


1. 北 [běi]2. 北 [bèi]北 [běi]方向,早晨面对太阳,左手的一边,与“南”相对:~方。~辰(古书指北极星)。~上(古代以北为上,后指去本地以北的某地,与“南下”相对)。~极星(出现在天空北部的一颗亮星,人常靠它辨别方向)……







汉语拼音:běi jí guāng







  1. 北半球高纬度地区高空中出现的一种放光现象。极光通常为幔帐形或带形,微弱时现白色,明亮时为黄绿色,有时带红、蓝、灰、紫等色。



  1. "You see, they are very unpredictable, " she said. "They were very active in late August, though. "


  2. Before Chuck and I left, Sonja Eiramo, the owner's daughter who helps run the hotel, said she was sorry we had not seen the lights.


  3. "Better to see the lights in a warm place in bed, " he thought and started construction in 1999.


  4. The sky appears to glow an eerie green hue as the intense aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, shine in the moonlit night.


  5. He thought the aurora borealis, or northern lights, was caused by the escape of this gas through a thin crust at the poles.


  6. Residents of the region witness dozens of auroras yearly; those in the Point Barrow area farther north see as many as a hundred.


  7. The northern lights, or aurora borealis, produce a brilliant display in the skies near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.


  8. From high northern latitudes these mesmerizing northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, are becoming a more familiar sight.


  9. Inspired by dandelions blowing in the wind, the dreamlike necklace in Aurora borealis and clear crystal is a charmer all the way!


  1. 壮观的北极光。

    A spectacular display of northern lights.

  2. 鸟瞰火星 北极光

    Overlooks The Mars Northern Lights

  3. 艺术家如同北极光一般。

    Artists like north light.

  4. 据说北极光特别美丽。

    It is said that polar light looks very beautiful.

  5. 我要去那里看北极光。

    and Im going there to check out the aurora borealis.

  6. 北极光合伙人邓峰认为。

    Deng Feng of aurora borealis copartner thinks.

  7. 福州北极光电气设备有限公司

    Fuzhou Northern Lights Electrical Equipment Corporation

  8. 北极光表演他们冬天的舞蹈

    The northern lights perform their winter dance

  9. 铑镀北极光晶体下降钻耳环。

    Rhodiumplated Aurora Borealis crystal drop pierced earrings.

  10. 拉布拉多,捕获北极光的大地

    Labrador, The Big Land Captured Northern Lights

  11. 拉布拉多,捕获北极光得大地

    Labrador, The Big Land Captured Northern Lights.

  12. 这就是为什么人们称之为北极光。

    That's why they're called the Northern Lights.

  13. 要看到北极光需要耐心和好运气。

    To see the northern lights requires patience and good fortune.

  14. 这和北极光的变幻不定极其相似。

    It was like nothing so much as the phantasmagoric play of the northern lights.

  15. 这和北极光得变幻不定极其相似。

    It was like nothing so much as the phantasmagoric play of the northern lights.

  16. 北极光也许是地球上最伟大的表演。

    The aurora borealis might be the greatest show on earth.

  17. 所以不要被北极光给蒙蔽了双眼。

    And don't let the aurora borealis fool you.

  18. 天文馆提供了北极光等八个特色项目。

    Planetarium has provided eight characteristics, such as Northern Lights project.

  19. 就问车上的人,你在找北极光吗

    ask the guy, Hey, you looking for the northern lights?

  20. 你看过国家地理杂志拍的北极光吧?

    You know those pictures in National Geographic, the aurora borealis?

  21. 北极光染红了夜空,透出了森林的轮廓。

    Aurora Borealis colours the night sky through a silhouetted forest.

  22. 北极光是一个最赚钱的室内种植植物。

    Northern Lights is a most lucrative plant for the indoor grower.

  23. 沉在呢喃里得爱, 终成了温暖得北极光。

    Sinks in twittering in love, finally has become the warm northern lights.

  24. 沉在呢喃里的爱,终成了温暖的北极光。

    Sinks in twittering in love, finally has become the warm northern lights.

  25. 明年冬天,我们要去阿拉斯加看北极光。

    Next winter, we'll be taking a trip to Alaska to see the aurora borealis!

  26. 铑镀头发剪辑两个边框集,星型北极光晶体。

    Rhodiumplated hair clip with two bezelset, starshaped Aurora Borealis crystals.

  27. 北极光,或者北边的极光,它的能量来自于外太空。

    The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are powered by energy from outer space.

  28. 北极光的狭长流光,闪射出蓝色的光芒,横过夜空。

    Long streamers of Northern Lights flashing blue wisps across the sky.

  29. 在阿拉斯加的上空看到的北极光是很壮观的。

    Rays of Aurora Borealis It looks spectacular in the skies of Alaska.

  30. 在北半球,这种现象就是所谓的黎明的女神,或北极光。

    In the Northern Hemisphere, the phenomenon is called aurora borealis, or northern lights.


  1. 问:北极光拼音怎么拼?北极光的读音是什么?北极光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北极光的读音是běijíguāng,北极光翻译成英文是 Aurora borealis, the Northern Lights