


1. 参 [cān]2. 参 [shēn]3. 参 [cēn]4. 参 [sān]参 [cān]加入在内:~加。~与。~政。~赛。~议。相间,夹杂:~杂。~半。检验,用其他有关材料来研究,考证某事物:~考。~照。~省(xǐng)(检验省察)……


表示敬意的礼节:~手(古代男子跪拜礼的一种)。~忏。礼~。回~。恭敬地:~托。~谢。~读。~别。~谒(a.拜见;b.瞻仰陵墓、碑碣)。行礼祝贺:~年。~寿。用一定的礼节授与某种名义或职位,或结成某种关系:~将(jiàng )。~相(xiàn……



汉语拼音:cān bài







  1. 以礼进见上级或辈分高的人;瞻仰敬重的人的遗像、陵墓等。

    《战国策·秦策四》:“ 秦王 欲见 顿弱 , 顿弱 曰:‘臣之义不参拜,王能使臣无拜,即可矣。’” 唐 韩愈 《雨中寄孟刑部几道联句》:“秋潦淹辙迹,高居限参拜。”《京本通俗小说·菩萨蛮》:“请﹝ 郡王 ﹞至方丈坐下,长老引众僧参拜。” 冰心 《南归》:“在你重过飘泊的生涯之先,第一次参拜了慈亲的坟墓之后,我才来动笔!”



  1. So in the past has often been said, where the temple is burnt incense, just as the four famous mountains of Buddhism has been a shrine.


  2. Events that, however justifiable to a domestic audience, have been a disaster for Japan's diplomacy.


  3. I told him that, if he visited Yasukuni, all he would see is a piece of paper with a list of the war dead.


  4. In previous years Mr Koizumi chose less symbolic dates, emphasising the private nature of his visit.


  5. Mr Koizumi's decisions to visit Yasukuni seem to have been emotional.


  6. It dreamed that it was a beautiful sunny day and that a caravan of foreign Frankish men had come on a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer.


  7. Prime Minister visiting the shrine on the issue, he said it was in the prime minister's personal judgments.


  8. Mr Abe would back away from Mr Koizumi's pledge to visit Yasukuni without appearing to kowtow to China, he said.


  9. Unlike some of Mr Aso's predecessors, he did not visit the shrine himself.


  1. 多次参拜靖国神社

    Repeatedly paying homage to the Yasukuni Shrine

  2. 参拜靖国神社与小泉外交

    Homage Paying to Yashu Kuni Shrine and the Koizumi Diplomacy

  3. 自此他每年都参拜神舍。

    He has since made an annual pilgrimage to the shrine.

  4. 他们向他参拜后又回到田野。

    Then they worshiped him and returned to the fields.

  5. 从参拜靖国神社看错误的历史观

    To view the outlook of history from Yasukuni Shrine visit

  6. 有规律地去教堂参拜的宗教人士。

    A religious person who goes to church regularly.

  7. 不要用你们污秽的嘴毁了参拜。

    Don't ruin the worship with your filthy mouth.

  8. 神殿里挤满了参拜神灵的人们。

    The shrine was full of people who went there to worship gods.

  9. 神殿里挤满了参拜神灵的人们。

    The shrine was full of people who went there to worship gods.

  10. 妇人手提祭品,心怀虔敬参拜土地公去!

    Offerings in hand, a pious woman goes to an earth god temple to worship.

  11. 新年初一,参拜神宫则更是热闹非凡。

    New Year beginning a, ShenGong is boisterous visits.

  12. 小泉参拜靖国神社意涵之我见

    The Implications on junichiro koizumi paying homage to the yasukuni shrine

  13. 参拜靖国神社问题对中日关系的影响

    The Influence of Paying Homage to Temple on the Relationship between China and Japan

  14. 他强迫所有的大臣每月一次参拜他的纪念碑!

    He forced all the ministers to pay homage to the monument monthly!

  15. 参拜靖国神社是最大的象牙和黄金的宙斯雕像。

    The greatest shrine was an ivory and gold statue of Zeus.

  16. 到达曼谷, 前往四面佛, 参拜及许愿保佑各界平安。

    Buffet lunch at Safari World. After arrival Bangkok, visit Four Face Buddha.

  17. 相比之下,福田康夫有参拜神庙的家庭传统。

    Mr Fukuda, by contrast, has a family legacy to enshrine.

  18. 不象他的前任首相,他自己没有参拜靖国神社。

    Unlike some of Mr Asos predecessors, he did not visit the shrine himself.

  19. 药王庙会有其独特的酬神形式和参拜礼仪。

    Yao Wangmiao have its own unique form and pay homage thanksgiving rituals.

  20. 我们很少把它对公众参拜者开放,康被告知。

    We don't usually open this to public worship, she was told.

  21. 安倍就是否参拜靖国神社这一问题上依然保持沉默。

    Abe has kept mum on whether he will visit as prime minister.

  22. 她参拜寺庙,甚至于2001年在神圣的恒河中沐浴净身。

    She visited temples and even took a dip in the holy Ganges River in2001.

  23. 在美国诸如教堂等供人参拜的场所都是免费进入的。

    In the United States, churches and places of worship are free to enter.

  24. 安倍晋三是否不顾美国意愿进行参拜活动很难判断。

    Whether Mr. Abe acted in defiance of the U.S. is hard to determine.

  25. 这是小泉纯一郎执政以来第二次参拜靖国神社。

    This is Koizumi's second visit to Yasukuni Shrine since he became Prime Minister.

  26. 几年之后,地堡被炸毁了,以免它成为纳粹分子参拜的神社。

    In later years, the bunker was blown up to stop it becoming a Nazi shrine.

  27. 安倍先生拒绝回答他在任职首相期间是否将参拜神社。

    Mister Abe has refused to say if he will visit the shrine as prime minister.

  28. 警察已经被部署在村庄周围, 防止人们来参拜火葬的柴堆。

    Police have surrounded the village to prevent people from visiting the site of the funeral pyre.

  29. 佛道两教的神明往往会在同一所庙内供人参拜。

    Buddhist and Taoist deities are often honoured together in the same temple.

  30. 庙建成后进香参拜者纷至沓来,后来逐渐发展成为安国庙会。

    Temple worshipers pour into backward incense, and later evolved into Yasukuni temple.


  1. 问:参拜拼音怎么拼?参拜的读音是什么?参拜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:参拜的读音是cānbài,参拜翻译成英文是 bow before


