







汉语拼音:rén cái










  1. 人的才能。

    汉 王充 《论衡·累害》:“人才高下,不能钧同。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·广譬》:“人才无定珍,器用无常道。”《北史·崔亮传》:“立中正不考人才行业,空辨氏姓高下。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·叙事》:“故知人才有殊,相去若是,校其优劣,詎可同年?”

  2. 有才学的人。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·逸民》:“褒贤贵德,乐育人才。” 宋 王安石 《上仁宗皇帝言事书》:“则天下之人才,不胜用矣。” 清 恽敬 《兵部侍郎裘公神道碑铭》:“今上加意人才,大臣多以公名举奏,升内阁侍读学士。” 吕澂 《中国佛学源流略讲》第二讲:“ 支谦 到 江 南以后,北方仍有宣扬佛学的人才。”

  3. 人的容貌。

    宋 孙光宪 《北梦琐言》卷十七:“ 楷 人才寝陋,兼无德行。” 元 无名氏 《渔樵记》第一折:“有妻是 刘 家女,人见他生得有几分人才,都唤他做 玉天仙 。”《三国演义》第六五回:“ 马超 纵骑持枪而出,狮盔兽带,银甲白袍,一来结束非凡,二者人才出众。”

  4. 指美貌女子。

    茅盾 《子夜》八:“他常到某某屋顶花园巡阅,也为的是要物色人才。”



  1. High salary is not the only attraction that the talents from other countries find in the United States.


  2. Like, the fate of each person is beautiful, but only the fate of those who crossed the rough could be such a person the United States.


  3. He told me that weekend some inside stories that to me were not only incredible but incredulous. Most of them turned out to be true.


  4. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.


  5. He opened his eyes and sat up. Then he looked at the yacht, and his face had the serious look of a grown man.


  6. But one must be blind in order not to see that oceans no longer belong to the West, while land under its domination keeps shrinking.


  7. It is spreading all over the world, even faster than the speed of the sun light. It is in great demand in the Western countries.


  8. We do not need to be rich in order to share in God's work or to put savings into heaven's bank.


  9. Just as competition for the best of the bunch is growing, the pool of available talent is changing.


  1. 俄罗斯人才

    Russian talents.

  2. 人才孵化器

    Talent incubator.

  3. 创造性人才

    creative talents.

  4. 人才难得。

    First class men are hard to come at.

  5. 自然人才学

    natural talent science.

  6. 人才高消费

    talent high consumption.

  7. 高技术人才

    High technological qualified talents

  8. 人才相对论

    Theory of Relativity for Talented People.

  9. 竞技体育人才

    competitive sports talent.

  10. 知识产权人才

    Intellectual Property Personnel

  11. 人才系统工程

    systems engineering for manpower

  12. 真才实学人才

    a person of genuine ability and learning

  13. 警卫人才学

    guard training.

  14. 实用型人才

    practical talent.

  15. 人才吸纳力

    talent absorbability.

  16. 建筑学人才

    architectural talents.

  17. 人才储备表

    inventory of manpower.

  18. 治国型人才

    country professionals.

  19. 高素质人才

    highly competent people

  20. 卓越的人才

    an eminent man of ability.

  21. 人才的任用

    the appointment of talents.

  22. 人才软环境

    soft environment of talents.

  23. 难得的人才

    a person of extraordinary ability

  24. 人才素质测评

    Quality measure

  25. 高级技工人才

    senior mechanic

  26. 物色人才, 猎头

    Head hunting

  27. 人才维国势

    strengthen the country by the talent.

  28. 专门人才培训

    specialist education

  29. 人才是有的。

    We have no lack of talented people.

  30. 中等专业人才

    intermediate specialist


  1. 问:人才拼音怎么拼?人才的读音是什么?人才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才的读音是réncái,人才翻译成英文是 talent; good looks

  2. 问:人才市场拼音怎么拼?人才市场的读音是什么?人才市场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才市场的读音是réncái shìchǎng,人才市场翻译成英文是 human resources market; field of human resour...

  3. 问:人才济济拼音怎么拼?人才济济的读音是什么?人才济济翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才济济的读音是réncáijǐjǐ,人才济济翻译成英文是 vast amount of talents

  4. 问:人才辈出拼音怎么拼?人才辈出的读音是什么?人才辈出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才辈出的读音是réncáibèichū,人才辈出翻译成英文是 continuous emergence of talents

  5. 问:人才链拼音怎么拼?人才链的读音是什么?人才链翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才链的读音是rén cái liàn,人才链翻译成英文是 chain of talented persons

  6. 问:人才内阁拼音怎么拼?人才内阁的读音是什么?人才内阁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才内阁的读音是rén cái nèi gé,人才内阁翻译成英文是 talent cabinet

  7. 问:人才回流拼音怎么拼?人才回流的读音是什么?人才回流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才回流的读音是réncáihuíliú,人才回流翻译成英文是 Talent returning back to where they used to work...

  8. 问:人才外流拼音怎么拼?人才外流的读音是什么?人才外流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才外流的读音是,人才外流翻译成英文是 Brain drain

  9. 问:人才安全拼音怎么拼?人才安全的读音是什么?人才安全翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才安全的读音是réncáiānquán,人才安全翻译成英文是 Security issues in the process of human resourc...

  10. 问:人才开发拼音怎么拼?人才开发的读音是什么?人才开发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才开发的读音是rén cái kāi fā,人才开发翻译成英文是 talene development

  11. 问:人才返回拼音怎么拼?人才返回的读音是什么?人才返回翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才返回的读音是rén cái fǎn huí,人才返回翻译成英文是 return of talents

  12. 问:人才预测拼音怎么拼?人才预测的读音是什么?人才预测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才预测的读音是rén cái yù cè,人才预测翻译成英文是 forecast of qualified personnel

  13. 问:人才成就评价拼音怎么拼?人才成就评价的读音是什么?人才成就评价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才成就评价的读音是rén cái chéng jiù píng jià,人才成就评价翻译成英文是 evaluation of talent's achievement

  14. 问:人才矛盾公式拼音怎么拼?人才矛盾公式的读音是什么?人才矛盾公式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才矛盾公式的读音是rén cái máo dùn gōng shì,人才矛盾公式翻译成英文是 formula of talent contradiction

  15. 问:人才结构优化拼音怎么拼?人才结构优化的读音是什么?人才结构优化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才结构优化的读音是rén cái jié gòu yōu huà,人才结构优化翻译成英文是 structural optimization of personnel

  16. 问:人才能力记录拼音怎么拼?人才能力记录的读音是什么?人才能力记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才能力记录的读音是rén cái néng lì jì lù,人才能力记录翻译成英文是 record of talent's capacity

  17. 问:人才吸收选择系统拼音怎么拼?人才吸收选择系统的读音是什么?人才吸收选择系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才吸收选择系统的读音是rén cái xī shōu xuǎn zé xì tǒng,人才吸收选择系统翻译成英文是 Talent Attraction Selection System

  18. 问:人才资源流动估价办法拼音怎么拼?人才资源流动估价办法的读音是什么?人才资源流动估价办法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人才资源流动估价办法的读音是rén cái zī yuán liú dòng gū jià bàn fǎ,人才资源流动估价办法翻译成英文是 valuation of skilled resource flow



“人才”是个多义词,它可以指人才(机械工业出版社出版图书), 人才(汉语词语)。