







汉语拼音:zuò qǐ









  1. 安坐或起立。指举止行动。

    《礼记·儒行》:“儒有居处齐难,其坐起恭敬。”《三国志平话》卷中:“倘若 关 张 二将得知,定杀 曹操 。 曹操 坐起,常有十万军、百员将,两壁相併,把 长安 变成尸山血海。” 孙百刚 《郁达夫外传·风雨茅庐》:“白天吃饭坐起,都在后面三间小屋中。”

  2. 起身而坐。

    唐 韩愈 《秋怀诗》之一:“微灯照空牀,夜半偏入耳。愁忧无端来,感嘆成坐起。” 唐 元稹 《闻乐天授江州司马》诗:“残灯无焰影幢幢,此夕闻君謫 九江 。垂死病中惊坐起,暗风吹雨入寒窗。”

  3. 见“ 坐啟 ”。

  4. 指房屋内装修成的一种隔间。

    《警世通言·白娘子永镇雷峰塔》:“ 许宣 转到里面,只见:四扇暗槅子窗,揭起青布幕,一个坐起。”



  1. Sat up in bed in bed legs drop by half a minute, and then get out of bed.


  2. A few days later, Grandpa was not able to sit up, eat and even speak.


  3. sit up with the head tilted forwards during meal time . do not lie down or tilt the head backwards while eating.


  4. Decreases interference while sitting client up in bed.


  5. Please fill up from the front; the speaker's voice won't carry to the back.


  6. If client cannot tolerate sitting , supine position is allowed for anterior chest and side-lying position is used for posterior chest .


  7. He sat up and chatted for a short time to a delegation led by John Terry and boss Jose Mourinho.


  8. Supine, hand exposure to the side, with upper abdominal strength to sit up, lie down again, every morning and evening exercise 10-20 times.


  9. One day, lychee trees in the rain to wake up, wait stretched out arm, get a WANG Chun water looks green dress.


  1. 娃娃挣扎着要坐起身子。

    The baby was struggling to sit up.

  2. 那死人就坐起, 并且说话。

    And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak.

  3. 还会因为恍惚而坐起白日梦,

    I may switch off and go in a daydream

  4. 她在床上坐起, 把被子掀开。

    She sat up in bed and threw back the bedclothes.

  5. 她甚至连挣扎坐起的力气也没有。

    She could not summon the strength even to sit up.

  6. 就在这时女孩在沙发上慢慢坐起。

    At this point the girl slowly sat up on the sofa.

  7. 我帮着她坐起时她什么也没有说。

    She said nothing as I half helped her to a sitting position.

  8. 当我从床上坐起, 我听到玻璃破碎的声

    I hear glasses breakin as I sit up in my bed

  9. 克拉克在床上坐起时, 打呵欠并伸展手臂。

    As Clark sat up in bed, he yawned and stretched his arms.

  10. 在不用手扶的前提下,慢慢抬起上身直到坐起。

    Gently raise your upper body to a sitting position, without the aid of your hands.

  11. 据称,2003年2月11日之后,提交人无法从床上坐起。

    After11 February2003, the author was allegedly unable to rise from his bed.

  12. 那死人就坐起,并且说话。耶稣便把他交给他母亲。

    And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother.

  13. 它有效的预防了在马桶套上坐起或移动的安全隐患。

    It helps prevent shifting of the toilet seat while sitting or transferring.

  14. 进食时应坐起,头稍倾向前,避免躺时或头部仰后时进食。

    Sit up with the head tilted forwards during meal time. Do not lie down or tilt the head backwards while eating.

  15. 这甜蜜得幻影往往使她腾身坐起, 而后却是一片空虚

    She would rise from the sweet delusion mocked and emptied of her courage.

  16. 这甜蜜的幻影往往使她腾身坐起,而后却是一片空虚

    She would rise from the sweet delusion mocked and emptied of her courage.

  17. 从床上坐起后在床边双腿下垂坐半分钟,然后再下床活动。

    Sat up in bed in bed legs drop by half a minute, and then get out of bed.

  18. 局部活动受限或体弱病人在床上坐起时需要护理协助。

    A partially immobilized or weak client will require nursing assistance to sit up in bed.

  19. 结束的时候, 参赛者利用坐起的姿势刹车, 双腿踩冰, 拉住雪橇。

    At the finish, the racer brakes by sitting up, putting his feet on the ice and pulling on the runners.

  20. 切赫坐起并与队友的代表特里和教练穆帅交谈了一会儿。

    He sat up and chatted for a short time to a delegation led by John Terry and boss Jose Mourinho.

  21. 尽管她坐得起出租汽车,但她从没坐过。

    She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to.

  22. 像我这样的人算是坐不起这样的茶馆了。

    The likes of me won't be able to afford a seat in such a posh teahouse.

  23. 久坐不起的办公室生活给人们的健康带来及其不良的影响。

    A sedentary office life exerts an extremely bad influence on people's health.

  24. 她训练她的狗坐着举起前脚拜拜。

    She has taught her dog to sit up and beg.

  25. 坐而言不如起而行,行动永远胜过语言。

    Doing better than saying. Actions speak louder than words.

  26. 用上天高云淡得呼唤, 等待坐看云起得爱恋。

    With the heavenGao Yundan summon, waited for the seat looked the cloud gets up beingin love withfeel deeply attached to.

  27. 用上天高云淡的呼唤,等待坐看云起的爱恋。

    With the heavenGao Yundan summon, waited for the seat looked the cloud gets up beingin love withfeel deeply attached to.

  28. 他耸起双肩坐着。

    He sat with his shoulders hunched up.

  29. 她耸起双肩坐着。

    She sat with her shoulders hunched up.

  30. 在亚洲某些地方,你不可以坐着翘起二郎腿对着他人。

    In parts of Asia, you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person.