


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:gàn dà







  1. 方言。干爹,义父。《歧路灯》第三回:“因为儿女难存,生下这孩子,贱内便叫与他认个乾大。” 王老九 《除了肚里大疙瘩》诗:“ 秦颂丞 ,大恶霸……两腮无肉尖嘴巴,睁眼不认他干大。”

  2. 方言。对年长男人的尊称。

    欧阳山 《高干大》第一章:“咱们这受人尊称为‘高干大’的 高生亮 老同志,是一个很奇特的人。”秧歌剧《动员起来》:“ 张拴 (不自然地招呼村长):‘我道是谁,干大,抽锅子烟。’”



  1. Maggie: You just don't want me to have a big job. Just a cute teeny- weeny little. . . career.


  2. There was a vast Takalamaga desert in front me when I camped at Lunnaxiaoqu where a place of a oil base on the north skirt of Talimu Basin.


  3. He had a high- pressure career, and it meant driving through most of Friday night.


  4. Do big business, Make good fortune. Conduct great cause.


  5. And they have much less time to farm because they also have to do most of the household work.


  1. 巴霍在机场干大事情。

    Bakho's working on a big job at the airport.

  2. 努力造就干大事业的私营企业家队伍

    Try to Bring up the Contingent of Private Enterpriser Doing Great Cause

  3. 如果我真的要去卖枪, 就要干大卖买。

    If I was going into the gun trade, I was going to aim high.

  4. 思嘉小姐, 这种事情是干大田活的黑人做的。

    Miss Scarlett, dat a fe'el han's bizness.

  5. 开始大干起来

    to get cracking

  6. 工兵们大干起来把桥修好了。

    The engineers set to and repaired the bridge.

  7. 一不做二不休, 要干索性大干。

    As well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.

  8. 她拿了把铲子和大家一起大干起来。

    She got a spade and laid to with the others.

  9. 浅谈大干电站技改工程施工建设管理

    Discussion on construction management of technical renovation project in Dagan hydropower station

  10. 在暴风雨来临之前他们一直在田里大干。

    They had been knocking about the fields before the rainstorm arrived.

  11. 她拿起铲子就和大家一起大干起来了。

    She took a shovel and laid to with the others.

  12. 干烧大明虾

    Braised king prawn in brown sauce.

  13. 我们大干起来, 很快搭起一间简单得棚屋。

    We all set to and soon built a rough hut.

  14. 我们大干起来, 很快搭起一间简单的棚屋。

    We all set to and soon built a rough hut.

  15. 他干得大汗淋漓。

    He worked himself into a lather.

  16. 在这大干世界上, 需要的是一种容人悔改的美德。

    Virtue. in the great world, should be amenable.

  17. 我们大家动手大干起来,很快就把家务事做完了。

    We all set to and soon finished doing all the housework.

  18. 克洛夫特心里只盼着大干,早已把眼睛都盼红了。

    Croft's senses had become raw waiting for activity.

  19. 非相干最大似然检测

    incoherent maximum likelihood detector

  20. 口内大干,以致病人咀嚼和吞下食物,都有困难。

    The mouth is so dry that it is difficulty for the patient to masticate and swallow food.

  21. 非相干最大似然检测器

    noncoherent maximum likelihood detector

  22. 我想我们正在干一番大事业。

    I think we're onto something big.

  23. 他们开始大干起来,打了足够的水泵井来灌溉更多的土地。

    They set to work and drilled enough pump wells to irrigate more land.

  24. 他豪情壮志,准备干一番大事业。

    He has a lofty spirit, and has the soaring determination to make something big.

  25. 他豪情壮志,准备干一番大事业。

    He has a lofty spirit, and has the soaring determination to make something big.

  26. 小丑带着他的手下们正在计划着要干一些大乱子。

    The Joker, with an accomplice, are planning something big.

  27. 张家港电厂干煤棚大跨度屋面网架安装

    Installation of large span roofing space truss of dry coal shed in Zhang Jia Gang power plant

  28. 他爱听洪秀全的故事, 长大立志干一番大的事业。

    He wants to hear the story of Hong, grew up determined to do something great cause.

  29. 干吗这么大规矩?

    Why all this formality?

  30. 干嘛这么大叫大嚷?

    What is the big deal?


  1. 问:干大基拼音怎么拼?干大基的读音是什么?干大基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干大基的读音是gāndàjī,干大基翻译成英文是 Candace