







汉语拼音:shǐ qián






  1. 指没有书面记录的远古。对这一阶段的历史称史前史,研究史前史的学科称史前学。

    吕振羽 《史前期中国社会研究·绪论》:“今日的 中国 史,特别是史前史,即原始公社制度史,还是一块荒莽的天地。”



  1. When Mr Weber toured Stonehenge, a prehistoric site in England, just a few bedraggled and chilly druids awaited him.


  2. Meanwhile Artemus is trying to drag the truth out of Orland. These Artifacts won't do me any good if I don't know what to do with them.


  3. But she said it also carries a message that humans today are not all that different from their prehistoric ancestors.


  4. We will explore how much it is possible to infer about the technological behavior of prehistoric peoples on the basis of analytical studies.


  5. It's okay if studying prehistoric insects didn't turn out to be as fascinating as you were originally convinced.


  6. But the prehistoric turtle, dubbed Odontochelys semitestacea and described in a recent edition of the journal Nature, has no osteoderms.


  7. Was story-telling in prehistoric times like the peacock's tail, of no direct practical use but a good way of attracting a mate?


  8. believes that our preference for warm colors dates back to prehistoric times when firelight was the only option for light at night.


  9. It turns out that the creatures of prehistory, like the tourists of today, found certain parts of Thailand very hospitable.


  1. 史前非洲人

    Africans prehistoric.

  2. 史前的祖先

    prehistoric ancestors.

  3. 史前考古学

    prehistoric archaeology.

  4. 欧洲史前美术

    prehistoric art in Europe.

  5. 缅甸史前文化

    Prehistoric Cultures in Burma.

  6. 菲律宾史前文化

    Prehistoric Cultures in the Philippines

  7. 史前和原始宗教

    Prehistoric religion and primitive religion

  8. 外国史前考古学

    Prehistoric Archaeology of Foreign Countries

  9. 中非南非史前文化

    Prehistoric Cultures in Central and South Africa

  10. 展示肯亚史前文化。

    Display the culture of the prehistory of Kenya.

  11. 他们发现了史前遗迹。

    They have found prehistoric remains.

  12. 史前时期是父系氏族。

    Prehistory was strongly patriarchal.

  13. 史前人用打火石刀。

    Prehistoric man used flint knives.

  14. 论史前的岩画艺术

    The Rock Painting in the Prehistoric Age

  15. 史前的狩猎者和采集者

    prehistoric hunters and gatherers

  16. 可是史前社会是父系的

    Yes, but prehistory was strongly patriarchal.

  17. 确定史前文化矩阵的安全!

    Make sure the Protoculture matrix is safe!

  18. 从史前时代到法国大革命

    From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution

  19. 它就是史前的月亮船。

    It is the moon prehistoric vessels.

  20. 自然环境与沂蒙史前文化

    On the Relation of Natural Environment and Yimeng Prehistoric Culture

  21. 史前的骨制及陶制器具。

    prehistoric artefacts made of bone and pottery

  22. 猛犸在史前时期就已绝迹。

    Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times.

  23. 猛犸在史前时期就绝迹了。

    Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times.

  24. 在哪里可以看到史前遗迹?

    Where Can Prehistoric Relics Be Found

  25. 藏族史前文化中的几何图形

    The Geometric Figure In The Tibetan Culture Before The Historical Record

  26. 科阿山谷的史前岩画遗址

    Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Coa Valley

  27. 史前太湖流域的原始宗教

    Primitive Religious of Prehistoric Taihu Drainage Area

  28. 收藏史前史,雕刻品和碑文。

    Collect prehistory, sculptures, and inscriptions.

  29. 语言史前史不需要扣留我们。

    The prehistory of languages need not detain us.

  30. 从经济形态考藏族史前历史

    Exploration of the Tibetan Prehistoric History through Economic Patterns


  1. 问:史前拼音怎么拼?史前的读音是什么?史前翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前的读音是shǐqián,史前翻译成英文是 prehistory

  2. 问:史前文明拼音怎么拼?史前文明的读音是什么?史前文明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前文明的读音是shǐqiánwénmíng,史前文明翻译成英文是 prehistoric civilization

  3. 问:史前史拼音怎么拼?史前史的读音是什么?史前史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前史的读音是shǐ qián shǐ,史前史翻译成英文是 prehistory

  4. 问:史前地拼音怎么拼?史前地的读音是什么?史前地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前地的读音是,史前地翻译成英文是 prehistorically

  5. 问:史前的拼音怎么拼?史前的的读音是什么?史前的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前的的读音是shǐ qián de,史前的翻译成英文是 prehistoric

  6. 问:史前人类拼音怎么拼?史前人类的读音是什么?史前人类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前人类的读音是shǐ qián rén lèi,史前人类翻译成英文是 prehistoric human

  7. 问:史前时代拼音怎么拼?史前时代的读音是什么?史前时代翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前时代的读音是,史前时代翻译成英文是 Prehistory

  8. 问:史前朝鲜拼音怎么拼?史前朝鲜的读音是什么?史前朝鲜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前朝鲜的读音是,史前朝鲜翻译成英文是 Prehistoric Korea

  9. 问:史前逃龙拼音怎么拼?史前逃龙的读音是什么?史前逃龙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前逃龙的读音是,史前逃龙翻译成英文是 Primeval

  10. 问:史前的泰国拼音怎么拼?史前的泰国的读音是什么?史前的泰国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前的泰国的读音是,史前的泰国翻译成英文是 Prehistoric Thailand

  11. 问:史前居住遗址拼音怎么拼?史前居住遗址的读音是什么?史前居住遗址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前居住遗址的读音是shǐqián jūzhù yízhǐ,史前居住遗址翻译成英文是 Prehistoric Dwelling Site

  12. 问:史前纪念石碑拼音怎么拼?史前纪念石碑的读音是什么?史前纪念石碑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:史前纪念石碑的读音是shǐ qián jì niàn shí bēi,史前纪念石碑翻译成英文是 mensao