


花:落~缤纷。才能出众,才能出众的人:~俊。群~荟萃。~才。~雄。~烈。精华,事物最精粹的部分:精~。~华。含~咀华。用羽毛做的矛饰:二矛重(chǒng )~。古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。指“英国”:~文。姓。……





汉语拼音:yīng cái









  1. 杰出的才智。

    汉 孔融 《荐祢衡疏》:“淑质贞亮,英才卓砾。” 唐 李白 《赠何判官昌浩》诗:“夫子今 管乐 ,英才冠三军。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·游历附录》:“并遣英才子弟,诣彼读书,久之,必有驾西国而上之势。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文二集·鎌田诚一墓记》:“越三三年七月,因病归国休养,方期再造,展其英才。”

  2. 指才智杰出的人。

    《孟子·尽心上》:“得天下英才而教育之,三乐也。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·辞义》:“众书无限,非英才不能收膏腴。”《再生缘》第二回:“不许喧哗和吵闹,好生观看二英才。” 朱德 《感时》诗:“多少英才一时见,诸君爱国应开颜。”



  1. Second, to attract academic superstars. Kerr went about this like a talent scout, and his successors have continued the practice.


  2. Bold Talent, knowing they would be too much for him, enlist her to hold the interviews while he eavesdropped from behind a screen.


  3. Fonda has identified a problem that strikes at the heart of the American meritocratic educational ideal.


  4. He recruited young Peruvian MBAs who were working abroad, promising them a meritocratic culture ( "This group has no surname, " he says).


  5. In the 21 st century, cultural marketing start out on the stage of history, the emergence of the cultural marketing have deep background.


  6. Famous sale expert thinks at Puritanism , net of China person of outstanding ability is bought to be capital helpless to what bet.


  7. Wall Street English (China) is now seeking for talents to help us develop our successful business.


  8. Thanks to a meritocratic culture, and the discipline of having some of its stock traded, Petrobras is a leader in deep-sea oil.


  9. Pfaff-silberblau Hangzhou Representative Office is seeking for a talented person to join the company.


  1. 英才早逝。

    Whom the gods love die young.

  2. 中华英才网

    China HR

  3. 受过良好教育的英才

    the educated elite

  4. 他具有盖世英才。

    He possesses outstanding talent.

  5. 英国是英才管理的国家?

    Is Britain a meritocracy

  6. 英才如梦初醒, 转过身来。

    Bold Talent roused himself and turned.

  7. 中华农业英才奖暂行办法

    Temporary Measure on Chinese Award for Outstanding Agricultural Talents

  8. 法国英才汇聚的文艺沙龙。

    The salons where the brightest intellects of France were assembled.

  9. 在我国涌现出大批英才。

    Large numbers of persons of superior talents appear in the country.

  10. 超常教育英才教育天才教育资优教育辨

    Conceptions of Gifted and Talented Education.

  11. 百计延聘英才,提高教育质量。

    Searching for the person of excellent ability to improve the education quality.

  12. 对中小学实施英才教育的思考

    Implementation of the Talented Education in Primary and Secondary Schools

  13. 她是当时的一名盖世英才。

    She was one of the most formidable intellects of her time.

  14. 古韵今风相融合, 地灵人杰育英才。

    This ancient wind integration, and Lingren jie talents.

  15. 愿大人, 小孩都成为耳聪目明的英才!

    To adults, children have become the see and hear better of excellence!

  16. 江阴润华化工制品有限公司诚聘英才。

    Career Opportunities offered by Jiang Yin Run Hua Chemical Products Co., Ltd.

  17. 英国公学英才教育的主要特点探析

    An Exploration on the Main Features of Elite Education in British Public Schools

  18. 国际英才教育的现状及对我国英才教育的思考

    Current state of international gifted education and thoughts on the gifted education in China

  19. 论民族英才人物与民族精神的形成和发展

    Formation and Development of National Talented Figures and National Spirit

  20. 本周活动照片由会友英才和锦春提供。

    Following activity photographs provided by Vincent Tan and Jin Chun.

  21. 本周活动照片由会友英才和振林提供。

    Following Activity photographs provided by Vincent Tan and Chin Lim.

  22. 企业的管理人员需要有巨眼识英才的本领。

    The management personnel of an enterprise need to have insights for recognizing talents.

  23. 企业的管理人员需要有巨眼识英才的本领。

    The management personnel of an enterprise need to have insights for recognizing talents.

  24. 另外, 他对于擢英才于未显也颇有天赋。

    He also had a gift for putting people at their ease.

  25. 二是投资巨大, 成就显著, 突出英才主义培养特色

    The fourth part Sum up the basis character of the US ESS.

  26. 这些活动是英国公学英才教育的重要组成部分。

    These activities form an important part of the elite education in British public schools.

  27. 方达发现得这个问题直逼美国英才教育理念得要害。

    Fonda has identified a problem that strikes at the heart of the American meritocratic educational ideal.

  28. 方达发现的这个问题直逼美国英才教育理念的要害。

    Fonda has identified a problem that strikes at the heart of the American meritocratic educational ideal.

  29. 为什么作者说英才统治在某种程度上能够永远存在?

    Why does the author say the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself to a certain extent

  30. 通过鸿为英才中心, 您的情况将会被鸿为搜寻顾问了解。

    By Chehung, as centers of excellence, your case will be hung as a search consultant to understand.


  1. 问:英才拼音怎么拼?英才的读音是什么?英才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英才的读音是yīngcái,英才翻译成英文是 talent; talented person

  2. 问:英才企业拼音怎么拼?英才企业的读音是什么?英才企业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英才企业的读音是yīngcái qǐye,英才企业翻译成英文是 Elite Enterprise, a real estate company in China...




【词目】 英才

【拼音】 yīng cái

【注音】 ㄧㄥ ㄘㄞˊ


【示例】 一代英才详细解释(1) 杰出的才智。

【出处】:汉孔融《荐祢衡疏》:“淑质贞亮,英才卓砾。” 唐李白《赠何判官昌浩》诗:“夫子今 管乐 ,英才冠三军。”

【示例】:郑观应《盛世危言·游历附录》:“并遣英才子弟,诣彼读书,久之,必有驾西国而上之势。”鲁迅《且介亭杂文二集·鎌田诚一墓记》:“越三三年七月,因病归国休养,方期再造,展其英才。”(2) 指才智杰出的人。