







汉语拼音:shū kù






  1. 藏书的房屋。

    唐 白居易 《池上篇》序:“虽有子弟,无书不能训也,乃作池北书库。”《宋史·艺文志一》:“﹝ 太宗 ﹞又分三馆书万餘卷,别为书库,目曰‘祕阁’。”

  2. 比喻博学的人。

    《隋书·循吏传·公孙景茂》:“﹝ 公孙景茂 ﹞少好学,博涉经史……迁太常博士,多所损益,时人称为书库。”



  1. A good cataloging system makes a library easy to use, whatever its size, however many volumes are available through its stacks.


  2. Moreover, the online library can let you accomplish your wish of reading as many books as you want.


  3. Check out the thousands of great reads on Amazon, or ask your local librarian or bookstore seller for recommendations.


  4. Alice : Are we allowed to go into the stacks to look for books?


  5. Google Book Search has an incredibly useful new feature that lets you build a virtual library of your favorite books.


  6. After a long time for the 1949 Dalian library stacks, and then by the Dalian Dalian Acrobatic Troupe and Beijing Opera Troupe has been used.


  7. When I walked down Broad Street after my tutorial, I was again aware that under my feet were the great collections of the Bodleian.


  8. The place turned into a library of stone books.


  9. For critic Norman Podhoretz, the Library of America "has grown into one of the glories of our civilization. "


  1. 我们可以进书库吗?

    Are we allowed in the stack room?

  2. 图书馆把书架叫做书库。

    Libraries call the shelves the stacks .

  3. 样本书库藏书外借探析

    On the Borrowing of Sample Books from the Stack Room

  4. 教授们可以自由使用这些书库。

    Professors have free access to these stacks.

  5. 我们去查目录还是直接去书库?

    Shall we go to the card catalog or directly to the stack room ?

  6. 中等专业学校图书馆书库管理探索

    Probe into the Stack Room Management in Middle Professional School Library

  7. 我在书库里找不到这本书。

    I can't find this book in the stacks.

  8. 你可拿有效身份证去书库借书。

    You can borrow books from stacks with your current I.D.

  9. 我也没看到他藏在书库里。

    I didn't see him hiding in the stacks, either.

  10. 闭架书库图书拒借原因探析

    Analysis and Strategies on the Reasons of Refusal in the Closed Shelves Bookroom

  11. 我怎么能在书库里找到这本书?

    How can I find the book in the stacks?

  12. 最后概括了图书馆三种书库建设规律。

    At last, the paper Summaries three stacks building laws.

  13. 多数图书馆有开架和闭架两种书库。

    Most libraries have open and closed stacks.

  14. 我们可以在每星期一和星期五用书库。

    We're permitted to use the stack every monday and friday.

  15. 高校图书馆书库违规现象及应对之策

    Solutions to the Phenomena against the Rules of the Library in Colleges and Universities

  16. 新世纪高校图书馆基藏书库将何去何从?

    On Basic Collection Stack of University Library in the New Century?

  17. 这个电子书库收录了大量的中国古代典籍。

    This electronic library contains a great number of ancient Chinese books.

  18. 加强导读以提高开架书库资源的开发利用

    Strengthening Reader Service to Develop and Utilize Opening Book Stack Resources Better

  19. 计算器数据库将完全取代目录片盒与书库。

    Computer data storage eventually will completely replace boxed card catalogs and book storage.

  20. 工具书和参考书书库中的所有书都不能外借。

    Dictionaries and all books in the reference stacks cannot be checked out.

  21. 我大部分阅读都是从线上书库中完成的。

    Most of my reading is done online or from library books.

  22. 还必须充实该图书馆各语种的书库和杂志库。

    Efforts should also be made to enrich the Library's stock of books and journals in various languages.

  23. 我在书库里找不到这本书。你能帮我找吗?

    I couldn't find this book in the stacks. Would you help me to find it?

  24. 书库里存放书的地方,它们一般都把书放在书架上。

    an extensive arrangement of bookshelves in a library where most of the books are stored.

  25. 图书管理员上星期又把书库的所有书籍登记了一遍。

    The librarian checked out all the books in the bookstore again last week.

  26. 在创建上下文结构之后,必须加载一个可信任证书库。

    After the context structure is created, a trust certificate store must be loaded.

  27. 多数图书馆有开架和闭架两种书库。他拉开架子, 唱起了京剧。

    Most libraries have open and closed stacks. He assumed a posture and began to sing a part in a Beijing opera.


  1. 问:书库拼音怎么拼?书库的读音是什么?书库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书库的读音是shūkù,书库翻译成英文是 stack room; room to store books

  2. 问:书库内小阅览凹室拼音怎么拼?书库内小阅览凹室的读音是什么?书库内小阅览凹室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:书库内小阅览凹室的读音是shū kù nèi xiǎo yuè lǎn āo shì,书库内小阅览凹室翻译成英文是 carrell



书库 是西方一部古籍,书中载有大量有关希腊神话的原始资料(例如诸神的家谱),是现代学者研究古希腊神话的重要文献。