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汉语拼音:shōu xī
We wish to inform you that up-to-this-date we do not appear to have received any acknowledgment from you.
我们希望告知你行,至今我们仍未收到你行收悉的消息。Your favour of the 7th July is AT hand, and thank you for your order for .
7月7日的贵函收悉,感谢您订购下列货物。Regards to your mail, Kindly understand that we are very much interested in doing business with your company base on your offer.
关于您的邮件,收悉了解。基于您的报价,我们非常有兴趣和贵司合作。The notice shall be in writing or take other appropriate forms by which receipt can be confirmed.
通知方式包括书面方式和能够确认收悉的其他适当方式。I acknowledge receipt of your letter of yesterday, and gratefully accept the appointment on the terms you mention.
您昨日来信已收悉,谨于此按您所约定的条件接受此项任务We have duly receive your circular of may15, with a price-list of the japanese toy and sundry enclosed therein.
贵司5月15日来函及所附日本产玩具和杂货价目单均及时收悉。In reply to your inquiry of the 1st inst. , we inform you that our business relations with the firm have hitherto been most satisfactory.
贵方于本月一日发来的查询函收悉。本公司与该公司的交易关系到目前为止颇为顺利、舒畅。特此函复。For your information, we enclose a copy of the letter received from the Charterers'' Agents with regard to stowage of the cargo.
关于装船一事,谨寄上从租船代理商处收到的装载报告书副本一份,请收悉。Thank you for your letter of 10th March. We are gratified to receive your request for men and women's raincoats on approval.