


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……


物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……





汉语拼音:shēn biān rén






  1. 旧指侍妾。

    宋 廖莹中 《江行杂录》:“京都中下之户,不重生男,每生女则爱护如捧璧擎珠。甫长成,则随其姿质,教以艺业,用备士大夫採拾娱侍,名目不一,有所谓身边人、本事人、供过人、针线人、堂前人、剧杂人、拆洗人、琴童、棋童、厨娘。”《水浒传》第二四回:“我家大娘子最好,极是容得人,现今也讨几个身边人在家里,只是没一个中得我意的。”



  1. How much of your efforts, do you estimate, are really to cover the extra expense and burdens of these hangers on?


  2. That was the thing she had missed most during the past few years, the feeling of being one with those about her.


  3. You've got your idea of how the day should unfold but that's likely to clash with the plans of those around you.


  4. In an eminently scientific poll of People I Live With, my flatmate agreed that the machine wasn't going to make anything better.


  5. People at the top visibly have no coaches, but use people around them as their coaches.


  6. I had to let Wyatt do what he did because I needed to know what my little bulldog may have known about Whistler and his plans for Scylla.


  7. 'Our cars are faster now but our neighbours have faster cars too, so we haven't got that advantage over people close to us.


  8. But the bride-to-be Kate also complained to his side people these days, she has nightmares, distressed frequency.


  9. Instead, celebrate and acknowledge the diversity of strengths and interests that you find around you.


  1. 我们崇尚孩子恋爱是身边人。

    We adore kids and love being around them.

  2. 适当关心身边人的利益得失。

    Sometims care about others benefit or loss.

  3. 你可以多干活, 多照顾身边人。

    You can always do more to take care of the people in your life.

  4. 你会在身边人的话语中找到

    You find it in the words of others

  5. 怎样能使自己更快乐?使身边人快乐?

    How can you make oneself happier? Make beside is the person happy?

  6. 求问者身边人的态度和行为

    Environment The attitudes and actions of other people around the questioner

  7. 为了上万的听众或者身边人的心。

    Pour des milliers de gens ou le coeur d'un voisin.

  8. 珍惜生活,珍惜身边人,让爱情不去比较。

    Cherish life, cherish the people around, make love not more.

  9. 身边人多的时候, 不要太情绪化。

    Trynot to be too emotional with those around you.

  10. 对身边人评头论足,是我们的天性使然。

    It is in our nature to judge the people around us.

  11. 是单身,你会在乎身边人的幸福吗?

    If you are single, do you care about other people's happiness?

  12. 婴儿往往会模仿身边人的面部表情

    Babies more often than not will copy the face next to them.

  13. 这个电影让我们知道了,学会珍惜身边人。

    This film tells us that we should cherish the love between us.

  14. 请记住,上帝的信息能影响你身边人的生命。

    Remember, God's message CAN make the difference in the life of someone close to you.

  15. 身边人的举动对你来说可能不太尽如人意。

    You may not be too pleased with the actions of those you live with.

  16. 努力做最好的自己,而不是一个身边人的副本。

    Strive to be the best YOU, not a copy of the person next to you.

  17. 双鱼座计划一次不需要照顾身边人的旅行。

    Pick a vacation setting that won't require you to nurture everyone around you.

  18. 你应该从服务身边人那得到最高的满足感。

    We are told that you should derive your highest satisfaction from waiting on those around you.

  19. 在高位没有明显的教练,但是由于他们的教练用身边人。

    People at the top visibly have no coaches, but use people around them as their coaches.

  20. 哪怕你没在开车,发短信也会给身边人造成不便。

    Even if you aren't driving, your texting could be a liability to the people around you.

  21. 多数法国人保持年轻的办法就是与身边人互相分享爱。

    The number one way the French drink from the fountain of youth is by loving and being loved by the people around them.

  22. 倾听我们身边人说话,对他们表示尊重可以使他们摆脱孤独。

    Listening to and showing respect to those around us can lift people out of their isolation.

  23. 她初阶暗暗地为身边人做些小事,等别人来细细发现。

    She begins to do some minor matters for the people at one's side silently, waits for others to find carefully.

  24. 她总陪在需要她的人身边

    she's always there for anybody who needs her.

  25. 我经过敲更的守夜人身边

    I have passed by the watchman on his beat

  26. 他们每个人身边都带一只手枪。

    Every one of them had a pistol about him.

  27. 你说他们需要陪在他们爱的人身边

    You say they need to be around the people who love them.

  28. 你把他送回到恨他的人身边去。

    You sent him back to a man who hates him.

  29. 你把他送回到恨他的人身边去。

    You sent him back to a man who hates him.

  30. 你把他送回到恨他的人身边去。

    You sent him back to a man who hates him.