


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……





汉语拼音:nǚ shēng








  1. 女学生。

    鲁迅 《坟·坚壁清野主义》:“禁止女学生往游艺场和公园;并通知女生家属,协同禁止。” 巴金 《家》五:“二表哥说他们学堂明年下学期要招女生,我想去投考。”



  1. Occasionally she visited him in jail. He always seemed surprised that his "little schoolgirl" had become a sturdy member of the proletariat.


  2. the husband said: " Oops! , , , , i wrote love letters to all female students in our class, but you were the only one who replied me. " .


  3. After the last class before graduation, the girl asked the young professor a question as she had done before.


  4. At the police station, he told me that he had never had sex, forced or consensual, with Fulamatu or tried to rape the other girls.


  5. Maybe you could say she was an aggressive girl. Actually she was only a bragger who did not know what is the shame.


  6. "Oh you know, I'm so old, you're a young girl in my eyes, " she said to a female contestant who worried about being older than her date.


  7. Yeah mostly I go out with friends. I can meet girls but I'd rather be with my friends not that I'm gay but I haven't met the right girl yet.


  8. Between these thin-obsessed co-workers, it becomes almost a competitive sport to see who can consume the least amount of food.


  9. But on their buying trips, Ms. Bradford said, "Peter did my negotiating in Mandarin, which saved me a great deal of money. "


  1. 幼教班女生

    the girl of kindergarten teachers

  2. 为女生欢呼!

    Let's hear it for girl power!

  3. 女生们在傻笑。

    The silly school girls giggled.

  4. 女生谈话时间。

    Okay, girl talk time.

  5. 女生联谊会纳新

    a sorority rush.

  6. 女生联谊会会馆

    A sorority house.

  7. 女生们正在点香。

    D .The females are lighting incense .

  8. 女生如果喜欢看

    If the schoolgirl likes to look.

  9. 女生是一朵花,

    A girl is a flower

  10. 会不会太女生了

    Is that too girly?

  11. 女生用的东西

    girl stuff.

  12. 小女生都这样的

    Chicks always do that.

  13. 我也可以当女生。

    I could be a girl.

  14. 我也可以当女生。

    I could be a girl.

  15. 我也可以当女生。

    I could be a girl.

  16. 想来场女生之夜

    wants to have a girls night.

  17. 女生一输就蔫。

    The girls complained and whined almost immediately.

  18. 女生不会察觉的

    The girls aren't supposed to find out.

  19. 他将深受女生欢迎

    very popular with the ladies.

  20. 女生第一次会怀孕么

    Can schoolgirl first time be pregnant

  21. 上吧,只要女生同意

    Go for it. Long as the lady's on board.

  22. 我们女生人数刚刚好

    We have just enough girls.

  23. 小女生为什么会恐怖?

    Why would the little creep out?

  24. 这个学校只招收女生。

    This school is for girls only.

  25. 四个女生照做了。

    The four girls did that.

  26. 傻女生也会学乖

    Dump girls already learn to be smart

  27. 我们班女生占大多数。

    Female students constitute the majority of our class.

  28. 我可不买女生用品!

    I don't buy girl products!

  29. 所有的女生我都喜欢

    I liked all the girls.

  30. 这样的女生很有骨气

    That girl has character.


  1. 问:女生拼音怎么拼?女生的读音是什么?女生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女生的读音是nǚshēng,女生翻译成英文是 schoolgirl

  2. 问:女生殖器拼音怎么拼?女生殖器的读音是什么?女生殖器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女生殖器的读音是nǚ shēng zhí qì,女生殖器翻译成英文是 muliebria

  3. 问:女生殖器成形学拼音怎么拼?女生殖器成形学的读音是什么?女生殖器成形学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女生殖器成形学的读音是nǚ shēng zhí qì chéng xíng xué,女生殖器成形学翻译成英文是 gynoplastics

  4. 问:女生殖器造影术拼音怎么拼?女生殖器造影术的读音是什么?女生殖器造影术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女生殖器造影术的读音是,女生殖器造影术翻译成英文是 gynecography

  5. 问:女生殖器成形术的拼音怎么拼?女生殖器成形术的的读音是什么?女生殖器成形术的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女生殖器成形术的的读音是nǚ shēng zhí qì chéng xíng shù de,女生殖器成形术的翻译成英文是 gynoplastic



“女生”是个多义词,它可以指女生(黑Girl的专辑《黑Girl》中的一首单曲), 女生(汉语词语)。