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He wanted something for his cough but I couldn't find the cough syrup. I substituted Ex-Lax and told him to take it all at once.
他想治咳嗽,但我找不到止咳糖浆。我就用泻药代替了,还告诉他要一次全喝下。The stems are edible (and incredibly tasty) and the roots have been used for over 5, 000 years as a laxitive and poop-softener.
茎是可食用的,根被用作泻药和大便软化剂已经有超过5000年的历史。Don't worry. Here's a prescription. Use the suppositories and laxative. The bleeding should stop in two or there days.
别着急,这是您的处方。用一点坐药和泻药,过两、三天血就会止住。Sorbitol, also known as E420, is poorly absorbed by the small intestine and is known to have laxative properties.
山梨糖醇,又称为E420,不容易被小肠吸收,并其有泻药的性能。A mixture of tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, and potassium sodium tartrate, used as a mild cathartic by dissolving in water and drinking.
赛德利茨粉,起泡粉:一种酒酸、碳酸氢纳和罗谢尔盐的混和物,用作一种温和的泻药,溶于水中饮用。Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
决不,在任何情况下,都不要在同一晚上既吃安眠药,又吃泻药。Remembering the owner's warning, John sold the man a box of Ex-Lax and instructed him to take the entire box all at once.
他想起了店主的话,就卖给这个人一盒泻药并且告诉他要一口气都喝下。Before fights, it's not uncommon for bulls to be impaired with laxatives, deprived of water, or have petroleum jelly smeared in their eyes.
在开始斗牛之前,给公牛喂泻药,不给公牛饮水,或者将凡士林涂抹于公牛的眼睛里是非常常见的伎俩。Self-treatment of constipation with over-the-counter laxative products, home remedies, and foodstuffs is commonplace.