    The hunter's approach scattered the geese.

  11. 猎人得靠近使鹅群四散。

    The hunter's approach scattered the geese.

  12. 放学后,孩子们四散回家了。

    After school the children dispersed to their homes.

  13. 增加的速度任意地四散传播。

    An increased velocity is randomly dispersed.

  14. 乌云四散, 清新的微风吹拂着。

    The clouds cleared away, and a fresh breeze sprang up.

  15. 云气漫山, 随风四散, 恍如隔世。

    The mist was scattered over the mountain by the wind.

  16. 枪声一响鸟儿们四散飞走。

    The birds dispersed at the sound of the gunshot.

  17. 枪声一响鸟儿们四散飞走。

    The birds dispersed at the sound of the gunshot.

  18. 森林中的动物惊恐的四散奔逃。

    Terrified animals flee before the onslaught.

  19. 匪徒被打得七零八落,四散奔逃。

    Badly battered, the bandits fled in disorder.

  20. 军队开火后, 人们四散跑开了。

    Everybody ran after the army opened the fire.

  21. 军队开火后,人们四散跑开了。

    Everybody ran after the army opened the fire.

  22. 一声炸雷使牛群四散惊逃。

    A loud thunder stampeded the group of cattle.

  23. 警察一到现场,人群便四散离去。

    The crowd soon dissipated when the police arrived.

  24. 教师一来,男孩们就四散走开。

    The boys scattered when the teacher arrived.

  25. 下一秒他们就四散跑开了。

    Next thing I knew, they were all running in different directions.

  26. 下一秒他们就四散跑开了。

    Next thing I knew, they were all running in different directions.

  27. 反叛者一看到军队就四散了。

    The rebels dispersed at the sight of the troops.

  28. 周围满是爆炸碎片和四散的烟雾。

    There was debris around and smoke in the sky.

  29. 压力压碎了瓶子, 玻璃片四散飞去。

    The pressure cracked the bottle and glass flew everywhere.

  30. 压力压碎了瓶子,玻璃片四散飞去。

    The pressure cracked the bottle and glass flew everywhere.


  1. 问:四散拼音怎么拼?四散的读音是什么?四散翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四散的读音是sìsàn,四散翻译成英文是 disperse in all directions; scatter in all di...

  2. 问:四散地拼音怎么拼?四散地的读音是什么?四散地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四散地的读音是,四散地翻译成英文是 diffusely

  3. 问:四散沟的拼音怎么拼?四散沟的的读音是什么?四散沟的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四散沟的的读音是sì sǎn gōu de,四散沟的翻译成英文是 tetrapantocolpate



词目四散拼音sì sàn基本解释[disperse] 向四周分散乌云四散,被风吹成了碎片