




傻,无知:~人说梦。~钝。~愚。白~。精神失常,疯癫:发~。~癫。入迷,极度迷恋:~心。~情。谦辞,白白地:~长(zhǎng )(说自己白白地比对方大若干岁)。……



汉语拼音:bái chī








  1. 一种精神幼稚病。患者智力低下,动作迟钝,轻者语言能力很低,重者生活不能自理。亦泛指智能低下、言行不合情理。

    《左传·成公十八年》“ 周子 有兄而无慧” 晋 杜预 注:“不慧,盖世所谓白痴。”《汉书·昌邑哀王刘髆传》“清狂不惠” 颜师古 注引 三国 魏 苏林 曰:“清狂,如今白痴也。” 清 秦笃辉 《平书·物宜上》:“ 梁武帝 捨身佛寺,羣臣以钱一亿万奉赎,表请还宫,三请乃许。此非白痴,即儿戏耳。” 冰心 《南归》:“我宁可做一个麻木、白痴、浑噩的人,一生在安乐、卑怯、依赖的环境中过活。”

  2. 白痴病人。亦指智力低下者。

    曹禺 《原野》序幕:“他是个白痴,无父无母,寄在一个远亲的篱下,为人看羊,斫柴,做些零碎的事情。” 张贤亮 《灵与肉》:“那个儿子后来成了一个白痴。”



  1. In the early '70s when I started, I got right down in the chutes to see what cattle were seeing.


  2. That would really help me, Sue. I appreciate it. All this makes me feel like an idiot.


  3. When I hear any man talk of an unalterable law, the only effect it produces on me is to convince me that he is an unalterable fool.


  4. sometimes the children of a genius turn out to be cretins .


  5. It makes no sense for a man of Dr Xiao's stature to hire some fools to punch Mr Fang and then return to China sometime later to be arrested.


  6. And does this mean that it is now possible to be fired for behaving like an idiot out of work hours?


  7. Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbling idiot.


  8. He's an asshole and a drunkard and I had begun to think of him as someone he obviously is not.


  9. You were just about to go in there and whine for more money with that silly puppy dog face. . . and I'm gonna shut up now.


  1. 他活像个白痴。

    He acted like a complete idiot.

  2. 他做事像白痴一样

    he was acting like an idiot

  3. 千万别和白痴争论。

    Never argue with an idiot.

  4. 前任总统是个白痴。

    The preceding President was an idiot.

  5. 他是个十足的白痴。

    He's a blasted idiot.

  6. 这个白痴的工作真的不想干了。

    I want to quit this stupid job.

  7. 那名男子像个白痴一样在弹钢琴。

    That man played the piano like an idiot.

  8. 她曲解我的话,使我看起来像个白痴。

    She twisted around my words to make me look like an idiot.

  9. 他一开上车,就成了十足的白痴。

    Soon as he gets behind the wheel of a car he's an absolute dickhead.

  10. 是麦克杰克逊死了,而不是麦克乔丹,你这个白痴。

    Michael Jackson died, not Michael Jordan you imbecile!

  11. 大夫,请不要只是站在那里,像个白痴一样地笑。

    Doctor, don't just stand there smiling like an idiot.'

  12. 第一次约会喝的太多了竟然谈起了前任女友,我真是个白痴。

    I was so drunk and talked about my ex on the first date. I was a complete idiot.

  13. 今天一个白痴想加塞儿到我前面,贴的我很近差点撞到我,所以我猛地死劲儿踩油门,真的太客气了。

    Some jerk cut me off today and came so close to hitting me. I had to slam on my breaks #ROADRAGE

  14. 我要气疯了,有个白痴一样的出租车司机闯红灯后撞到我旁边来,我车估计要遭殃了。

    I’m so pissed off right now. Some idiot taxi driver ran a red light and T-boned me. I think my car might be totaled.

  15. 设想有一汽车喇叭,它能向空中喷射出镇静药,把你前面的那个白痴司迷晕过去,使他不再挡住你的路。

    What about a car horn that sprays sedatives into the air to knock out the idiot driver ahead and get him out of your way?

  16. 一个白痴想开快车炫耀一下车技,结果起到了反效果竟然撞到了电线杆上,真是无语了。

    Some dumb ass was trying to show off in his car by driving really fast, but that backfired when he slammed into a pole *smh*

  17. 我昨天在踢足球时严重扭伤了脚腕,现在我在外面一瘸一拐地走路像个白痴一样。

    I rolled my ankle pretty badly while playing soccer yesterday. Now I’m out in public limping around, looking like an idiot lol

  18. 我妹妹真是白痴,为了节省洗衣服的时间把白色衣服跟带颜色的衣服一起放到洗衣机里洗,结果白色衣服变成粉色了她还觉得奇怪,一定是被染色了阿..这个傻瓜~

    My sister is a moron. She doesn’t separate darks, whites and colors. She just throws them in all at once to save time. And she wonders why her white shirts are coming out pink. Probably cuz red bleeds. Duh!


  1. 问:白痴拼音怎么拼?白痴的读音是什么?白痴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴的读音是báichī,白痴翻译成英文是 idiocy; idiot; moron

  2. 问:白痴地拼音怎么拼?白痴地的读音是什么?白痴地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴地的读音是,白痴地翻译成英文是 idiotically

  3. 问:白痴的拼音怎么拼?白痴的的读音是什么?白痴的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴的的读音是,白痴的翻译成英文是 idiotic

  4. 问:白痴天才拼音怎么拼?白痴天才的读音是什么?白痴天才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴天才的读音是bái chī tiān cái,白痴天才翻译成英文是 idiocy talent

  5. 问:白痴学者拼音怎么拼?白痴学者的读音是什么?白痴学者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴学者的读音是bái chī xué zhě,白痴学者翻译成英文是 idiot savant

  6. 问:白痴病的拼音怎么拼?白痴病的的读音是什么?白痴病的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴病的的读音是,白痴病的翻译成英文是 cretinous

  7. 问:白痴行为拼音怎么拼?白痴行为的读音是什么?白痴行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴行为的读音是bái chī xíng wéi,白痴行为翻译成英文是 idiocy

  8. 问:白痴病患者拼音怎么拼?白痴病患者的读音是什么?白痴病患者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:白痴病患者的读音是,白痴病患者翻译成英文是 cretin


