


怕:~惧。~难(nán )。~罪。大无~。望而生~。敬服:敬~。~友(使人敬服的朋友)。后生可~。……


1. 缩 [suō]2. 缩 [sù]缩 [suō]向后退,往回收:退~。畏~。~手(喻不敢再做下去)。~手~脚(喻做事顾虑多,不大胆)。由大变小,由长变短:收~。伸~。压~。~减。~小。~编。~微(指利用照相技术等把文字图像缩成极小的胶卷……



汉语拼音:wài suō








  1. 畏怯退缩。

    宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷四:“时治党籍方苛峻,虽监司郡守,得其牒,輒畏缩,解纵乃已。” 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史二》:“今逗挠军机与临阵畏缩,未闻有斩一人以狥者,如此而欲致胜,难矣!” 巴金 《还魂草》:“寒气渐渐地穿透了我的衣服……但是我仍然毫不畏缩地向前走去。”



  1. Western policymakers recoil at the thought of getting bogged down in another bloody counter-insurgency operation in Somalia.


  2. Keith DID not flinch at the thought of dying. But he hated the possibility of leaving me, and I dreaded it too.


  3. We were all representatives of a shadow society, cowering under a cloud of bad tidings that would never come.


  4. "Leader" Muammar Gadaffi is hunkered down in Tripoli, defended by army units from his tribe and mercenaries from black Africa.


  5. She turned to leave and I noticed the shrink of her shoulders.


  6. The child shrunk as she listened - and was gone, before her humble friend looked round again.


  7. And for the leaders in Bejing to shrink and wince and draw back in the presence of these individuals and their ideas sends a clear message.


  8. He was the biggest kid in the class, but he was the timid type, the kind of kid who'd always end up the target of pranks and insults.


  9. I once saw a photo of him. Wearing a cotton coat, he appeared to be very timid with a dull look in his eyes.


  1. 范妮依然畏缩不前。

    Fanny still hung back.

  2. 儿童期畏缩反应

    Withdrawing reaction of childhood

  3. 她畏缩不敢认罪。

    She shrank from admitting her guilt.

  4. 因怕痛而畏缩

    to flinch at pain

  5. 他好像在畏缩。

    He seemed to wilt.

  6. 对做某事畏缩不前

    Recoil from doing sth.

  7. 吓得向后退, 畏缩不前

    to fear to shy

  8. 畏缩, 你哭泣于惊愕。

    Of fate, you blubber in surprise.

  9. 我们都吓得畏缩不前。

    We hung back in fear.

  10. 畏缩,你哭泣于惊愕。

    Of fate, you blubber in surprise.

  11. 由于尴尬恐惧而畏缩

    to cringe with embarrassmenthorror

  12. 她动摇了, 畏缩了, 屈服了。

    She wavered, quailed, gave way.

  13. 由于尴尬/ 恐惧而畏缩

    to cringe with embarrassment/ horror

  14. 狗见了鞭子畏缩不前。

    The dog cringed at the sight of the whip.

  15. 落后于使畏缩不前或落后。

    To cause to hang back or fall behind.

  16. 确信正确, 切莫畏缩。

    Be sure you are right, then go ahead.

  17. 确信正确,切莫畏缩。

    Be sure you are right, then go ahead.

  18. 她已畏缩和冷漠了。

    She had contracted and frozen.

  19. 在某事上临阵畏缩

    to have/ get cold feet (about something)

  20. 我也有点畏缩。

    It turned nasty, and Im a bit of a chicken.

  21. 恐怖的畏缩滑稽的笑

    Synonyms GHASTLY 1, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid,

  22. 我不会畏缩,也不尖叫。

    I have not winced or cried aloud.

  23. 战士是不知道畏缩的。

    A fighter is always fearless.

  24. 我知道我将会畏缩哭泣

    I know I will falter I know I will cry

  25. 她在强敌面前畏缩了。

    She ducked before the strong opponent.

  26. 他对结婚临阵畏缩。

    He got cold feet about getting married.

  27. 他的怒骂使她畏缩了。

    She wince under his attack

  28. 一种使她畏缩的声音。

    A sound that made her wince.

  29. 她一见血就畏缩。

    She shrank at the sight of blood.

  30. 面对这些可能性,我畏缩不前。

    I cringed at the possibilities.


  1. 问:畏缩拼音怎么拼?畏缩的读音是什么?畏缩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畏缩的读音是wèisuō,畏缩翻译成英文是 shrink in fear

  2. 问:畏缩不前拼音怎么拼?畏缩不前的读音是什么?畏缩不前翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畏缩不前的读音是wèisuōbùqián,畏缩不前翻译成英文是 to recoil in fear; hang back

  3. 问:畏缩的拼音怎么拼?畏缩的的读音是什么?畏缩的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畏缩的的读音是,畏缩的翻译成英文是 funky



读音:wèi suō 畏缩 释义:害怕而不敢向前;畏怯退缩。 出处 :宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷四:“时治党籍方苛峻,虽监司郡守,得其牒,辄畏缩,解纵乃已。” 明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史二》:“今逗挠军机与临阵畏缩,未闻有斩一人以狥者,如此而欲致胜,难矣!”《东周列国志》第一百三回:“伐秦之师展出,皆以函谷关为事,秦人设守甚严,未能得志。即我兵亦素知仰攻之难,咸有畏缩之心。” 巴金 《还魂草》:“寒气渐渐地穿透了我的衣服……但是我仍然毫不畏缩地向前走去。”