




1. 化 [huà]2. 化 [huā]化 [huà]性质或形态改变:变~。分~。僵~。教(jiào )~。熔~。融~。潜移默~。~干弋为玉帛。。佛教、道教徒募集财物:~缘。~斋。用在名词或形容词后,表示转变成某种性质或状态:丑~。绿~。习……



汉语拼音:huàn huà







  1. 犹言变化,变幻。

    《列子·周穆王》:“穷数达变,因形移易者谓之化,谓之幻。造物者其巧妙,其功深,固难穷难终;因形者其巧显,其功浅,故随起随灭。知幻化之不异生死也,始可与学幻矣。” 南朝 梁 何逊 《七召·神仙》:“清歌雅舞,暂同於梦寐;广厦高堂,俄成於幻化。” 清 卓尔堪 《海市歌》:“幻化穷奇造物意,天风猛烈吹平地。” 鲁迅 《<朝花夕拾>小引》:“便是现在心目中的离奇和芜杂,我也还不能使他即刻幻化,转成离奇和芜杂的文章。”

  2. 佛教语。谓万物了无实性。

    晋 陶潜 《归园田居》诗之四:“人生似幻化,终当归空无。” 唐寒山 《诗》之二○五:“自觉浮生幻化事,逍遥快乐实善哉。” 宋 陈亮 《西铭说》:“而释氏以万法为幻化,未为尽不然也。”



  1. You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie.


  2. The singularity lay in the hostile feelings with which the child regarded all these offspring of her own heart and mind.


  3. He had assumed, Duo thought, that the cathedral was empty. He must have been scared of his wits when both boys materialized out of nowhere.


  4. Like a fresh fallen tea leaf transformed into a piece of jade-like glass and molded right on top of the kettle cap.


  5. I returned to the inn and sat down by the window. A peaceful and common day drew to a close like this.


  6. At this point, we can think of is to "coming out" , often shifting moire obstacles used to set up a counterfeit.


  7. Loved so sincere, streaming from the front end brush, natural, turned into the art scene in the United States and the angry.


  8. "It's an illusion of the war style. . . to inspire and help one dream about Russia, " he said.


  9. Quietly, the dead leaf slept soundly. She changed into a butterfly, not the real and colorful one, but a leaf butterfly.


  1. 想幻化而出时

    Think when I will magically change.

  2. 上帝幻化为人性

    To those who dwell in realms of day

  3. 幻化为另一种情结

    And to become another love knot

  4. 想要幻化成那样的女子。

    Illusion and that kind of woman you want.

  5. 在触地前,血幻化垂死的花。

    Blood come to dying flowers before touch the earth.

  6. 众人之力结合幻化成神圣巨龙。

    The powers of the four kinghts combine and turn into a holy dragon.

  7. 而不同的色彩能幻化成不同的故事。

    Different experiences, dissimilar inspirations, accumulate to millions of kaleidoscopic lives.

  8. 用你们神圣的力量幻化我的药剂吧。

    Deliver your awesome power and transform my potion.

  9. 一开始, 很多事情都是理想幻化的。

    Try to be misunderstood.It is a fantasy.

  10. 莫非,小鸟是鲸鱼前世一滴灵魂的幻化?

    Is the bird from a tiny ray of the whale's soul?

  11. 我用鳃呼吸,我幻化成人性,没有人发觉。

    I use the gill to breath, I transform the human nature, nobody detected.

  12. 那一刻 狗幻化成 爱与善的佛

    And at that moment, the dog transformed into the Buddha of love and kindness.

  13. 雪后的山谷幻化成一个奇特的琉璃世界。

    The snow turned the valley into a strange crystalline place.

  14. 夜晚蝶蛹幻化成灯,好让梦想永不打烊。

    At night, the chrysalises light up, to keep people's dreams forever illuminated.

  15. 桂勘的4天工作坊会着重讲解舞踏的幻化。

    Kans4 days workshop will be focused about Butoh transformation on the stage for the audience.

  16. 桂勘得4天工作坊会着重讲解舞踏得幻化。

    Kans4 days workshop will be focused about Butoh transformation on the stage for the audience.

  17. 世界是幻化无休的泡沫, 浮荡于静默之海。

    The world is the ever changing foam that floats on the surface of a sea of silence.

  18. 舞台上幻化多变的奇异生物,到底是人?还是物?

    Are the changeable peculiar things on the stage people or objects.

  19. 把希望与等待幻化为云水禅心, 洗涤铅华。

    put hope and wait for cloud water, turned into the heart of Zen, washed.

  20. 逃散的青春幻化成了天使,长出了金色的翅膀,闪闪的。

    Flight youth turned into angels, long out of golden wings, sparkling.

  21. 寂静的丛林和雄浑的山脉幻化为你心灵的圣殿。

    Imagine a day. When the peace of a forest and the strength of a mountain become a cathedral for your heart.

  22. 如一只幻化的蝴蝶独自孤寂地飞舞在深沉的夜里,

    Like a butterfly being fly in the deeply night alone in alone

  23. 甜在生活中幻化成种种美丽的影像来撩拨我们。

    Sweeties change into varieties of shadows to appeal and confuse us.

  24. 甜在生活中幻化成种种美丽得影像来撩拨我们。

    Sweeties change into varieties of shadows to appeal and confuse us.

  25. 时间将一些原来并不美好得记忆幻化成千古得完美。

    Time is inclined to change those unfavorable memories into imaginary perfectness.

  26. 时间将一些原来并不美好的记忆幻化成千古的完美。

    Time is inclined to change those unfavorable memories into imaginary perfectness.

  27. 一切事相随时变迁幻化起起灭灭, 是虚假不真实的。

    All things will change from void to existence, from emptiness to fullness, from birth to death, being deceitful and untrue.

  28. 心灵的幻化是我对自己的艺术理想与追求的集中概括。

    Itare concentration that the of the mind turn that I to own art ideal with pursue to generalize.

  29. 枯叶幻化为蝴蝶,又有了灵感和飘逸,不是很好吗?

    The dead leaves change into butterflies, with new inspiration and elegance. Fantastic, isn't it?

  30. 我往手心呵气然后这芽和苞就幻化成整个春天

    I love to palm gas then it turned into this whole spring buds Bao


  1. 问:幻化拼音怎么拼?幻化的读音是什么?幻化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幻化的读音是huànhuà,幻化翻译成英文是 to be transformed; to change magically


