


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


1. 劲 [jìn]2. 劲 [jìng]劲 [jìn]力气,力量:~头。费~。干~。精神,情绪,兴趣:干活儿起~儿。这部电影真没~。劲 [jìng]坚强有力:~敌。~旅。~拔。~悍。~挺。~秀。~直。~松。强~。刚~。疾风知~草。……



汉语拼音:shàng jìn







  1. 加劲;起劲。

    茅盾 《右第二章》三:“ 阿祥 觉得这一项工作还不够煞火似的,可是他也上劲的干。” 草明 《乘风破浪》第四章:“我家大哥在谈他的消灭炉外脱硫的计划,讲得正上劲呢。”

  2. 谓妓女献媚。

    曹禺 《日出》第三幕:“胖子,你看,娘儿们直跟你上劲,你住在这儿吧。”



  1. "They're getting slack, I'm afraid, " said the little deep-eyed man, "Our principle is to amuse everyone. "


  2. It's not just moving to the ball, but positioning the chair so that you can generate power with your strokes.


  3. He and Cutter at once enter into an excited conversation as to the ownership of a certain steer.


  4. Dissolve ginseng powder in warm water. Gradually add into the meat mixture, stirring in one direction until it becomes a paste.


  5. In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites to peaks. Fold into batter.


  6. Boring, very dry skin you see, you call boring, I see you in bed is very strong to large.


  7. He's a good horn player, but it takes him half the evening to get hot.


  8. I can't do anything about it.


  9. the 27 - year - old striker said : " i am sprinting in straight lines and kicking balls as hard as i want to , so that is a great sign" .


  1. 他们还没用上劲呢。

    They haven't warmed up yet.

  2. 耕作这时搞得正上劲。

    The ploughing is now in full swing.

  3. 手工上劲得钟表会慢慢地不准。

    Hand wound clocks will slowly drift out of sync with the correct time.

  4. 手工上劲的钟表会慢慢地不准。

    Hand wound clocks will slowly drift out of sync with the correct time.

  5. 手工上劲的钟表会慢慢地不准。

    Hand wound clocks will slowly drift out of sync with the correct time.

  6. 老头子为这事和那婆娘较上劲了。

    The old man went to the mat for you guys on this one.

  7. 真是个奇怪得比赛, 我怎么也使不上劲。

    It was kind of a weird match. I couldn't really comfortable out there.

  8. 真是个奇怪的比赛,我怎么也使不上劲。

    It was kind of a weird match. I couldn't really comfortable out there.

  9. 在驾驶室里, 德怀尔已经跟舵轮较上劲了。

    In the pilot house, Dwyer was already fighting the wheel.

  10. 我有一个脚脖子使不上劲,不得不单脚跳来跳去。

    I couldn't put my weight on my ankle and had to hop everywhere.

  11. 杜兰和埃默里较上劲了,他们都非常想要他

    Tulane and Emory are in love. They want him bad.

  12. 我们再打电去, 催他上劲, 不论多少全是好的!

    I think we'd better send him another wire and tell him to go ahead and get as much as he can!

  13. 他是个挺不错的号手,不过要吹到下半宿才上劲。

    He's a good horn player, but it takes him half the evening to get hot.

  14. 厄香拉深沉而又热烈地爱着伯金,可她使不上劲。

    Vrsula was deeply and passionately in love with Birkin, and she was capable of nothing.

  15. 他跟克特立刻上劲地争论有一头阉牛到底是谁的。

    He and Cutter at once an excited conversation as to the ownership of a certain steer.


  1. 问:上劲拼音怎么拼?上劲的读音是什么?上劲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上劲的读音是shàngjìn,上劲翻译成英文是 energetically; with great vigour; with gusto...