




1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……









  1. "He said he saw us with Eddie Harris at Martin's last night. " "No! " They both giggled.


  2. But her mother did not discourage her. In a fit of anger, she returned to Taipei and went to work at a bar.


  3. The idea was tempting; Kostya had no attachment to Toronto or to the Russian Riviera, but, at thirty-four, he was no longer a boy.


  4. He was, if I recollect, arrested in a cabaret, in company with a great many others.


  5. But while connoisseurs may credit it for determining "body" and "silkiness, " chemists haven't found a clear connection.


  6. Li bai a poem, a article on changan city restaurant, called sleep right to not into the boat, the wine cents.


  7. It was a truly swell saloon, with rich screens, fancy wines, and a line of bar goods unsurpassed in the country.


  8. First, go out the front door and turn right. Then, walk two blocks. It's on your left. It's next to the parking lot.


  9. Shrimp dumplings, Guangdong restaurant, restaurant point of the traditional United States.


  1. 广州酒家。

    This is Guangzhou Restaurant.

  2. 明珠海鲜酒家

    Pearl Seafood Restaurant.

  3. 成都草堂酒家

    Chengdu Caotang Restaurant.

  4. 新大旺酒家

    New Big Wong Chinese Restaurant.

  5. 海盛苑酒家

    Hai Sheng Yuan Seafood Restaurant.

  6. 陆羽海鲜酒家

    Maple Yip Seafood Restaurant

  7. 东苑海鲜酒家

    Grand Isle Seafood Restaurant.

  8. 飞龙海鲜酒家

    Flying Dragon Seafood Restaurant

  9. 金凤凰海鲜酒家

    Golden Phoenix Chinese Seafood Restaurant

  10. 喂,海珠酒家吗

    Hello. Is that HaiZhu Restaurant

  11. 这个酒家生意兴隆。

    The business of this wineshop is booming.

  12. 碧丽宫海鲜酒家

    Big Lai Palace Restaurant

  13. 上海绿杨村酒家

    Shanghai Lu Yang Cun Restaurant

  14. 新瑞华海鲜酒家,

    Sun Sui Wah Seafood Restaurant

  15. 新永康海鲜酒家

    New Yong Kang Seafood Restaurant

  16. 绿孔雀地坛酒家

    The Temple of Earth Green Peacock Restaurant

  17. 江河水水煮鱼酒家

    Jiangheshui Water Boiled Fish Restaurant

  18. 借问酒家何处有,

    When I ask a shepherd boy where I can find a tavern

  19. 喂,翡翠火锅酒家吗

    Hello, is there Jade Hot Pot Restaurant

  20. 唐苑酒家,鱼翅专家!

    Shark Fin Experts at the Tang Garden Restaurant!

  21. 我们酒家的生意兴隆。

    The business of our wineshop is booming.

  22. 欢迎光临华南海鲜酒家。

    Welcome to South China Seafood Restaurant.

  23. 六福楼海鲜火锅酒家

    Liu Fu Lau Seafood Hot Pot Restaurant

  24. 小肥羊海鲜火锅酒家

    Gold Wonton Seafood Hot Pot Restaurant

  25. 去威克牛排酒家怎么走?

    How do we get to Vic's?

  26. 本酒家冬季火锅,暖意融融。

    Our restaurant's chafing dishes in winter fill the air with warmth.

  27. 在著名的广州酒家吃点心

    Have dimsum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant

  28. 早上好,翡翠火锅酒家。请讲。

    Good morning, speaking. What can I do for you?

  29. 银燕酒家新九龙豆花庄

    New Nine Dragons Beancurd Restaurant

  30. 五点半在翠园酒家怎么样

    How about the Jade Garden at 30


  1. 问:酒家拼音怎么拼?酒家的读音是什么?酒家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酒家的读音是jiǔjiā,酒家翻译成英文是 restaurant