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1. 召 [zhào]2. 召 [shào]召 [zhào]召唤:~集。~见。召致,引来:~祸。~人怨。召 [shào]古通“邵”,古邑名,在今中国陕西省岐山县西南。(三)姓氏。……
汉语拼音:zhēng zhào
《汉书·元帝纪》:“今不良之吏,覆案小罪,徵召证案,兴不急之事,以妨百姓。” 南朝 梁 陶弘景 《周氏冥通记》卷一:“今所以相徵召者,一以助事佐事,二以受业治身。”《警世通言·俞仲举题诗遇上皇》:“听得 杨得意 举荐 司马相如 ,蒙朝庭徵召去了。” 叶圣陶 《寒晓的琴歌》:“他们夜间应人家的征召,当然没有练习的功夫;此刻是清晨,征召他们的人睡了,他们才得在那里豫备他们的功课。”
"In an era when too few citizens answer the call to service, to community or country, these Americans chose to serve, " he said.
“当处于一个很少有公民回应对于公众或者国家的征召的时代,这些美国人选择了到军中服役,”总统说。He was such a hit that Hollywood studios immediately started fighting each other to cast him in superhero franchises.
他是如此地受欢迎,以至于好莱坞的电影公司立即竞相征召他担当超级英雄的角色。The general had experienced difficulties commandeering horses and wagons and was unlikely to start out from Riga until the end of July.
这位将军在征召马匹和马车的时候遇到了困难,7月底之前他不大可能从里加出发了。A family friend was drafted into the service, and his wife prepared to go with him.
他们家的一位朋友被征召入伍,他的妻子也准备和他一块走。And on top of all that, the Mavericks have the draft rights to Nick Calathes, who has blossomed into a very strong player in Europe.
除此之外,小牛还有对尼克-卡拉希斯的征召权,这个家伙已经在欧洲赛场成长为一个重要人物了。"I am encouraged that our new recruitment and testing policies as well as our training programs are beginning to pay off, " he said.
他说,“我们征召和考试的新政策,以及我们的培训计划已经开始获得成效。”Now, when a death has an "Article 2 dimension" , a high court judge is often drafted in as coroner, as in the July 7th terror inquest.
现在,死亡案件有了“第2款维度”,就得征召一名高级法院法官担任验尸官,就像7月7日的恐怖袭击调查一样。Sept members that stay for more than a season or two are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road.
呆在一个地方超过一两个季度的氏族成员往往很老了,老到觉得职责的征召压过了道路的呼唤。His return to civilian life in Salzburg was a disaster and he re-enlisted, serving as a pharmacist at a hospital in Innsbruck.