











汉语拼音:dài pén wàng tiān




头顶盆子,想看天空而看不见。汉司马迁《报任安书》:“仆以为戴盆何以望天。” 后以“戴盆望天”喻指手段与 目的相反。



  • 【解释】:头上顶着盆子看天。比喻行为和目的相反,愿望不可能达到。
  • 【出自】:汉·司马迁《报任少卿书》:“仆以为戴盆何以望天,故绝宾客之知,亡家室之业,日夜思竭其不肖之才力,务一心营职,以求亲媚于主上。”
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语;比喻行为和目的相反,愿望难实现


  1. na.
  2. folly of trying to see the sky with a basin over one'

  3. s head;look at the sky under a basin;work blindly

  1. 哪天咱们戴上手套再较量吧,马丁笑了笑,说。

    We'll put on the gloves sometime and see, Martin said with a smile.

  2. 牙龈没有好之前, 这几天先不要戴假牙。

    Don't wear your dentures for a few days until your gum has healed.

  3. 太阳公公戴上了云帽子,天一下子变得凉爽了。

    When Grandfather Sun put on the hat of cloud, It'suddenly becomes cool.

  4. 太阳公公戴上了云帽子,天一下子变得凉快了。

    When Grandfather Sun put on the hat of cloud, it suddenly becomes cool.

  5. 毕业典礼那天戴方帽, 穿长袍!

    Wear cap and gown on graduation day!

  6. 这就是我每天戴的表,他说。

    This is the watch I wear every day, he says.

  7. 愚人节那天戴夫发生了什么事

    A What happened to Dave on April Fools Day

  8. 马也认得他得每天戴着得牛仔帽。

    They also knew his cowboy hat, which he wore every day.

  9. 马也认得他的每天戴着的牛仔帽。

    They also knew his cowboy hat, which he wore every day.

  10. 近日某天中午, 周韵戴着墨镜现身公寓门口。

    One day at noon recently, Zhou Yun, wearing dark glasses appeared in front of an apartment.

  11. 她每天戴着新的假发,看起来像个大人物似的。

    She wore a new hairpiece every day and was considered a big wig.

  12. 许多人还保留着在母亲节那天戴康乃馨的习惯。

    Many people follow the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day.

  13. 他每天都戴着领带。

    He wears necktie everyday.

  14. 戴安娜来上海三天了。

    Diana has been in Shanghai for three days.

  15. 外面尘雾迷天,最好戴上口罩。

    The smog is so thick that you'd better wear a respirator.

  16. 外面尘雾迷天,最好戴上口罩。

    The smog is so thick that you'd better wear a respirator.

  17. 天哪,我真希望我能酷到戴墨镜。

    Man, I wish I was cool enough to wear glasses.

  18. 他声称, 这要感谢他戴著天珠。

    He claimed that this was thanks to the dai bead he was wearing.

  19. 今天天这么冷,你怎么没戴小帽?

    It is cold today, why don't you wear your cap?

  20. 今天天这么冷,你怎么没戴小帽?

    It is cold today, why don't you wear your cap?

  21. 她每天都戴不同颜色的假发套。

    She wore a different color wig every day.

  22. 她每天都戴不同颜色的假发套。

    She wore a different color wig every day.

  23. 天正在下雨,因此我戴了一顶帽子。

    It was raining and on that account I wore a hat.

  24. 我被拘押了12天,被蒙着眼,戴着手铐。

    I was detained for 10 days, blindfolded, handcuffed.

  25. 再过几天我就能不戴面具了。

    Ill be able to take off the mask in a few days.

  26. 戴邵帅和同事们每天24小时倒班工作。

    Dai and his colleagues work in shifts round the clock.

  27. 戴普第二天就他们介绍了游戏室。

    Dap introduced them to the game room on their second day.

  28. 戴上领巾一天得心情都是那么得舒畅。

    Wear a scarf all day so comfortable feeling.

  29. 戴上领巾一天的心情都是那么的舒畅。

    Wear a scarf all day so comfortable feeling.

  30. 隔天早晨上班时,他只好戴口罩掩饰伤口

    The next morning at work, he had to wear a surgical mask to hide it.