


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……





汉语拼音:xǐ cā





擦洗 cāxǐ ∶用适当的物质揉擦清洗用雪擦洗手





擦洗 [cā xǐ]
  1. 用巾、布等摩搓洗抹。

    《儿女英雄传》第二三回:“把公子那块砚臺寻出来擦洗乾浄,严密收藏。” 李準 《李双双小传·人比山更高》:“刚走进村,我看见牛车、小车、犁耙啥的摆了一大片,许多人在那里擦洗的擦洗,修补的修补。”

擦洗 [cā xǐ]
  1. 抹除不洁、洗去污垢。  【造句】每逢假日,他就会把爱车擦洗乾净。



  1. Pot saucers, vases and other water containers should be scrubbed at least once a week.


  2. Since pickling leaves the stainless steel with a matte finish, the bodies are then lightly polished to restore some lustre.


  3. Here pre-flush is omitted, printing directly to the leaching of cylinder with a brush with linguistic terms.


  4. Cleaning detergents and is acid on glass surfaces in injection and brushing it.


  5. scrub the shells of shellfish , and then soak them in clean water for a period of time.


  6. He washes the floor religiously every morning.


  7. Scrub hands thoroughly with water after the rinse.


  8. The former as long as 45 runtan came upto ~ 50? when brushing action between a little faster, you can make a qualified plate.


  9. Message of the blowing wind Erasing memories Stars are the witnesses of our existence


  1. 洗擦奶瓶内部

    scour out a milk bottle.

  2. 洗擦时给拔取回旋扭转办法刷拭。

    When you want to turn to scrub the gyration grooming.

  3. 此时的纲的是用溶剂洗擦网孔边的净物。

    At this point is the goal of the product with solvent brushing it with dirt.

  4. 比如, 含防水配方的乳胶漆可以洗擦, 便于日后维护。

    For instance, may and rub the waterproof formula's latex paint, is advantageous will maintain the future.

  5. 比如,含防水配方得乳胶漆可以洗擦,便于日后维护。

    For instance, may and rub the waterproof formula's latex paint, is advantageous will maintain the future.

  6. 藉由方法他立刻, 我将打赌我们可以甚至得到他用拖把洗擦。

    With the way he is right now, I'll bet we could even get him to mop.

  7. 你如能用百花露水给我洗擦一个月我就会好的。

    You can use toilet water to me, I would become well.

  8. 花盆碟及花樽等容易积水的器皿应每星期彻底洗擦一次。

    Pot saucers, vases and other water containers should be scrubbed at least once a week.

  9. 先泡一会,再擦洗干净

    You soak it first and then you scrub it.

  10. 有擦洗衣服的波纹曲面的板子。

    Corrugated surface to scrub clothes on.

  11. 这污渍能用海绵擦洗掉吗

    Will this mark sponge off.

  12. 我把地板彻底擦洗了一遍。

    I've given the floor a good scrub.

  13. 医生,他的伤口已擦洗干净了。

    Doctor, his wound has been swabbed out.

  14. 他手上沾了油漆,他已擦洗了半个小时了。

    He got paint on his hand; he has scrubbed away for half an hour.

  15. 他们还用吸尘器打扫车的内部,并擦洗车窗。

    They also vacuumed the interior and washed the windows.

  16. 我于是裁发、搓洗、擦香水。

    And finds me shaved and scrubbed and scented.

  17. 他们泡在澡缸里又洗又擦。

    They wash and tub and scrub.

  18. 用法每日数次, 温水洗后擦抹。

    Directions Several times a day with a small amount after washing your face in lukewarm water.

  19. 将新鲜橘皮洗净擦干,散放在冰箱里。

    Will fresh orange dry wash, strewn on the refrigerator.

  20. 男性要花10分钟来洗脸擦爽肤水和润肤露比女性多1分钟。

    Men take a minute longer10 minutes on cleansing, toning and moisturising.

  21. 病人刚洗完海绵擦浴。

    The patient has just taken sponge bath.

  22. 玛格达洗衣服,擦地板,刷锅子,掸灰尘。

    Magda washed, scrubbed, scoured, dusted.

  23. 他呆在家里。又擦又洗。

    He stayed at home. cleaning and washing.

  24. 我应该洗还是应该擦干?

    Should I wash or dry

  25. 每天爸爸洗碗,安妮擦干。

    Dad washes the dishes and Anne dries up every day.

  26. 这个木板因经常刷洗而留下许多擦痕。

    There are many scrapes on the floor due to frequent cleaning.

  27. 这个木板因经常刷洗而留下许多擦痕。

    There are many scrapes on the floor due to frequent cleaning.

  28. 他呆在那儿把母亲洗净的餐具擦干净。

    He stayed to dry the dishes after his mother had washed them.

  29. 你要擦还是洗?

    You want to scrape or wash?

  30. 手擦酵素胶波洗

    Hand brush enzyme rubber ball wash