







汉语拼音:fēng huǒ




1.古代边防报 警时所烧的烟火。




  1. 古时边防报警的烟火。

    《史记·周本纪》:“有寇至,则举烽火。”《史记·廉颇蔺相如传》:“日击数牛饗士,习骑射,谨烽火,多閒谍,厚遇战士。”《三国志·魏志·陈泰传》:“遂进军 高城岭 ,潜行,夜至 狄道 东南高山上,多举烽火,鸣鼓角。”《古今小说·新桥市韩五卖春情》:“因要取 褒姒 一笑,向 驪山 之上,把与诸侯为号的烽火烧起来。”

  2. 指战争、战乱。

    唐 杜甫 《春望》诗:“烽火连三月,家书抵万金。”《清史稿·张煌言传》:“十一年,又自 吴淞 入 江 ,逼 镇江 ,登 金山 望祭 明太祖 陵。烽火达 江寧 ,俄,退次 崇明 。” 杨朔 《蓬莱仙境》:“再往后,我离开家乡,一连多少年烽火遍地,又接不到家乡的音信,不知道 婀娜 姐姐的命运究竟怎样了。”



  1. Though Dobley is no longer on the front lines of Somalia's civil war, it has in recent months been at the front lines of the Somali famine.


  2. I saw many beacon towers. My mother told me that those towers were used to send signals in the ancient times.


  3. The beginning, the Great Wall does not steep ladder, I climbed to a fifth smooth beacon.


  4. These intimate services to the brand further win support among the people, for the company has accumulated valuable intangible wealth.


  5. After several years of good governance, balefire communication towards the grand goal.


  6. A strange older Chinese lady had poked her head out of the tower and was motioning me upward.


  7. Well-known folk tales: the flames of drama, and Meng Jiangnu crying princes also took place in the Great Wall on the Great Wall.


  8. What few may know is that Lincoln's example has been a beacon to the rest of the world as well.


  9. Suddenly I felt like a Red Indian defending the use of good old smoke signals against the advance of the telephone.


  1. 烽火戏诸侯

    Setting beacon fire to make fun of dukes.

  2. 烽火照西京。

    The beacon fire shines on the capital.

  3. 烽火恩仇十六年

    Love and hatred for sixteen years

  4. 谈判破裂, 烽火再起。

    The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down.

  5. 谈判破裂,烽火再起。

    The flames of war went on when the negotiation broke down .

  6. 烽火印啸,浴血之师。

    War bellows blazing in scarlet battalions.

  7. 战争的烽火硝烟已经消散。

    The flames and smoke of war had dissipated.

  8. 阳关现在只是一个烽火台。

    The Yangguan Pass is Just a beacon tower now.

  9. 白日登山望烽火 黄昏饮马傍交河

    We climb the hill by day to watch for beacon fires And water horses by riverside when day expires.

  10. 沿城墙有许多烽火台, 过去常有士兵驻守。

    Along the wall are watch towers, where soldiers used to keep watch.

  11. 长城、烽火台、古渡口仍辉映着黄河浪涛。

    Great Wall, beacon towers, and still reflect the ancient Yellow River crossing waves.

  12. 消息用烽火从一个村子传送到另一个村子。

    The message was flamed by signal fires from one village to another.

  13. 其中,东、西、北三道城门上还有烽火台。

    The east, west and north gates each have a beacon tower on top.

  14. 长城由三部分构成军事关卡, 城墙和烽火台。

    It consisits of three the military passes, the walls and the beacon towers.

  15. 察哈尔, 上海等地的烽火已经燃烧起来了。

    The flames of war are already raging in Chahar and in Shanghai.

  16. 我咬牙坚持着,我终于登上了第八个烽火台。

    I bite the persisted, I finally boarded the eighth beacon.

  17. 凡谷和烽火资产负债率低, 经营现金流好。

    Valley and the flames where the low rate of assets and liabilities, cash flow better.

  18. 导游长城由三部分构成军事关卡,城墙和烽火台。

    It consisits of three the military passes, the walls and the beacon towers.

  19. 亭由灰砖砌成,砌在原先的烽火台上。

    The pavilion was made by grey bricks and was settled up on the old beacon tower.

  20. 烽火大神的解释是爱之者欲其永生,妖孽。

    Great God explained that the flames of love are like their immortality, evildoer.

  21. 在长城的烽火台上, 我忽发思古之情。

    Standing on the beacon tower of the Great Wall, I suddenly began to meditate on the past.

  22. 在长城的烽火台上,我忽发思古之情。

    Standing on the beacon tower of the Great Wall, I suddenly began to meditate on the past.

  23. 我们将烽火燃遍将所有敌人焚烧烈焰中,他们全将死亡。

    We shall take the fire everywhere And all our enemies shall burn, yeah In the fire they all shall die.

  24. 碉楼根据主要功能的不同可以分为烽火碉, 家碉和寨碉。

    The diaolou are classified according to their main functions night watch towers, residential towers and communal towers.

  25. 策士,是伴随着战国烽火硝烟而兴起的一个特殊的阶层。

    Advisors, is accompanied by the Warring States flames and smoke rise of a special class.

  26. 长城!让我们折中一下,去八达岭吧。我渴望能爬上烽火台。

    The Great Wall! Let's compromise and visit Badaling. I'm keen on climbing the beacon towers.


  1. 问:烽火拼音怎么拼?烽火的读音是什么?烽火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火的读音是fēnghuǒ,烽火翻译成英文是 signal fire; beacon fire

  2. 问:烽火台拼音怎么拼?烽火台的读音是什么?烽火台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火台的读音是fēnghuǒtái,烽火台翻译成英文是 beacon tower; smoke towers

  3. 问:烽火台拼音怎么拼?烽火台的读音是什么?烽火台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火台的读音是fēnghuǒ tái,烽火台翻译成英文是 Beacon Fire Station

  4. 问:烽火山拼音怎么拼?烽火山的读音是什么?烽火山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火山的读音是fēnghuǒ shān,烽火山翻译成英文是 Bonghwasan Mountain

  5. 问:烽火山站拼音怎么拼?烽火山站的读音是什么?烽火山站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火山站的读音是,烽火山站翻译成英文是 Bonghwasan Station

  6. 问:烽火山山踯躅拼音怎么拼?烽火山山踯躅的读音是什么?烽火山山踯躅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火山山踯躅的读音是fēnghuǒ shān shān zhí zhú,烽火山山踯躅翻译成英文是 Royal Azaleas of Bonghwasan Mountain

  7. 问:烽火台下交叉路拼音怎么拼?烽火台下交叉路的读音是什么?烽火台下交叉路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火台下交叉路的读音是fēnghuǒ tái xià jiāochā lù,烽火台下交叉路翻译成英文是 Forked Road Below the Beacon Fire Station...

  8. 问:烽火奇遇结良缘拼音怎么拼?烽火奇遇结良缘的读音是什么?烽火奇遇结良缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火奇遇结良缘的读音是,烽火奇遇结良缘翻译成英文是 Lady Fan

  9. 问:烽火山山踯躅生态群落拼音怎么拼?烽火山山踯躅生态群落的读音是什么?烽火山山踯躅生态群落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烽火山山踯躅生态群落的读音是fēnghuǒshān shān zhí zhú shēngtài qúnluò,烽火山山踯躅生态群落翻译成英文是 Royal Azaleas Habitat of Bonghwasan Mountain...



“烽火”是个多义词,它可以指烽火(QQ飞车), 烽火(古代边防军事通讯的重要手段), 烽火(2007年杨树鹏拍摄电影), 烽火(网络小说)。