




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……


1. 戏 [xì]2. 戏 [hū]戏 [xì]玩耍:游~。儿~。嬉~。~豫(嬉游逸乐)。二龙~珠。嘲弄,开玩笑:~言。~弄。~谑(用诙谐有趣的话开玩笑)。演员在舞台上化装表演故事的艺术:~剧。~文。~码(戏曲演出的节目)。~剧性。指具体剧……



汉语拼音:féng chǎng zuò xì





《景德传 灯录》卷六:“竿木随身,逢场作戏。” 原指卖艺的人遇到合适场所就进行表演。后指为应酬或凑热闹,偶尔玩玩,并不认真。



  1. He is a specialist in improv comedy, which he says "is partly about making people believe you know everything. "


  2. I never mean to play with you for a while, or things like that.


  3. The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice lasts a little longer.


  4. The only difference between a caprice and a life-long passion is that the caprice las ts a little longer.


  5. I could not and can't make out the reason why she would set her heart on a man like Dick. He plays the field with many girls.


  6. Also having a few is a thought insalubrious , act imprudent, join in the fun on occasion and produce the sexual behavior before marriage.


  7. an english gentleman should play where the fashion is play , but should not elate or depress himself at the sport.


  8. I just Absurdum, love for a long time, the show is too long, my love is not the responsibility!


  9. The lure of hooking up can be difficult to avoid, Omar Marshall (senior-supply chain and information systems) said.


  1. 喜欢逢场作戏

    Be fond of joining in the spirit of the occasion

  2. 他抽烟只是逢场作戏。

    He smokes occasionally, and just for fun.

  3. 有的人把交朋友当作是逢场作戏。

    Some people regard friendship as a game.

  4. 有的人把交朋友当作是逢场作戏。

    Some people regard friendship as a game.

  5. 物价会飞腾。政客会逢场作戏。也会变老。

    Prices will rise, Politicians will philander, you too will get old.

  6. 你对她不忠实。9。那不过是逢场作戏。

    Youre being unfaithful to her. 9. It was sort of a casual thing.

  7. 我想要的, 绝不是只与你短暂地逢场作戏。

    I never mean to play with you for a while, or things like that.

  8. 确定那不是在作戏?

    Sure it wasn't an act?

  9. 受害者揭露她只是在作戏。

    The victim revealed she was only playacting.

  10. 她对你的高姿态不过是作戏。

    Her disdain for you is an act.

  11. 我们之间只是逢场做戏。

    We're just having a quick thing.

  12. 有些人声称, 赫克曼的论文是拙劣的统计学实践的戏作。

    Some claim that Heckmans paper is a parody of sloppy statistical practice.

  13. 他是我春天逢场做戏的对象,我现在要寻找夏天的情人。

    He isx my spring fling, but now I'm looking for a summer love.

  14. 因此, 宝玉只和众丫头们掷骰子赶围棋作戏。

    So Baoyu was left to amuse himself with the other maids at dice or draughts.

  15. 他们用自己的一首最著名的歌曲作演出的压台戏。

    They finished off the show with one of their most famous songs.

  16. 对一出戏作苛刻的评论

    to pan a play

  17. 我们都只是在逢场作戏而已。

    See, what we do here is all playing.

  18. 跟他逢场作戏因为他蛮有才华。

    I indulge his fantasy because he's talented.

  19. 他有的是一种逢场作戏的赌博方式。

    He had only the tendency to that diffusive form of gambling.

  20. 咱们搞这一行的只不过是逢场作戏嘛。

    We of this trade know too well that we are only playing a game.

  21. 你若不爱我,那就是逢场作戏为什么我不该付钱?

    If you don't love me and it wasn't real, why can't I pay you?

  22. 我这个人不喜欢外交上逢场作戏,装模作样那一套。

    I personally dislike the greasy dissimulation of diplomacy.

  23. 对他来说,这不过是逢场作戏,而对她,却是一片真情。

    An amour for him,passion for her.

  24. 你是老鼠戏猫,真是自作自受!

    I think youre playing with fire. You deserve it!

  25. 你只是盼着那警察美眉帮你作场好戏。

    You're just hoping cop lady's gonna give you a good game.

  26. 第一章,对歌仔戏及其生存环境作简要概括。

    The first chapter, a brief summary of the Gezi Opera and its living environment.

  27. 匪徒作见证戏笑公平,恶人的口吞下罪孽。

    A worthless witness mocks at justice and the mouth of the wicked devours iniquity.

  28. 我没有任何强烈得愿望为了冒险而拿生命作儿戏。

    I don't have any burning urge to take my life in my hands.

  29. 我没有任何强烈的愿望为了冒险而拿生命作儿戏。

    I don't have any burning urge to take my life in my hands.

  30. 第一章对戏仿文学图文互见叙事现象作分析。

    In the first chapter narrative phenomenon of parody literature who is described by picture and text is analyzed.


  1. 问:逢场作戏拼音怎么拼?逢场作戏的读音是什么?逢场作戏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:逢场作戏的读音是féngchǎngzuòxì,逢场作戏翻译成英文是 enjoy the fun while it lasts




【拼音】 féng chǎng zuò xì

【近义词】 随俗应酬,随机应变

【语法】 连动式;作谓语、定语、宾语;
