




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dāi zi








  1. 傻子。智力低下,不明事理的人。

    《醒世恒言·汪大尹火烧宝莲寺》:“不知这佳人姓名居止,我却在此痴想,可不是个呆子!”《红楼梦》第五七回:“别笑他是呆子。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第四幕:“你说呀,怎么,难道你是个哑巴?是个呆子?”

  2. 獃子:愚笨的人;傻子。

    宋 张仲文 《白獭髓》:“ 石湖范参政 ,初官参州,在客位,其同参者闻为 吴郡 人,即云‘獃子’, 石湖先生 闻之在怀。”《说岳全传》第十四回:“你这獃子!大哥旣不要你去,説也徒然。”《红楼梦》第三五回:“他自己烫了手,倒问人疼不疼,这可不是个獃子?”



  1. HanLingsha: Booby! Therefore I let you to be calm and listen to me. Starting to prepare at the last moment is better than waiting for death!


  2. In our society, there's an image of a computer nerd as this sad, pale, and lonely guy sitting in the dark gazing at a glowing screen.


  3. All the time he was oppressed by the consciousness that this carefulness of diction was making a booby of him.


  4. "Then you must be a fool, " then tuna said. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.


  5. I'd been a schoolgirl music nerd: the rhythm of each week had been played out in a familiar round of music, music, and more music.


  6. Had my hormones been absent at the time of Joe's birth, he would have growth into a thick-lipped, flat-nosed dwarf-an imbecile or moron.


  7. In my dream, all the other kids had it together and I was the only one who was the nerd.


  8. you doing, "said the ant, " this last summer ? "" Oh, "said the grasshopper, " I was not idle . I kept singing all the summer.


  9. you seem to be a stupid man. Don't you even understand that eventually I will conquer the whole world?


  1. 你这呆子!

    You knucklehead!

  2. 他真是个呆子!

    He's such a fool!

  3. 呆子。胖子。荡妇。苦力。

    Geek. Fatty. Slut. Fag.

  4. 你和呆子一边的。

    You're on that goon's side.

  5. 谢谢你得关心,呆子。

    Thanks for your concern, you oaf.

  6. 谢谢你的关心,呆子。

    Thanks for your concern, you oaf.

  7. 你知道那呆子说啥。

    You know what the klutz did

  8. 一个呆子一样的男人

    A fool of a man

  9. 对对,所以我是电脑呆子。

    OK, Ok, so I'm a computer nerd.

  10. 多么迟钝而笨拙的呆子!

    What a gawky and gauche gawk!

  11. 那个呆子对人情世故一窍不通。

    That nerd is a total social misfit.

  12. 叭一下自行车上那个呆子。

    Honk at that silly man on the bike.

  13. 她在论文方面像个呆子

    She's acting silly about the credit.

  14. 真是个笨驴,呆子,兼傻瓜!

    What a donkey, dolt and dunce!

  15. 他们就是一帮有钱的呆子。

    They're just a bunch of nerds with money.

  16. 他们就是一帮有钱的呆子。

    They're just a bunch of nerds with money.

  17. 最笨得呆子也知道这点。

    The veriest simpleton knows that.

  18. 最笨的呆子也知道这点。

    The veriest simpleton knows that.

  19. 当我的呆子朋友被捕的时候。

    About the same time my jackass best friend got arrested.

  20. 他叫我呆子或诸如此类的话。

    He called me a fool, or words to that effect.

  21. 这就是你所说的呆子吗

    Oh,are we talking about that Nerd You sell to?

  22. 这就是你所说的呆子吗?

    Oh, are we talking about that Nerd You sell to?

  23. 这就是你所说的呆子吗?

    Oh, are we talking about that Nerd You sell to?

  24. 他骂他是一个鬼鬼祟祟的呆子。

    He calls him a sneaking fool.

  25. 不用一天,你就会故障的,呆子

    You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile!

  26. 我记得那个呆子彻底爱上了你。

    And I remember that geek was totally in love with you.

  27. 特别是和我们的情绪化呆子一起

    especially with us silly, emotional women.

  28. 听起来像逃离发现后援的呆子一样。

    Sounded like the goon who got away found backup.

  29. 在周五晚上学习。我真是一个呆子

    Studying on a Friday night. I’m such a nerd :(

  30. 和你跳舞,即使他感觉自己像个呆子。

    Dance with you, even if he feels like a dork.


  1. 问:呆子拼音怎么拼?呆子的读音是什么?呆子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呆子的读音是dāizi,呆子翻译成英文是 fool


