


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……





汉语拼音:bìng jù






  1. 集聚。




  1. With sitting room as stage, the protagonist, comfortable to take sofa with beautiful and sets.


  1. 以客厅为舞台,取沙发为主角,舒适与美观并聚。

    With sitting room as stage, the protagonist, comfortable to take sofa with beautiful and sets.

  2. 聚并的动态行为

    active behavior of coalescence

  3. 扩散分离和聚并过程

    Diffusional separation and coalescence processes

  4. 微滤膜聚并破乳的机理研究

    Mechanism of Coalescence Demulsification with Microfiltration Membrane

  5. 均匀磁场中燃煤可吸入颗粒物聚并实验研究

    Experimental study on Aggregation of Inhalable Particulate Matter From Coal Combustion in Uniform Magnetic Field

  6. 聚并时间是研究气泡聚并行为过程中的一个重要参数。

    Bubble coalescence time is an important parameter in the study of coalescence behavior.

  7. 聚并时间是研究气泡聚并行为过程中得一个重要参数。

    Bubble coalescence time is an important parameter in the study of coalescence behavior.

  8. 并介绍了聚甲醛树脂的特性和主要应用领域。

    Moreover, the characteristics and the main applied fields of polyacetal resin were presented.

  9. 目得研究并制备颗粒状壳聚糖乳酸盐,检测其抑菌效果。

    Objective To study and prepare granular chitosan lactate and to determine its bacteriostatic efficacy.

  10. 聚对苯撑苯并二嗯唑纤维

    PBO fibre

  11. 聚在一起但并不凝聚。

    clustered together but not coherent.

  12. 我们聚在一起,并称之为教堂。

    We come together and call it church.

  13. 人们长聚在一起,并举行盛大的会餐。

    People often get together and have a big meal.

  14. 表面粘度对小气泡聚并的影响

    Effects of surface viscosities on coalescence between two small bubbles.

  15. 界面流变性质对小液滴聚并过程的影响

    Effects of Interfacial Rheological Properties on Coalescence between Small Drops

  16. 咱们寒假时再聚聚,并交换一些学校趣事。

    Let's get together during the winter break and swap college stories.

  17. 这些艺术家常常聚在一起讨论问题并评论彼此得作品。

    These artists often meet to discuss things and criticize each other's work.

  18. 这些艺术家常常聚在一起讨论问题并评论彼此的作品。

    These artists often meet to discuss things and criticize each other's work.

  19. 那个调皮的男孩手里聚了一把石块,并把石块往湖里扔。

    The naughty boy gathered a handful of stones and began to throw them in the lake.

  20. 聚苯并噻唑酰胺

    polybenzothiazole amide

  21. 聚苯并曝唑


  22. 聚苯并嚼唑


  23. 聚二氧化苯并噻二嗪

    polybenzothiadiazine dioxide

  24. 聚苯并咪唑树脂

    polybenzimidazole resin

  25. 聚苯并咪唑纤维

    polybenzimidazole fibre

  26. 聚苯并咪唑酰胺纤维

    polybenzimidazoleamide fibre

  27. 核并合。核聚变

    nuclear fusion

  28. 梯型聚苯并咪唑吡咯酮

    ladder polyimidazopyrrolone

  29. 芳族聚苯并恶唑纤维

    aromatic polybenzoxazole fibre

  30. 聚甲基并丁烯酸

    polymethyl methacrylate