







汉语拼音:cù yōng








  1. 许多人团团围着。

    《水浒传》第二二回:“知县听得有杀人的事,慌忙出来陞厅。众做公的把这 唐牛儿 簇拥在厅前。”《古今小说·张道陵七试赵昇》:“真人急忙整身,叩伏阶前。见千乘万骑,簇拥着 老君 ,在云端徘徊不下。”



  1. Eg: With flowers in his hands and dozens of former students around him, the old man is the very picture of happiness and content.


  2. We had no idea that we were going to be introduced, but it was very touching to be able to meet Her in person, and She was wonderful.


  3. A year on, tourists cluster at its base to take photos or to visit the observation deck; inside, many of the flats lie empty.


  4. There the waves were, boiling up in snowy spouts of spray, smiting and gnashing their crests together like the gleaming teeth of hell.


  5. How readily our thoughts swarm upon a new object, lifting it a little way, as ants carry a blade of straw so feverishly, and then leave it.


  6. I felt many hands pushing me forwards. 'Here I am, ' I said. I was pushed into the middle of a small circle with the body lying at my feet.


  7. The hills seem to thrust straight out of the open plain, some in clusters, some in solitary loftiness.


  8. Four armed deputies surrounded Camillo Stela and escorted him through a door near the front of the courtroom that led to the witness room.


  9. "Right there, " Sally said, brushing the cursor across the tangled top of his head.


  1. 众多的子孙簇拥着他。

    He was surrounded by his numerous progeny.

  2. 总统由警卫簇拥保护着。

    Guards fenced the President.

  3. 前后簇拥着一大群人

    escorted by big crowds in front and behind

  4. 细沙簇拥着我们的脚印。

    And sand embraces our footprints.

  5. 她喜欢身边簇拥着爱慕她的人。

    She delights to be surrounded by admirers.

  6. 人们簇拥着那个运动员向他祝贺。

    People crowded round the player with congratulations.

  7. 她周围总是簇拥着追求她的年轻人。

    She always has an entourage of admiring young men.

  8. 总统的前后簇拥着一大群人。

    The president was escorted by big crowds in front and behind.

  9. 男孩们簇拥着我们到房屋正面去。

    The boys escorted us to the front of the house.

  10. 国王由一群卫兵簇拥着保卫起来。

    The King was fenced by a group of body guards.

  11. 她哭泣时, 所有女人都簇拥在她周围。

    All of the women crowded about her as she wept and moaned.

  12. 人们簇拥着自己的代表, 热烈地欢呼着。

    People gathered round their own representative, cheering lustily.

  13. 用绳子牵着, 前后簇拥着一大群人。

    He is led by a rope and escorted with big crowds in front and behind.

  14. 皇后被一群衣着华丽的贵妇们簇拥着。

    The queen was surrounded by a pride of gaily dressed ladies.

  15. 皇后被一群衣着华丽得贵妇们簇拥着。

    The queen was surrounded by a pride of gaily dressed ladies.

  16. 他们都欢快地簇拥着站在屋子中间。

    They were all standing in an animated group in the centre of the room.

  17. 国王由一群卫兵簇拥著保卫起来。

    The King was fenced by a group of bodyguards.

  18. 其他人簇拥在他们的周围, 形成一道人墙。

    Other people clustered around them forming a human wall.

  19. 睡觉吧我得小宝贝,在玫瑰花得簇拥之下。

    Go to sleep, now, dear love, neath roses above.

  20. 睡觉吧我的小宝贝,在玫瑰花的簇拥之下。

    Go to sleep, now, dear love,'neath roses above.

  21. 或者是因为有人簇拥你的时候的满足感。

    Or maybe the feeling of power you get when there's a crowd.

  22. 寺后山峰环耸如屏,寺前松柏簇拥。

    Central Songsi hou peaks as screen, surrounded by pine and cypress Teramae.

  23. 他所到之处都有成群的歌迷簇拥着他。

    Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans.

  24. 公爵夫人在大批随从人马的簇拥下到达了。

    The duchess arrived, surrounded by her retinue of servants.

  25. 演出结束后,她的崇拜者们簇拥着她,请她签名。

    After the performance,her admirers swarmed round her,asking her to sign their books.

  26. 他被自己的武士簇拥着,是一个重要人物。

    He is surrounded by his own warriors. He is an important man.

  27. 你所居住的建筑被花朵簇拥着, 令你快乐吗?

    Dose the building where you reside of all flowers make you happy?

  28. 他在街上被许多支持者簇拥着往前走。

    He was swept along the street by dozens of supporters.

  29. 因为天开始下雨,人群便在雨篷下簇拥在一起。

    Started to rain, the crowd clumped together in the marquee.

  30. 这里莽莽林海,滚滚绿浪,葱茏枝叶,簇拥群峰。

    The vast cypresses of rolling green waves surround the numerous peaks.


  1. 问:簇拥拼音怎么拼?簇拥的读音是什么?簇拥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:簇拥的读音是cùyōng,簇拥翻译成英文是 cluster round



指的是:1、很多人紧紧围绕着或护卫着 就是像花瓣围绕着花蕊(rui)一样。

簇拥:围着,聚成一团 许多的人围着一个人(或物)。
