


唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……





汉语拼音:gē yǒng







  1. 亦作“ 歌咏 ”。歌唱;吟咏。

    《史记·宋微子世家》:“ 箕子 伤之,欲哭则不可,欲泣为其近妇人,乃作《麦秀》之诗以歌咏之。” 唐 赵嘏 《送滕迈郎中赴睦州》诗:“想到钓臺逢竹马,只应歌咏伴猿声。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷四:“余观三百五篇,如桃、李、芍药、棠棣、兰之类,无不歌咏。” 鲁迅 《汉文学史纲要》第一篇:“声音繁变,寖成言辞,言辞谐美,乃兆歌咏。” 茅盾 《这时代的诗歌》:“最近出现了不少的歌咏这大时代的诗歌。”

  2. 谓以诗歌颂扬。

    《汉书·刘向传》:“ 周公 思慕,歌咏 文王 文德。” 唐 黄滔 《内出白鹿宣示百官》诗:“贵臣歌咏日,皆作白麟看。” 宋 苏轼 《奏户部拘收度牒状》:“ 杭 扬 二州,各得百道,吏民鼓舞,歌咏圣泽。” 蒋光慈 《劳动的武士》:“你是拥护自由公道的天使,你永值得诗人的歌咏和赞美!”

  3. 指诗歌。

    唐 皮日休 《襄州春游》诗:“等门遇事成歌咏,取次衝筵隐姓名。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·诗文一·各诗之始》:“夫自 周 衰,採诗之官废, 汉 魏 之世,歌咏杂兴。”

  4. 见“ 歌咏 ”。



  1. A incense, a table, a chair, a handkerchief, even a pair of scissors was the target of repeated singing.


  2. Profession good grass scribe, work poems, each with a set of celebrities Yan, singing adaptive.


  3. The vineyards of Ein Gedi produced glorious henna flowers that the singer of the Song of Songs compares to his beloved.


  4. After the meeting, held a singing of the General Assembly.


  5. Young girls have to be very committed to learn the art of traditional Japanese dancing, singing, music, and much more.


  6. There is going to be a singing competition this evening.


  7. They said the team's harmony singing angel is extremely complex, while the melody is very simple: "most of them march time. "


  8. In Chongqing, even prisons are holding singalongs, and one psychiatric hospital has prescribed it for patients.


  9. Mom, I've won the first place in the singing contest.


  1. 抗日救亡歌咏运动

    movement of singing forth resistance against Japan and national salvation

  2. 我将报名参加歌咏比赛。

    I shall enter for the singing competition.

  3. 大会结束后,举行了歌咏大会。

    After the meeting, held a singing of the General Assembly.

  4. 艳色使得古老的歌咏也香艳,

    And beauty making beautiful old rhyme

  5. 玛丽在歌咏比赛中得第一名。

    Mary won first place in the singing contest.

  6. 怜悯江河涌流不断,迫我不断来歌咏。

    Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for loudest praise.

  7. 你看昨晚的校园歌咏比赛了吗?

    Did you watch the campus singing contest yesterday evening?

  8. 请不必询问那只曾经歌咏的画眉

    Please didnt need to inquire that onlyonce sings the thrush

  9. 约翰上周六参加了一次歌咏比赛。

    John took park in a Singing Competition last Saturday!

  10. 歌咏文化的演变与民族话语权及其认同

    The Evolution of Singing Culture and National Speech Authority and Its Identity

  11. 评判员评定玛丽为歌咏比赛得第一名。

    The judges ranked Mary the best in the singing contest.

  12. 评判员评定玛丽为歌咏比赛的第一名。

    The judges ranked Mary the best in the singing contest.

  13. 她非常努力,所以在歌咏比赛中获得成功。

    She tried very hard, so she succeeded in the singing competition.

  14. 这歌交与歌咏长, 用丝弦得乐器。

    For the choir director, with my stringed instruments.

  15. 这歌交与歌咏长,用丝弦的乐器。

    For the choir director, with my stringed instruments.

  16. 你想参加歌咏比赛吗?是的,我很愿意。

    Would you like to take part in a singing contest? Yes, I'd love to.

  17. 春兰秋菊是许多古代诗人歌咏的对象。

    The orchid in spring and the chrysanthemum in autumn were chanted by many ancient poets.

  18. 昨天的歌咏比赛中,马里亚得了一等奖。

    Maria won first prize in yesterday's singing competition.

  19. 你应记住要赞颂他的工程, 这是人们应歌咏的。

    Remember, you should extol his work, which men have praised in song.

  20. 他将代表我们班在学校的歌咏比赛中唱歌。

    He will represent our class to sing at the school singing contest.

  21. 玛丽亚在昨天的歌咏比赛中获得一等奖。

    Maria in yesterday's singing competition.

  22. 玛丽亚在昨天得歌咏比赛中获得一等奖。

    Maria in yesterday's singing competition.

  23. 他把所有的歌咏统一收集到一个集子中。

    It was named after Pope Gregory the Great who unified all the chants into one collection.

  24. 在歌咏比赛中, 玛丽与海伦争夺一等奖。

    During the singing contest, Mary competed with Helen for the first prize.

  25. 那一首首诗词中,也都歌咏着这不朽的传奇。

    These various poems sing praises of this immortal legend.

  26. 纳斐塔里是只被释放的母鹿,发出悦耳的歌咏。

    Naphtali is a hind let loose which brings forth lovely fawns.

  27. 歌咏的人在前,奏乐的人在后,在中间还有一队鸣鼓的少女。

    Praise God in the great congregation, praise the Lord in the feasts of Israel.

  28. 师道善草隶,工诗,每与有名士燕集,歌咏自适。

    How might you drag a good writers work down to the level of a lesser scribe.

  29. 歌咏团萌芽初期,是由本堂各华文小组志愿组成的。

    With a humble beginning, the choir started by gathering volunteers from various Chinese groups in the parish.


  1. 问:歌咏拼音怎么拼?歌咏的读音是什么?歌咏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歌咏的读音是gēyǒng,歌咏翻译成英文是 sing

  2. 问:歌咏队拼音怎么拼?歌咏队的读音是什么?歌咏队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歌咏队的读音是gēyǒngduì,歌咏队翻译成英文是 A small group organized to sing songs.



ɡē yǒnɡ 亦作“ 歌咏 ”。 1.歌唱;吟咏。《史记·宋微子世家》:“ 箕子 伤之,欲哭则不可,欲泣为其近妇人,乃作《麦秀》之诗以歌咏之。” 唐 赵嘏 《送滕迈郎中赴睦州》诗:“想到钓台逢竹马,只应歌咏伴猿声。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷四:“余观三百五篇,如桃、李、芍药、棠棣、兰之类,无不歌咏。”清《睢州志·浮香阁轶闻绝句·袁氏(袁可立)陆园》:“晚相园地建道场,名“小蓬莱”(袁家山)。一时竟歌咏之,荟为集曰《蓬莱纪胜》。”鲁迅 《汉文学史纲要》第一篇:“声音繁变,寖成言辞,言辞谐美,乃兆歌咏。” 茅盾 《这时代的诗歌》:“最近出现了不少的歌咏这大时代的诗歌。” 2.谓以诗歌颂扬。《汉书·刘向传》:“ 周公 思慕,歌咏 文王 文德。” 唐 黄滔 《内出白鹿宣示百官》诗:“贵臣歌咏日,皆作白麟看。” 宋 苏轼 《奏户部拘收度牒状》:“ 杭 扬 二州,各得百道,吏民鼓舞,歌咏圣泽。” 蒋光慈 《劳动的武士》:“你是拥护自由公道的天使,你永值得诗人的歌咏和赞美!” 3.指诗歌。 唐 皮日休 《襄州春游》诗:“等门遇事成歌咏,取次冲筵隐姓名。” 明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·诗文一·各诗之始》:“夫自 周 衰,采诗之官废, 汉 魏 之世,歌咏杂兴。”