


傻,无知:~人说梦。~钝。~愚。白~。精神失常,疯癫:发~。~癫。入迷,极度迷恋:~心。~情。谦辞,白白地:~长(zhǎng )(说自己白白地比对方大若干岁)。……





汉语拼音:chī rén








  1. Carol and Jake: . . . struts and frets its hour upon the stage and then is heard no more. It is a tale told no more by an idiot.


  2. The man followed his words. He killed the camel and also broke the jar. Such an idiot was jeered by the people at large.


  3. Bill Gates may be a computer nerd, but that's why he's so wealthy.


  4. And if the fool, or the pig, are of a different opinion, it is because they only know their side of the question.


  1. 你们真是痴人说梦。

    You guys are just kidding yourselves.

  2. 因为那是痴人说梦。

    Because it was a stupid dream.

  3. 别在那儿痴人说梦了

    that there just ain't never gonna happen.

  4. 我称它为痴人说梦话。

    I call it hypocritical bullshit.

  5. 不用说, 外国投资肯定是痴人说梦。

    Needless to say, foreign investment was completely taboo.

  6. 别傻了, 你只是在痴人说梦而已!

    Don't be silly, you're just imagining things!

  7. 我看老大这个孩子,痴人多福。

    Our Eldest seems to have the luck of a fool.

  8. 在我看来, 这种想法简直是痴人说梦。

    That proposition is, in my view, insane.

  9. 你还是别痴人说梦了,离我远点。

    Forget about upgrades. You just got bumped off the flight.

  10. 孔老夫子认为这些都是痴人说梦的空话。

    Confucius thought it is stupid and hollow saying.

  11. 这不是痴人说梦话, 我知道自己在说什么。

    This is not talking nonsense, I know what they are talking.

  12. 但大部分民众则将此番言论看作痴人说梦。

    Most people take it as a sign of derangement.

  13. 10 年前,别人告诉我 这是痴人说梦,几乎是不可能的。

    So I was told about 8 years ago that this would never happen, that this was close to impossible.

  14. 想要越过这个界限,无疑都是痴人说梦的空想。

    It should not extend out of the field or it becomes fanciness as moron talking nonsense.

  15. 认为作弊手段从未能推陈出新不过是在痴人说梦罢了。

    TO SAY that cheats never prosper is to elevate hope over experience.

  16. 但要说谁现在能动科比的奶酪,那真是痴人说梦。

    But must say that whose present can move the kopeck the cheese, that is really the moron talks nonsense.

  17. 渴望成为世界上最伟大的舞蹈演员,这不啻为痴人说梦。

    And his yearning to become the world's greatest dancer seemed but a pipe dream.

  18. 为证明这一点绝非痴人说梦, 奥巴马总统给出了两点理由。

    He offers two reasons to suppose that this claim is not complete bunk.

  19. 时至今日, 这已成痴人呓语, 你怎能在人群里持刀策马?

    While today, being alone is almost impossible, in the crowd, are you going to ride a horse and carry a sword?


  1. 问:痴人说梦拼音怎么拼?痴人说梦的读音是什么?痴人说梦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痴人说梦的读音是chīrénshuōmèng,痴人说梦翻译成英文是 unrealistic expectation