


1. 遗 [yí]遗 [yí]丢失:~失。~落。漏掉:~忘。~漏。丢失的东西,漏掉的部分:补~。路不拾~。余,留:~留。~俗。~闻。~址。~风。~憾。~老(a.经历世变的老人;b.仍然效忠前一朝代的老人)。死人留下的:~骨。~言。~嘱。不自……





汉语拼音:yí mín








  1. 亡国之民;前朝留下的老百姓。

    《左传·哀公四年》:“司马致邑,立宗焉,以诱其遗民,而尽俘以归。” 杜预 注:“ 楚 復诈为 蛮子 作邑,立其宗主。”《史记·周本纪》:“ 成王 既迁 殷 遗民, 周公 以王命告,作《多士》、《无佚》。” 元 王逢 《钱塘春感》诗之六:“遗民暗忆名都会,尚绕湖脣唱大堤。” 清 唐孙华 《读顾亭林集二十四韵》:“胜国遗民在,贞心匪石坚。” 吴晗 《论中立》:“﹝ 秦国 ﹞害怕六国的遗民反抗,叛乱,在武力控制之下,执行全面的文化杀戮,焚书坑儒。”

  2. 指沦陷区的人民。

    宋 陆游 《感兴》诗:“遗民沦左衽,何由雪烦寃?”

  3. 指改朝换代后不仕新朝的人。

    《艺文类聚》卷七引 汉 杜笃 《首阳山赋》:“其二老(指 伯夷 、 叔齐 )乃答余曰:吾 殷 之遗民也。” 清 梁章鉅 《归田琐记·鼓楼刻漏》:“ 陈石堂 名 普 ……以 宋 遗民不受 元 聘,隐居授徒,岿然为后学师表。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》:“这是 明 的遗民 朱舜水 先生客死的地方。”

  4. 指劫后馀留的人民。

    《左传·闵公二年》:“ 卫 之遗民男女七百有三十人。”《三国志·魏志·卫觊传》:“当今千里无烟,遗民困苦,陛下不善留意,将遂凋弊不可復振。”

  5. 后裔;后代。

    《左传·襄公二十九年》:“为之歌 唐 ,曰:‘思深哉!其有 陶唐氏 之遗民乎?不然,何忧之远也。非令德之后,谁能若是?’” 宋 梅尧臣 《寄题苏子美沧浪亭》诗:“莫与 吴 俗尚, 吴 俗多文身。蛟龙刺两股,未变此遗民。” 清 钱谦益 《父诰》:“予观於土风, 巴 之人有好古乐道之诗焉。今其遗民犹有存者。”

  6. 指隐士。

    唐 张登 《招客游寺》诗:“招取遗民赴僧社,竹堂分坐静看心。” 明 李介 《天香阁随笔》卷二:“ 梁谿 陈卿茂 ,字 本符 ,予未识其人,曾於友人处见其诗笺一幅,玩其词意,亦今日之遗民也。” 清 王士禛 《香祖笔记》卷八:“ 张遗 字 瑶星 , 金陵 遗民也。居 栖霞 一小庵,数十年不入城市,著书十餘种。”

  7. 泛指老百姓。

    宋 叶适 《再申省状》:“伏乞俯加矜惻,特赐奏闻,许令就今年致仕。渔樵故物,復还山泽之臞;耕凿遗民,永被乾坤之造。” 宋 陈亮 《胡夫人吕氏墓碣铭》:“因叹承平遗民,虽妇人犹能如此。”



  1. He was the advocator of immigration literature, country literature, hermit literature and folk literature. Koxinga treated him with honor.


  2. And third, basing themselves on a concept of nationalism, what were their broad views and how did they protect their general interests?


  3. As a productive poet in his times, his poetry covers a wide rang of content and is vigorous and pristine.


  4. In the the occasion of the background, Dynasty refers to the change of sovereignty emerged in a number of special new class scholars.


  5. Qian Xuan is one of the most famous and important painters in the end of Sung dynasty.


  6. In the meantime, thousands of Koguryo Paekche Drifting People were compelled to Tang Dynasty for several reasons.


  7. The Adherents of Ming Dynasty were a complex group of people, so differences within them should be distinguished.


  8. This is the word of the Lord concerning you, O ye remnant of Juda: Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have adjured you this day.


  9. Chapter IV focuses primarily on the inflow of Baekje drifting people against the resettlement policies.


  1. 南宋遗民词

    CI by immigrants in the Southern Song Dynasty.

  2. 试论遗民文化

    On the Culture of Adherents of a Fomer Dynasty.

  3. 南遗民曲家群

    Previous Dynastic Play Writers in Jiang Nan.

  4. 文化贡献是明遗民的本业。

    Culture Culture cultural contribution is their purpose.

  5. 宋金遗民词风差异及原因

    The poetry by the adherents of Song and Jin dynasties

  6. 论明遗民之典范及警世意义

    On the Models of Adherents of Ming Dynasty

  7. 明遗民与清初医学的发展

    Ming diehards and the devolepment of medicine at the beginning of qing dynasty

  8. 贞节修行是明遗民的生活态度。

    The cultivation of virtues reflects their life attitude.

  9. 辽宋金夏境内的沙陀族遗民

    Shatuo Descendants living in the Liao, Song, Jin and Xia

  10. 论金遗民文学之文化心理阐释

    A Cultural Psychoanalysis of the Literature of Adherents of Jing Dynasty

  11. 这四大名僧画家都是明朝遗民

    All four monk painters lived during the MingQing interregnum.

  12. 论宋末诗人林景熙的遗民心态

    On the psychology of late song poet lin jingxi

  13. 宋明遗民仙咏的忤世之情研究

    Feelings disobedient to worldliness in poems about immortals by Descendants of Song and Ming

  14. 清初明遗民的身份认同与意义寻求

    Status Recognition of Adherents of the Ming Dynasty in Early Qing Dynasty and Exploration on Its Significance

  15. 从归庄看明遗民多样性的生存选择

    The variety of choosing to exist of ming loyalists seen from gui zhuan

  16. 遗民必将归回,雅各伯的遗民必将归依强有力的天主!

    The remnant shall be converted, the remnant, I say, of Jacob, to the mighty God.

  17. 百济遗民正是在此历史背景下出现的。

    The drifting people of Baekje are precisely produces under this historical perspective.

  18. 清初遗民诗人吴嘉纪及其诗歌创作研究

    A Study on Wu Jiaji and His Poetry, an Adherent Poet of Early Qing Dynasty.

  19. 第二章论述百济遗民相关的历史背景。

    The second chapter elaborates the Baekje drifting people related to the historical background.

  20. 以东的遗民在马加比时期纳入犹太人之内。

    Edom's remnant was absorbed with the Jews during the period of the Maccabees.

  21. 犹大家的遗民,仍要向下生根,往上结实。

    A remnant of the house of Judah shall take root below and produce fruit above.

  22. 作为前朝遗民, 他总有更多的兴亡之感。

    As an adherent of the former dynasty, he always has more feelings about the rise and fall of the country.

  23. 作为前朝遗民,他总有更多的兴亡之感。

    As an adherent of the former dynasty, he always has more feelings about the rise and fall of the country.

  24. 清初遗民书画家朱容重诸问题及其作品

    Several Problems about Zhu Rongzhong, A Painter anti An Adherent of the Early Qing Dynasty, and His Works

  25. 洛丽塔是为数不多的古楼兰国遗民之一。

    Lolita is one of the small number of survivors from the country of Loulan.

  26. 洛丽塔是为数不多的古楼兰国遗民之一。

    Lolita is one of the small number of survivors from the country of Loulan.

  27. 洛丽塔是为数不多得古楼兰国遗民之一。

    Lolita is one of the small number of survivors from the country of Loulan.

  28. 论南宋江西遗民词人群体形成的原因及其特质

    The cause of the formation of ci poets'group among south song descendants in jiangxi and its idiosyncrasy

  29. 虽作头陀不解禅 清初遗民诗人归庄与佛教

    The Diehard Poet Gui Zhuang and Buddhism in the Early Qing Dynasty

  30. 从归庄的交游看明季士人遗民的生存选择

    See the Choice of Life Style of the Literati in the End of Ming Dynasty from the Communication and Travel of Gui Zhuang


  1. 问:遗民拼音怎么拼?遗民的读音是什么?遗民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遗民的读音是yímín,遗民翻译成英文是 The survivors of a natural disaster or chaotic e...


遗民( yímín),有不同的意思,指亡国之民,或者沦陷区的百姓,或者改朝换代后不仕新朝的人,或者劫后余留的人民,或者指后裔、隐士、百姓等。