


挡,拒,用力对撑着:~挡。~制。~抗。~赖。顶撞,冲突,矛盾:~触。代替,相当,顶替:~押。~偿。~充。~还(huán )。到达:~京。~临。……


通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:dǐ dá








  1. 到达。

    阿英 《<敌后日记>摘抄·一九四二年七月十四日》:“自 泰州 起行,至今日抵达军部。” 阿英 《<敌后日记>摘抄·一九四二年七月十四日》:“如无敌伪区,不绕道,则三五日即可抵达。” 詹安泰 《<李璟李煜词>前言》:“ 朱令贇 既然战死,他命 张洎 作腊丸帛书求救于 契丹 ,又不能抵达。”



  1. Yang arrived in London on Tuesday at the invitation of his British counterpart David Miliband for a three-day official visit.


  2. Kennedy decided to use a naval blockade -- he called it a "quarantine" -- to prevent any more Soviet ships from reaching Cuba.


  3. Surely these Carlisle athletes would come charging off the train, one after another, like a Marine battalion .


  4. Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the works of Charles Dickens which I had not wanted.


  5. He knew that he had not " arrived " spiritually, and that he had a long way to go in becoming like Christ.


  6. If it gets there in one piece, it will examine the climate and geology of Mars and look for any signs of life that might have arisen.


  7. Then he made his way by sea to Shanghai, arriving at the end of the year.


  8. When you walk out of the front door, you can hop into a boat and Capri is 45 minutes away.


  9. Yi, who has listed singing as one of her hobbies, said her first reaction on reaching the ISS would be to cry out: "Wow! "


  1. 船抵达港口

    to fetch port.

  2. 什么时候抵达?

    What is the arrival time?

  3. 飞机提早抵达。

    The airplane arrived ahead of time.

  4. 圣火抵达珠峰

    arrival of the torch at Mount Qomolangma.

  5. 抵达英格兰

    Lassie Comes Over the Border.

  6. 抵达时间的尽头

    To the end of time

  7. 我们抵达了山峰。

    We won the summit of the mountain.

  8. 代表团陆续抵达。

    The delegates arrived one after the other.

  9. 船抵达安全港

    The ship won a safe port.

  10. 飞机中午抵达香港。

    The plane reached Hong Kong at midday.

  11. 他准五点抵达。

    He arrived promptly at 5 o'clock.

  12. 我能抵达圣灵吗

    Would I then reach divine entity.

  13. 一群来访者抵达。

    A troop of visitors arrived.

  14. 请问您何时抵达?

    May I know your arrival time, please?

  15. 她第一个抵达那里。

    She was here first.

  16. 抵达时淡海水吃水

    brackish water arrival draft

  17. 抵达新德里, 休息, 整理

    Get to Delhi rest Stay in Delhi on twin sharing basis, freshen up

  18. 飞机预定12点15分抵达。

    The plane is due to arrive at 12.15.

  19. 抵达斯德哥尔摩

    Arriving in Stockholm

  20. 火车10点钟抵达济南。

    The train arrived at Jinan at ten o clock.

  21. 不久以后他们抵达了。

    They arrived shortly after.

  22. 他有可能准时抵达。

    There is a possibility of his arriving on time.

  23. 他们星期四抵达伦敦。

    They reached London on Thursday.

  24. 我午夜过后抵达河内。

    I arrived in Hanoi after midnight.

  25. 飞机延期,已安全抵达。

    Flight delayed arrive safely.

  26. 声音走了。静默抵达。

    All the sounds have gone and the silence has come.

  27. 他们什么时候抵达洛杉矶

    When will they reach Los Angeles

  28. 我估计正午抵达北京。

    I reckon to arrive in Beijing at noon.

  29. 最后终于抵达灯塔啦。

    Eventually, we reached the lighthouse.

  30. 我已于10月5日抵达。

    I have arrived on 5 October.


  1. 问:抵达拼音怎么拼?抵达的读音是什么?抵达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达的读音是dǐdá,抵达翻译成英文是 reach

  2. 问:抵达港拼音怎么拼?抵达港的读音是什么?抵达港翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达港的读音是dǐ dá gǎng,抵达港翻译成英文是 Port of Arrival

  3. 问:抵达日期拼音怎么拼?抵达日期的读音是什么?抵达日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达日期的读音是dǐ dá rì qī,抵达日期翻译成英文是 Date of Arrival

  4. 问:抵达时间拼音怎么拼?抵达时间的读音是什么?抵达时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达时间的读音是dǐ dá shí jiān,抵达时间翻译成英文是 Over Head Time

  5. 问:抵达月份拼音怎么拼?抵达月份的读音是什么?抵达月份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达月份的读音是dǐ dá yuè fèn,抵达月份翻译成英文是 Month of Arrival

  6. 问:抵达返回拼音怎么拼?抵达返回的读音是什么?抵达返回翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达返回的读音是dǐ dá fǎn huí,抵达返回翻译成英文是 Arrival and Return

  7. 问:抵达定位器拼音怎么拼?抵达定位器的读音是什么?抵达定位器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达定位器的读音是dǐ dá dìng wèi qì,抵达定位器翻译成英文是 Arrival Locator

  8. 问:抵达时间差拼音怎么拼?抵达时间差的读音是什么?抵达时间差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达时间差的读音是dǐ dá shí jiān chā,抵达时间差翻译成英文是 Differential Time of Arrival

  9. 问:抵达基地时间拼音怎么拼?抵达基地时间的读音是什么?抵达基地时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达基地时间的读音是dǐ dá jī dì shí jiān,抵达基地时间翻译成英文是 Arriving Time of Base

  10. 问:抵达情况不明拼音怎么拼?抵达情况不明的读音是什么?抵达情况不明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达情况不明的读音是dǐ dá qíng kuàng bù míng,抵达情况不明翻译成英文是 Arrival Unknown

  11. 问:抵达通知表格拼音怎么拼?抵达通知表格的读音是什么?抵达通知表格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达通知表格的读音是dǐ dá tōng zhī biǎo gé,抵达通知表格翻译成英文是 Arrived Notification Form

  12. 问:抵达前检查程序拼音怎么拼?抵达前检查程序的读音是什么?抵达前检查程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达前检查程序的读音是dǐ dá qián jiǎn chá chéng xù,抵达前检查程序翻译成英文是 Prcarrival Inspection Procedure

  13. 问:抵达机场控制小组拼音怎么拼?抵达机场控制小组的读音是什么?抵达机场控制小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达机场控制小组的读音是dǐ dá jī chǎng kòng zhì xiǎo zǔ,抵达机场控制小组翻译成英文是 Arrival Airfield Control Group

  14. 问:抵达除……之外地方拼音怎么拼?抵达除……之外地方的读音是什么?抵达除……之外地方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抵达除……之外地方的读音是dǐdá chú…… zhīwài dìfang,抵达除……之外地方翻译成英文是 arriving ex…



抵达 dǐ dá 基本解释 1. [arrive]∶到达目的地他们乘飞机于子夜抵达 2. [reach]∶到达,来到顺着这条小溪便可抵达洞湾村 详细解释 到达。 阿英 《摘抄·一九四二年七月十四日》:“自 泰州 起行,至今日抵达军部。” 阿英 《摘抄·一九四二年七月十四日》:“如无敌伪区,不绕道,则三五日即可抵达。” 詹安泰 《前言》:“ 朱令贇 既然战死,他命 张洎 作腊丸帛书求救于 契丹 ,又不能抵达。”