







汉语拼音:shā yú






  1. Melt all your shark shadows into one big shark and step up to it; it is not solid but a hologram.


  2. If I'd been aware of it at the time, I'm sure they would have smelled my fear and consumed me immediately.


  3. Klopper said he was unaware of details, but past speculation has included sonar buoys able to identify sharks and transmit a warning signal.


  4. Arthur Roberts Hunter Tylo . . . Amelia When he began fusing human and shark DNA, his colleagues laughed at him.


  5. He was a child on a team of men that had just acquired its "proven" meal ticket in Shaquille O'Neal.


  6. First let me say that I have never been attacked by a shark, so don't take what I have to say as anything more than face value.


  7. You normally don't see sharks like this running around on the surface, but this animal looks like it's in distress.


  8. What was happening in the aquarium was a mystery. Each week, keepers were finding shark carcasses in the bottom of the tank.


  9. Hammerheads are my favorite sharks, and I was extremely happy to have been able to walk away with this shot.


  1. 鲨鱼的背鳍

    a shark's dorsal fin

  2. 鲨鱼肝油制剂

    Shark liver oil preparation

  3. 鲨鱼的致命袭击

    a fatal shark attack

  4. 那里可能有鲨鱼。

    There may be sharks.

  5. 击打鲨鱼的鼻子。

    Hit the shark on the nose.

  6. 这儿, 鲨鱼馆前面。

    Here, its in front of the Shark House.

  7. 这儿,鲨鱼馆前面。

    Here,its in front of the Shark House.

  8. 鲨鱼肝油软胶囊

    Shark Liver Oil Soft Capsule

  9. 绒线鲨鱼皮绒西装

    wool worsted sharkskin suit

  10. 鲨鱼仍在附近逗留。

    The shark was still hovering round.

  11. 电影丁丁在鲨鱼湖

    Tintin and the Lake of Sharks Tintin et le Lac aux Requins

  12. 就是哄那些鲨鱼睡觉

    Just putting the sharks to bed.

  13. 我对鲨鱼特别着迷。

    And I was particularly fascinated with sharks.

  14. 十大凶猛鲨鱼排行榜

    The Top Ten Most Extreme Super Sharks

  15. 鲨鱼以小鱼为食。

    Sharks feed on smaller fish.

  16. 鲨鱼帮地下车赛

    Sharks help underground racing circuit

  17. 鲨鱼种类达250种以上。

    There are more than two hundred and fifty species of shark.

  18. 宣称海里有鲨鱼出没。

    Announcing that some sharks were emerging there.

  19. 鲨鱼是一种大型鱼。

    The shark is a large fish.

  20. 谢尔曼在鲨鱼天堂。

    Sherman's up in shark heaven.

  21. 鲨鱼有嗜杀的本性。

    Sharks have the killer instinct.

  22. 鲨鱼有嗜杀得本性。

    Sharks have the killer instinct.

  23. 小心!鲨鱼吃鱼的!啊!

    Look out! Sharks eat fish! Aah!

  24. 没错,一条漂亮的鲨鱼

    Yes.A very pretty shark.

  25. 它们的外形真象鲨鱼。

    They are shaped like sharks.

  26. 没错,一条漂亮的鲨鱼。

    Yes. A very pretty shark.

  27. 鲨鱼是个奸诈的家伙。

    A treacherous fellow is the shark.

  28. 鲨鱼拼命挣扎,试图逃脱。

    The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free.

  29. 鲨鱼残害了那个游泳者。

    The shark savaged the swimmer.

  30. 渔夫用鱼叉刺住鲨鱼。

    The fisherman transfixed the shark with a harpoon.


  1. 问:鲨鱼拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼的读音是什么?鲨鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼的读音是shāyú,鲨鱼翻译成英文是 shark

  2. 问:鲨鱼油拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼油的读音是什么?鲨鱼油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼油的读音是shā yú yóu,鲨鱼油翻译成英文是 shark oil

  3. 问:鲨鱼皮拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼皮的读音是什么?鲨鱼皮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼皮的读音是shāyúpí,鲨鱼皮翻译成英文是 sharkskin

  4. 问:鲨鱼週拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼週的读音是什么?鲨鱼週翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼週的读音是,鲨鱼週翻译成英文是 Shark Week

  5. 问:鲨鱼肝油拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼肝油的读音是什么?鲨鱼肝油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼肝油的读音是shā yú gān yóu,鲨鱼肝油翻译成英文是 shark liver oil

  6. 问:鲨鱼软骨拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼软骨的读音是什么?鲨鱼软骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼软骨的读音是shā yú ruǎn gǔ,鲨鱼软骨翻译成英文是 shark cartilage

  7. 问:鲨鱼黑帮拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼黑帮的读音是什么?鲨鱼黑帮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼黑帮的读音是,鲨鱼黑帮翻译成英文是 Shark Tale

  8. 问:鲨鱼齿梳拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼齿梳的读音是什么?鲨鱼齿梳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼齿梳的读音是shā yú chǐ shū,鲨鱼齿梳翻译成英文是 shark's tooth comb

  9. 问:鲨鱼保护法拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼保护法的读音是什么?鲨鱼保护法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼保护法的读音是,鲨鱼保护法翻译成英文是 Shark Conservation Act

  10. 问:鲨鱼皮游泳服拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼皮游泳服的读音是什么?鲨鱼皮游泳服翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼皮游泳服的读音是shā yú píyóu yǒng fú,鲨鱼皮游泳服翻译成英文是 Fastskin swimsuit

  11. 问:鲨鱼软骨制剂拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼软骨制剂的读音是什么?鲨鱼软骨制剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼软骨制剂的读音是shā yú ruǎn gǔ zhì jì,鲨鱼软骨制剂翻译成英文是 shark cartilage preparation

  12. 问:鲨鱼级潜艇 (朝鲜)拼音怎么拼?鲨鱼级潜艇 (朝鲜)的读音是什么?鲨鱼级潜艇 (朝鲜)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲨鱼级潜艇 (朝鲜)的读音是,鲨鱼级潜艇 (朝鲜)翻译成英文是 Sang O class submarine



“鲨鱼”是个多义词,它可以指鲨鱼(2013年韩国KBS月火剧), 鲨鱼(韩国剧), 鲨鱼(海洋中的鱼类之一)。