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she cried, and with that even as he took her hand and kissed it, he fell into sleep.
她失声大喊,就在握着他的手亲吻的时刻,他已安然入睡。He wants the leather to be stiff so hitters cannot see the movement of his hand as he grips the ball.
他要求皮革仍是坚硬的,因此打者无法看出他的手在握球时的移动。Rights of any kind are the community's protection against the unwarranted interference in daily life by an all-powerful central government.
任何类型的权利针对的都是防止日常生活受到大权在握的中央政府的无理干扰,因此对社会具有保护作用。Democrats in Texas held a smaller caucus as well as a primary, which Mr Obama appeared to have won along with a primary in Vermont.
得克萨斯州的民主党人举行了一场规模较小的预备会议和一场初选,奥巴马先生在赢得佛蒙特州初选的同时,似乎对这两场活动也是胜券在握。With Mr Putin in power, Russia may suffer deep stagnation, but a collapse of the system would be all the more dramatic.
如果普京大权在握,俄罗斯可能遭受严重的停滞,但是体制的崩溃更能带来更多动力。As a further basis for the "charge" , there were used the drafts of stories and reflections which had been found in my map case.
在进一步的指控当中,用到了在握的地图箱当中找到的故事草稿和一些草图。Permission to be a contender, however, should not be confused with an opportunity to win, and still less to govern.
尽管允许参加竞选,但也不该被一个获胜的机会冲昏头脑,毕竟还谈不上是大权在握。Public servants make huge financial sacrifices to stay close to power. Mr Rove will now be able to join the speaking-and-consulting circuit.
做一个大权在握的公务员要在金钱上牺牲很多,而现在,罗夫可以在各地进行巡回咨询演说了。Both the centre-right, which lost its majority but stayed in power, and the left-wing opposition, vowed to have nothing to do with it.