







汉语拼音:xián rén








  1. 亦作“间人”。亦作“闲人”。指潜入敌方,侦察情况,刺探情报,进行颠覆活动的人。

    《汉书·韩信传》:“ 信 使间人窥知其不用,还报,则大喜,乃敢引兵遂下。”《后汉书·光武帝纪下》:“ 公孙述 遣閒人刺杀征南大将军 岑彭 。”《周书·裴文举传》:“时 东魏 以 正平 为 东雍州 ,遣其将 司马恭 镇之。每遣间人,扇动百姓。”

  2. 亦作“间人”。亦作“闲人”。清闲无事的人。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“如此诸贤,故为上品,以外率多田野閒人,音辞鄙陋,风操蚩拙,相与专固,无所堪能。” 唐 牟融 《春日山亭》诗:“正是圣朝全盛日,詎知林下有閒人。” 宋 陆游 《春雨》诗:“闭门非为老,半世是闲人。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第二章三:“大家都兴高采烈地忙着工作,没有看见一个闲人。”

  3. 不相干的人。

    唐 元稹 《酬乐天频梦微之》诗:“我今因病魂颠倒,唯梦閒人不梦君。”《水浒传》第三八回:“若真个是 宋公明 ,我便下拜;若是闲人,我却拜甚鸟!” 张天翼 《清明时节》二:“门可紧紧地关着,还贴着一张纸条:‘闲人莫入’”

  4. 帮闲食客。

    宋 吴自牧 《梦粱录·闲人》:“閒人本食客人……又有讲古论今、吟诗和曲、围棊抚琴、投壶打马、撇竹写兰,名曰‘食客’,此之谓閒人也。”《水浒传》第五六回:“我那本州 郭大官人 ,是个上户财主,专好结识官宦来往,门下养着多少闲人。”



  1. Mrs. Bermudez's offices consisted of what formerly had been a back chamber and a hall bedroom, marked "Private. "

  2. If you are not allowed to enter an area, you may see a sign posted on the door: Not open to the public.

  3. Chupo: A real man of leisure would make the garden his home.

  4. idlers, friction resistances outside feeder stations and resistances of the equipment used for feeding the bulk materials.

  5. Annabel and Midge came out of the tea room with the arrogant slow gait of the leisured .

  6. Soames had hung out a board marked "Trespassers will be prosecuted" , and he barely acknowledged the young fellow's salute.

  7. He had been there often, during a whole year, and had always been the same moody and morose lounger there.

  8. I cancelled the contract with Lazio, but we never spoke of a role for me as a manager. Right now I'm a free person from Lazio.

  9. After they had waited some time, straggling people who had heard of the accident began to come up.


  1. 嗨,闲人们

    Hey, hey!Party people!

  2. 回见,闲人们,拜

    Later, gators. Bye.

  3. 库房重地,闲人免进!

    Storage Room, No Admittance!

  4. 施工重地,闲人免进。

    Construction Site. No Admittance.

  5. 水源重地, 闲人免进。

    Source of water no entry without permission.

  6. 水源重地,闲人免进。

    Source of water no entry without permission .

  7. 只有闲人才会感到疲倦。

    It's only the idle will be tired.

  8. 也养得起一个闲人。

    Can reserve a loiterer as well.

  9. 要管好单位里的闲人

    Unoccupied Persons in a Unit Should Be Controlled Well

  10. 这条启事能把闲人拒之门外。

    This notice should keep unwanted visitors out.

  11. 当然,这纯粹是闲人编的顺口溜。

    Of course, this is purely for the jingle idlers.

  12. 爱是闲人忙碌的事, 忙人偷闲的事。

    Love is the business of the idle, but the idleness of the busy.

  13. 礼仪,是闲人用来疏远蠢人的发明。

    Ceremony is the invention of wise men to keep fool as a distance.

  14. 这个布告应当可以让闲人不进来了。

    This notice should keep unwanted visitors out.

  15. 陈老七背后的闲人们大噪起来。

    The crowd in back of Old Chen began to clamour.

  16. 听得这句话的闲人都笑起来了。

    The crowd laughed at the words.

  17. 只有一帮闲人帮旁边看热闹指点江山。

    There were only the passersby on the side watching the excitement and making comments.

  18. 竹坡曰真闲人必以园亭为住宅。

    Chupo A real man of leisure would make the garden his home.

  19. 与看电影相比,吃饭更为接近闲人忙事。

    Compared with the movies, eat closer to idler busy.

  20. 是啊,他在整理他的宅院,闲人何必喧哗?

    Yes, he was rearranging his own house and others had no fight to interfere.

  21. 很闲人就像有些事发生了,她挠了你。

    Obviously like something happened and she scratched you.

  22. 我们现在都正忙着,一个闲人也没有。

    All of us are busy over our work and nobody is idle.

  23. 大门已经关上, 免得外面的闲人混进。

    The main gate was promptly closed behind them, to keep outsiders from slipping in under cover of the general tumult.

  24. 不应该让退休的人感到自己是个闲人。

    A retired person should not be made to feel he's on the shelf.

  25. 我没时间记录历史, 让那些闲人去做吧。

    I have no time to record history. Let those free people do that.

  26. 波恩司坦打开了门,门上写着闲人莫入。

    Ber tern opened a door marked NO ADMITTANCE.

  27. 闲人是整个君主制度的形象, 野孩是整个无政府主义的形象。

    The whole of the monarchy is contained in the loungerthe whole of anarchy in the gamin.

  28. 虽然这位艺术家和这位雕塑家没被认为是闲人。

    Even the artist and the sculptor were not regardedas leisured men.

  29. 不是因为他的无知,开始有些闲人开始针对他说闲话了。

    It wasn't that he was unintelligent, as some critical people tend to gossip.

  30. 虽然这位艺术家和这位雕塑家没被认为是……闲人。

    Even the artist and the sculptor were not regarded...as leisured men.


  1. 问:闲人拼音怎么拼?闲人的读音是什么?闲人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闲人的读音是xiánrén,闲人翻译成英文是 layabout

  2. 问:闲人免进拼音怎么拼?闲人免进的读音是什么?闲人免进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闲人免进的读音是xiánrén miǎn jìn,闲人免进翻译成英文是 staff only

  3. 问:闲人免进的拼音怎么拼?闲人免进的的读音是什么?闲人免进的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闲人免进的的读音是,闲人免进的翻译成英文是 no-go



1.词语。xían rén 本意指没有事情要做的人、与事情无关的人。2.现代书法家程志广的号。1954年参军至今,一直临池不辍。采百家之长,逐渐形成自己的风格。用笔雄浑奇崛,苍劲老练,气雄力坚。擅行草,讲究运笔、行气、结体,有一种"品"的余味,给人以强烈的艺术感染力。