









汉语拼音:mài zhé lún



  1. The Small Magellanic Cloud, and its companion galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, are the two galaxies where this type of study is possible.


  2. The Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds appear destined to see a lot more of one another in the eons ahead.


  3. After helping a mother and her infant off a makeshift raft, an exhausted Magallanes was lost in the water, his body recovered the next day.


  4. Now this has really been a fun study because I put satellite tags on the back of these Magellanic Penguins.


  5. "Our new packaging initiative was to correctly position the Dundee portfolio within the craft beer category, " says Magallanes.


  6. During the last week of November, the fleet emerged into what Magellan described as a "beautiful, peaceful ocean. "


  7. Looming near the mighty sweep of the southern Milky Way, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds resemble detached pieces of our galaxy.


  8. The last landfall Chile, one hundred and thirty-three days aft, across the ocean Magellan had first sailed eighty years ago called Pacific.


  9. Magellan planted a large wooden cross and gave Queen Juana a wooden doll of the Santo Nino (the Child Saint) to commemorate the event.


  1. 麦哲伦盆地

    Magallenas basin

  2. 麦哲伦星系

    magellanic galaxy

  3. 麦哲伦海峡。

    the Magellan Straits

  4. 麦哲伦阵亡

    Magellan is killed in action

  5. 麦哲伦海山

    Magellan Seamounts

  6. 麦哲伦海峡简介

    A brief introduction to the Strait of Magellan

  7. 他曾驶过麦哲伦海峡,

    He had sailed through the Straits of Magellan

  8. 我们穿过了麦哲伦海峡。

    We passed through the Strait of Magellan.

  9. 那里有大量的麦哲伦企鹅。

    There were plenty of them.

  10. 麦哲伦海峡介绍及航法

    An introductio of the Magellan Strait and its sailings

  11. 麦哲伦本人在菲律宾群岛被杀。

    Magellan himself had been killed in the Philippine Isles.

  12. 麦哲伦是第一个环球航行得人。

    Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.

  13. 麦哲伦是第一个环球航行的人。

    Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.

  14. 葡萄牙人麦哲伦投效了西班牙

    Portuguese Magellan Joined the Spanish Service

  15. 麦哲伦的周游世界说明地球是圆的。

    Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth that it is a globe.

  16. 麦哲伦得周游世界说明地球是圆得。

    Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth that it is a globe.

  17. 哥伦布, 麦哲伦等伟大的航海探险家

    Columbus, Magellan, and other great navigators

  18. 麦哲伦周游世界得事实说明地球是圆得。

    Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe.

  19. 麦哲伦周游世界的事实说明地球是圆的。

    Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe.

  20. 麦哲伦周游世界的事实说明地球是圆的。

    Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe.

  21. 麦哲伦试图找到一条通向印度洋得通道。

    Magellan was trying to find a passage to the Indian Ocean.

  22. 麦哲伦试图找到一条通向印度洋的通道。

    Magellan was trying to find a passage to the Indian Ocean.

  23. 我有一个麦哲伦之前,绝不会再购买一个。

    I had a Magellan before, would NEVER buy one again.

  24. 随着这些升级这个麦哲伦大师4250一直是我的魅力工作。

    With these upgrades this Magellan Maestro 4250 has been working like a charm.

  25. 随着这些升级这个麦哲伦大师4250一直是我得魅力工作。

    With these upgrades this Magellan Maestro 4248 has been working like a charm.

  26. 麦哲伦号航天器上的雷达眼能够穿透所有这些阻碍。

    Magellan's radar eye can see through all this.

  27. 麦哲伦的海员们的航海回归证实了地球是圆的这一真理。

    Magellen's men's return from the voyage proved the truth that the earth is round.

  28. 在南半球看得见的两个麦哲伦星系中较大的一个。

    The larger of the two Magellanic galaxies visible from the southern hemisphere.

  29. 巨型麦哲伦望远镜的分辨率将比 哈勃空间望远镜强十倍。

    The Giant Magellan Telescope will have 8 times the resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope.

  30. 通过巨型麦哲伦望远镜实例对分析过程进行了具体说明。

    Finally, the analysis processes mentioned above are illustrated in detail by an example of Giant Magellan Telescope.


  1. 问:麦哲伦拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦的读音是什么?麦哲伦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦的读音是màizhélún,麦哲伦翻译成英文是 Magallanes

  2. 问:麦哲伦云拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦云的读音是什么?麦哲伦云翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦云的读音是,麦哲伦云翻译成英文是 Magellanic Clouds

  3. 问:麦哲伦鸻拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦鸻的读音是什么?麦哲伦鸻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦鸻的读音是Màizhélúnhéng,麦哲伦鸻翻译成英文是 Magellanic Plover; Pluvianellus socialis

  4. 问:麦哲伦星流拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦星流的读音是什么?麦哲伦星流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦星流的读音是,麦哲伦星流翻译成英文是 Magellanic Stream

  5. 问:麦哲伦海峡拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦海峡的读音是什么?麦哲伦海峡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦海峡的读音是,麦哲伦海峡翻译成英文是 Strait of Magellan

  6. 问:麦哲伦鹈燕拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦鹈燕的读音是什么?麦哲伦鹈燕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦鹈燕的读音是Màizhélúntíyàn,麦哲伦鹈燕翻译成英文是 Magellanic Diving-Petrel; Pelecanoides mage...

  7. 问:麦哲伦体育俱乐部拼音怎么拼?麦哲伦体育俱乐部的读音是什么?麦哲伦体育俱乐部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:麦哲伦体育俱乐部的读音是,麦哲伦体育俱乐部翻译成英文是 Deportes Magallanes



“麦哲伦”是个多义词,它可以指麦哲伦(毒人麦哲伦), 麦哲伦(漫画《海贼王》里的人物)。