


1. 泽 [zé]2. 泽 [shì]泽 [zé]水积聚的地方:大~。湖~。润~(潮湿)。沼~。金属或其他物体发出的光亮:光~。色~。恩惠:恩~。~及枯骨(施惠于死人)。洗濯。汗衣,内衣。泽 [shì]古同“释”,解散。……


1. 被 [bèi]2. 被 [pī]被 [bèi]睡觉时覆盖身体的东西:~子。~单。棉~。毛巾~。羽绒~。~褥。盖,遮覆:~覆。泽~后世(恩惠遍及后代)。遭遇,遭受:~灾。~难(nàn)。介词,用在句中表示主讲是受事者:他~(老板)辞退了……







汉语拼音:zé pī tiān xià






  1. na.
  2. spread all-round benefit to the people;Benefits spread to all people.

  1. 我们的成功将继承先贤,泽被后世。

    Our success will do credit to our forebears and bring benefit to our posterity.

  2. 它长久以来泽被着西欧各国历史文化的集体认同感。

    It has long been a Western European countries that will benefit the collective historical and cultural identity.

  3. 钱塘潮,自古以来被视为天下奇观。

    The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight.

  4. 泰山被誉称为天下第一山。

    Mount Tai is praised as peerless under heaven.

  5. 秦始皇时,朝封天下12名山,恒山被推崇为天下第二山。

    Qin Shihuang in the closed world famous 12 were respected Hengshan Mountain is the world second.

  6. 天下的人被分为两种。

    The world is divided into two main parts.

  7. 天下再没有比被酒激刺着的人更荒谬,更可厌,更可笑的了。

    There is nothing so absurd, so surfeiting, so ridiculous, as a man heated by wine in his head.

  8. 菏泽牡丹闻名于天下。

    Heze is famous for its peony flowers.

  9. 天下雨, 所以比赛被取消了。

    It rained therefore the game was called off.

  10. 他们知道泽维尔被关了

    They knew Xavier was in custody.

  11. 但是天下雪了, 因此计划被取消了。

    But it snowed therefore the plan was cancelled.

  12. 她被新泽西律师协会接纳了。

    She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar.

  13. 不巧的是, 天下雨, 比赛被取消了。

    Unluckily, it rained, so the match was cancelled.

  14. 我感觉被特雷泽盖的话背叛了。

    I feel betrayed by Trezeguet's words.

  15. 天下的难事,莫过于恢复已被动摇了的权威。

    Nothing is more difficult than to restore authority after it has been shaken.

  16. 泽博为在被发现时,急需洗澡和换洗衣服。

    Szerbowicz was badly of a shower and change of clothes by the time he was found.

  17. 两个人类在艾泽拉斯南方的岗哨被摧毁。

    Two human outposts in southern Azeroth are destroyed.

  18. 徐泽荣2001年因泄露国家机密的罪名被判刑13年。

    Xu Zerong was convicted in 2001 of passing on state secrets and sentenced to 13 years in prison.

  19. 伊泽德说,他不知道那里有多少被拘留的人。

    Izard says he does not know how many detainees there are.

  20. 战争再次以泽克的信徒被绿雾屠杀殆尽而告终。

    The war ended with the terrible slaying of the Rallosians by the Green Mist.

  21. 战争再次以泽克得信徒被绿雾屠杀殆尽而告终。

    The war ended with the terrible slaying of the Rallosians by the Green Mist.

  22. 上星期他被联邦法警逮捕,解回新泽西州出庭。

    He was nabbed last week by U.S. marshals who brought him back to Jersey to face the music.

  23. 但是不论谁被选中, 他仍将面对小泽顽固的狙击。

    But no matter who is chosen, he will still face Mr. Ozawa's dogged obstructionism.

  24. 被打耳光的那个人陷入藻泽开始下沉,他的朋友救了他。

    The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and start drowning, but his friend saved him.

  25. 后卫泽比纳已经被期望用来交换这位米兰的门将。

    Defender Jonathan Zebina is expected to go to Milan in a straight swap for the keeper.

  26. 瓦尔德泽米勒所绘制的地图被认为是最早的美洲地图。

    The Waldseemuller map is considered the first map of America.

  27. 瓦尔德泽米勒所绘制的地图被认为是最早的美洲地图。

    The Waldseemuller map is considered the first map of America.

  28. 两张百万抽奖券于新泽西和乔治亚州被售出。

    Two winning tickets for Mega Millions Lottery Drawing were sold in New Jersey and Georgia.

  29. 在此七分钟前,这位博卡青年队门将刚刚被克洛泽撞伤臀部。

    Seven minutes earlier, the Boca Juniors goalkeeper received a blow to his hip from Miroslav Klose.

  30. 刚开始几天下了很多雨,最后的4天运气不错,天气转晴,太阳出来了。被晒得后背有点脱皮了,天啊!

    The first few days it rained a lot, and then, luckily, it cleared up and got sunny for the last four days. I got a little burnt, so my back is peeling now…ugh!



  1. 言情小说

  2. 恩泽遍及到所有人