




1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:chǎn fā








  1. 阐明并发挥。

    明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·九流绪论下》:“《关尹》九篇,而每篇章次,少者六七,多者十餘,更互阐发,以竟一篇之义。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·春秋楼》:“某所见古今碑记,无非颂扬忠义,千百如出一口,求一另成机轴,以阐发所以为圣为神之道者,未之一睹。” 王西彦 《病人》:“从他这种善于阐发自己的论点的能力,可以想像到他在讲坛上优异的成功。”

  2. 显扬表彰。

    清 周亮工 《书影》卷三:“先生阐发幽潜,表扬先德,诚得乞灵片檄,特製 张君 之主,配享祠中。” 清 蒋士铨 《第二碑·书表》:“小神 贞妃 娄氏 ,昔蒙 籛公 表復遗邱,今感 季公 廓清塋域,虽承两方伯阐发幽光,难释薄命人万千隐恨。”



  1. It had a great influence on the advocacy of non-being (wu) in the Xuanxue hermeneutical school in the Wei and Jin dynasties.

  2. The treaty-signing in Prague comes almost exactly a year after Obama spelled out his long-range goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

  3. Now the matter from another angle, 50% dot image spatial frequency is? (Figure 8) is a spectroscopy circulars.

  4. To better illustrate Frost's expression on the questing for humanity, this essay has selected a few of his best-known poems for discussion.

  5. The part of introduction covers the trend of research both in and out of China and described its learning value and practical meaning.

  6. Marx and Engels in the holy family in elucidating, "history is the pursuit of his own goal activities. "

  7. The key feature of his thoughts is to inherit and elucidate Pre-Qin Confucianism with the perspective of Advancing with the Times.

  8. Second, after Marx's death, Historical Materialism had become a science about law of society by various generalization and elucidations.

  9. With is in a specific space with the bright moonlight, the bright moonlight may explain or suggest some kind of life philosophy.


  1. 他开始详尽地阐发他的理论。

    He launched into an elaborate explanation of his theory.

  2. 诗歌有助於我们阐发人生的意义。

    Poetry helps us to interpret life.

  3. 他的阐发是那末令人信服。

    His analyses were always so convincing.

  4. 她通过图画和数字进一步阐发她的话。

    She amplified on her remarks with drawings and figures.

  5. 另外一些人还在热衷于阐发观点。

    Others remained keen to make a point.

  6. 我的重要任务是阐发人体分泌物。

    My main role was to analyse human excrement.

  7. 出血中风病因病机的发展及阐发

    Review on the Causa Morbi and Pathogenesis of Blooding Stroke

  8. 食货学派及其对魏晋封建说的阐发

    The Shihuo School and Their Explanation of Feudal Concept Raised from the Wei and Jin Dynasties

  9. 农夫与驴的故事形象地阐发了这个道理。

    The story of a farmer and his donkey may help to elaborate this vividly.

  10. 文章择要地阐发了钱学森的科学观。

    This article briefly explains the science outlook of Qian Xuesen.

  11. 拉布里奥拉对唯物史观的阐发是富有创造性的。

    Antonio Labriola expounded on the historical materialism is creative.

  12. 孔子去世100年后,孟子传授并阐发了孔子的学说。

    A hundred years after Confucius died, Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine.

  13. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后的道理。

    The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.

  14. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后得道理。

    The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.

  15. 编辑在编后中阐发了这则新闻背后的道理。

    The editor explained the morals of the news in the epilogue.

  16. 这篇文章阐发了在我国发展商品经济的意义。

    This article elucidates the significance of developing a commodity economy in our country.

  17. 差套印禁绝息了如下阐发,不求业边人士参考。

    On the misregister analysis as follows, the people the industry.

  18. 这个政党的新指道原则无非是其老信条的阐发。

    The party's new philosophies are little more than their old beliefs writ large.

  19. 图像条理的调度可以从底下两个方背来阐发。

    Image of the level of regulation can be downloaded from the following two ways to analyze.

  20. 这也是格式塔心理学家详细阐发的一个观点。

    This was also a point of view developed at length by the gestalt psychologist Rudolph Arnheim.

  21. 吏学是围绕吏制研究所阐发的思想、观念、原理、学说。

    Bureaucratics is the thought, concept, theory and doctrine with regard to the research of bureaucratic system.

  22. 本文第三部分, 阐发了慧远佛学思想的统属问题。

    The third part of this text, has elucidated the subordination question of the Buddhism thought of Hui yuan.

  23. 本文第三部分,阐发了慧远佛学思想得统属问题。

    The third part of this text, has elucidated the subordination question of the Buddhism thought of Hui yuan.

  24. 林伯桐是通过训诂考据的方式来阐发其人生哲学的。

    Lin Botong elucidated his philosophy of life by way of textual interpretation and research of classics.

  25. 林伯桐是通过训诂考据得方式来阐发其人生哲学得。

    Lin Botong elucidated his philosophy of life by way of textual interpretation and research of classics.

  26. 同时他认为, 文只能阐发道之理, 而不能实现道。

    He believes that literature can only expound the theory, but can not achieve Tao.

  27. 这显然是两边的一个大误解, 何必要借题施展阐发?

    Why try about what was obviously a big misunderstanding on both sides ?

  28. 这显然是两边得一个大误解, 何必要借题施展阐发?

    Why try about what was obviously a big misunderstanding on both sides ?

  29. 第三章阐发了阜阳卷烟厂薪酬制度及管理得基本情况。

    The second part gave the summary of FuYang Cigarette Factory.

  30. 第三章阐发了阜阳卷烟厂薪酬制度及管理的基本情况。

    The second part gave the summary of FuYang Cigarette Factory.


  1. 问:阐发拼音怎么拼?阐发的读音是什么?阐发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阐发的读音是chǎnfā,阐发翻译成英文是 elucidate; explicate




拼音:chǎn fā 词义:阐述并加以引申发挥 相关词目:阐发详尽 详细

解释: 1.阐明并发挥。 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·九流绪论下》:“《关尹》九篇,而每篇章次,少者六七,多者十馀,更互阐发,以竟一篇之义。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·春秋楼》:“某所见古今碑记,无非颂扬忠义,千百如出一口,求一另成机轴,以阐发所以为圣为神之道者,未之一睹。” 王西彦 《病人》:“从他这种善于阐发自己的论点的能力,可以想像到他在讲坛上优异的成功。” 2.显扬表彰。 清 周亮工 《书影》卷三:“先生阐发幽潜,表扬先德,诚得乞灵片檄,特制 张君 之主,配享祠中。” 清 蒋士铨 《第二碑·书表》:“小神 贞妃 娄氏 ,昔蒙 籛公 表复遗邱,今感 季公 廓清茔域,虽承两方伯阐发幽光,难释薄命人万千隐恨。”