


1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……





汉语拼音:sàn kāi








  1. 向四处分散。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部二七:“大家听得兴趣很浓,笼罩在人们心头上的疑虑的乌云开始慢慢散开。” 丁玲 《母亲》四:“大家吃了一会茶,吃几样厨房里做的点心,随随便便谈话,才散开了坐。”

  2. 军事术语。分队在敌火下运动,为便于利用地形,发扬火力,减少伤亡,而加大兵与兵的间隔距离的动作。



  1. The fog was beginning to part, and a mile and a half away the enemy's troops could be indistinctly seen on the opposite heights.


  2. When your thoughts, down the pen tip, drift in the champaign like refreshing rivulet, your soul seems to gallop in the wind, unfettered.


  3. We were standing in line, waiting to be served, when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away, and then even my husband did.


  4. The characteristic property of a soliton is that it does not change its shape as it travels (usually a pulse tends to gradually spread out).


  5. It was only when the ash from the disintegrating moon rained down on their faces and breasts that they began to disperse.


  6. They arrived in the late afternoon and fanned out for a while, admiring the flowering trees, breathing in the fragrant air.


  7. Once the young dream, now along the direction of the wind, the earth gradually spread.


  8. As the coffee is stirred, the drop distorts into a filament and finally disperses all over the cup, losing its identity.


  9. No flying fish broke the surface and there was no scattering of bait fish.


  1. 云已散开。

    The clouds have now been dissipated.

  2. 人群散开了。

    The crowd broke up.

  3. 云开始散开。

    The clouds began to break.

  4. 人群纷纷散开。

    The crowd dispersed.

  5. 云彩消散开去。

    The clouds are rolling away.

  6. 云开始散开了。

    The clouds started to break.

  7. 军队向左散开。

    The army deployed to the left.

  8. 侦察队两两散开

    The patrol tailed out in pairs.

  9. 军队呈扇形散开

    The troops fanned out.

  10. 云层全都散开了。

    All the cloud was shattered.

  11. 人群渐渐散开了。

    The crowd scattered gradually.

  12. 军队向右翼散开。

    The army deployed to the right.

  13. 人群向两边散开。

    The crowd dispersed in both directions.

  14. 榴霰弹正在四散开来。

    The shrapnel was searching every cranny.

  15. 上尉命令士兵散开。

    The captain told his men to spread out.

  16. 云层散开, 阳光普照。

    The clouds parted and the sun shone.

  17. 云层立刻开始散开。

    Straightway the clouds began to scatter.

  18. 云层散开,阳光普照。

    The clouds parted and the sun shone.

  19. 一群孩子散开了。

    A group of children dispersed.

  20. 部队向左方散开。

    The troops deployed to the left.

  21. 他祷告叫雾散开。

    He prayed that the mist might rise.

  22. 雾已经散开一点了。

    The fog had cleared a little.

  23. 雾已经散开一点了。

    The fog had cleared a little.

  24. 滑梯包散开得状态。

    The condition a released slide.

  25. 滑梯包散开的状态。

    The condition a released slide.

  26. 这包裹快要散开了。

    The parcel is about to come unwrapped.

  27. 步兵, 散开来, 搜查茅屋!

    Infantry, spread out. Search the huts!

  28. 烟雾在空中消散开来。

    The cloud of smoke dissipated into the sky.

  29. 乌云散开,太阳出来了。

    The clouds fragmented and out came the sun.

  30. 剪一绺散开的头发。

    Snipa stray lock of hair


  1. 问:散开拼音怎么拼?散开的读音是什么?散开翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开的读音是,散开翻译成英文是 unravel

  2. 问:散开地拼音怎么拼?散开地的读音是什么?散开地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开地的读音是,散开地翻译成英文是 dispersedly

  3. 问:散开射线拼音怎么拼?散开射线的读音是什么?散开射线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开射线的读音是sàn kāi shè xiàn,散开射线翻译成英文是 divergent ray's

  4. 问:散开计划拼音怎么拼?散开计划的读音是什么?散开计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开计划的读音是sàn kāi jì huà,散开计划翻译成英文是 Scatter Plan

  5. 问:散开部分拼音怎么拼?散开部分的读音是什么?散开部分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开部分的读音是,散开部分翻译成英文是 ravel

  6. 问:散开队形拼音怎么拼?散开队形的读音是什么?散开队形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开队形的读音是sǎn kāi duì xíng,散开队形翻译成英文是 Loose Order

  7. 问:散开性斜视拼音怎么拼?散开性斜视的读音是什么?散开性斜视翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开性斜视的读音是sàn kāi xìng xié shì,散开性斜视翻译成英文是 divergent squint

  8. 问:散开队形指挥拼音怎么拼?散开队形指挥的读音是什么?散开队形指挥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散开队形指挥的读音是sàn kāi duì xíng zhǐ huī,散开队形指挥翻译成英文是 Open Order Master



词目:散开 拼音:sànkāi 英文:deploy