


1. 妻 [qī]2. 妻 [qì]妻 [qī]男子的配偶:~子。~室(指妻子)。~小(妻子和儿女)。~离子散。妻 [qì]以女嫁人。……





汉语拼音:qī ér







  1. 妻和儿女。

    《后汉书·独行传·范式》:“乃营护 平子 妻儿,身自送丧於 临湘 。” 唐 白居易 《偶作寄朗之》诗:“欢娱接宾客,饱暖及妻儿。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“急忙心生一计,分咐妻儿取些汤水,把两个人都遣开了。”

  2. 指妻。

    宋 无名氏 《张协状元》戏文第五三出:“它是你妻儿怎抛弃?” 元 无名氏 《小孙屠》戏文第八出:“自今一家要和气,改日与你娶房妻儿。” 元 石德玉 《秋胡戏妻》第四折:“谁着你戏弄人家妻儿,迤逗人家婆娘!”



  1. The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of the lately deceased King Hamlet and his wife, Queen Gertrude.


  2. All that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the families. It was all for you.


  3. Maybe, but I got go for my family. Would you mind come with me? My wife would be happy to prepare a meal for you.


  4. She suddenly thought of her husband, who had left her and their childrenbehind, and had never been heard of.


  5. If misfortune came, his wife and children would be sheltered and cared for as if he were alive or free.


  6. The father is a soldier, but he does not necessarily live in a camp, apart from his wife and children.


  7. Three months later, Seelaus, who'd never been away from his family more than a few days, arrived in central Iraq, 42 miles north of Baghdad.


  8. Now in his early fifties, Jobs live quietly privately, with his wife and four kids in a large, unostentatious house in suburban Palo Alto.


  9. Because the technology developed, he would choose a photo to his wife and children did not leave.


  1. 你的妻儿的容貌

    these last 9 years.

  2. 他遗弃他的妻儿。

    He abandoned his wife and children.

  3. 我妻儿被杀时

    When my family was killed.

  4. 他抛弃了他的妻儿。

    He deserted his wife and children.

  5. 与妻儿共进早餐。

    Have breakfast with my wife and children.

  6. 事故使他痛失妻儿。

    The accident bereaved him of his wife and child.

  7. 我还是会失去我的妻儿

    then I still lose my wife and son.

  8. 因为我辜负了我的妻儿

    Cause I failed both my wife and my son.

  9. 使他丧失妻儿的事故

    An accident which bereaved him of his wife and child

  10. 他抛弃妻儿,另觅新欢。

    He abandoned his wife and children for another woman.

  11. 普天之下, 谁没有父母?谁没有妻儿?

    Who has no parents and wife and children in this world ?

  12. 回家,与妻儿共进晚餐。

    Drive home for dinner with my wife and kids.

  13. 那次车祸使他痛失妻儿。

    The car accident bereaved him of his wife and son.

  14. 征服了世界,杀害了我的妻儿

    conquered the world and murdered my wife and child.

  15. 在送葬人中有死者的妻儿。

    The dead man's wife and children were zmong the mourners.

  16. 但那个人杀了我的妻儿

    But the man killed my wife and son.

  17. 你的妻儿会在未来死去

    Your wife and son's death are in the future.

  18. 不是为荣誉, 不是为国家, 而是为妻儿。

    Not for honor. Not for country. For his wife and child.

  19. 他以前对妻儿一向都很好。

    He was always good to his wife and kids.

  20. 他以前对妻儿一向都很好。

    He was always good to his wife and kids.

  21. 天知道还杀了多少人的妻儿

    and God knows how many other wives and sons.

  22. 那个狠心的男人抛弃了他的妻儿。

    The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.

  23. 我确信我将完全能养活我的妻儿老小。

    I'm sure that I shall be well able to provide for my wife and family.

  24. 那个狠心的男人遗弃了他的妻儿。

    The cruel man abandoned his wife and his child.

  25. 天上的父亲,求你保佑我的妻儿。

    Blessed father watch over my wife and son with a ready sword.

  26. 我们得父母, 我们得妻儿, 是我们得至亲骨肉。

    Our father and mother, our wife and babies, are bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh.

  27. 我们的父母,我们的妻儿,是我们的至亲骨肉。

    Our father and mother, our wife and babies, are bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh.

  28. 他死得早, 没给他妻儿留下什么。

    He died young, leaving nothing to his wife and child.

  29. 他没有房子居住, 也没有妻儿需要养活。

    He have no house to live in and no wife and children to provide for.

  30. 克瑞托斯撞开门去寻找妻儿。

    Kratos smashs open the doors to the temple to find his wife and daughter.


  1. 问:妻儿老小拼音怎么拼?妻儿老小的读音是什么?妻儿老小翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妻儿老小的读音是qī'érlǎoxiǎo,妻儿老小翻译成英文是 a married man's entire family

  2. 问:妻儿拼音怎么拼?妻儿的读音是什么?妻儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妻儿的读音是qī'ér,妻儿翻译成英文是 wife and child