







汉语拼音:shén tán






  1. 祀神的高台。多建于室外平地,后亦设在庙堂内。

    南朝 齐 祖冲之 《述异记》:“ 豫章郡 有 卢松村 ,郡人 罗根生 於此村旁垦荒种瓜,又於旁立一神坛。”《旧唐书·礼仪志三》:“郊祀既毕,收取玉帛牲体,置於柴上,然后燔於燎坛之上,其坛於神坛之左。” 老舍 《神拳》第四幕:“ 于铁子 :‘先生,好先生!扶我一下,我给神坛磕个头再死!’”



  1. Somewhere along the way, fellas began to believe that putting women on pedestals was the only way to get their attention.


  2. She knows the fate which is about to befall upon her, just as the sacrifices on the altar, inescapable death.


  3. Alongside the armoured carriers were overturned jeeps, and pools of blood, which had been turned into impromptu shrines.


  4. He raised his eyes to the altar as if seeking inspiration.


  5. Suitably impressed, William - now know as the Duke of Cambridge - whispered 'you look beautiful' as she joined him at the altar.


  6. Many on the left who made a fetish out of the so-called "public option" will not forgive Mr Obama for ditching it.


  7. Now, suddenly, it is all unravelling. The media mogul has lost his touch.


  8. The crisis has restored the legitimacy of the state: bankers have been dethroned, Alan Greenspan defrocked and economists exposed.


  9. Finance, we were assured, would be pulled from its gilded pedestal.


  1. 跪拜异教神坛,

    and kneels before Juggernaut.

  2. 牧师走向神坛。

    The minister marched to the altar.

  3. 三星堆神坛考

    Research of Altars of Sanxingdui.

  4. 走向神坛去举行婚礼

    down the aisle

  5. 伴娘引新娘到神坛

    The bridesmaids lead the bride to the altar.

  6. 点了香向神坛鞠躬

    Light incense sticks and bow to the shrine

  7. 他在神坛前跪下,企求回答。

    Kneeling in front of the altar, he prayed for an answer.

  8. 那次失败将我赶下了神坛。

    That failure knocked me off my pedestal.

  9. 在玛雅神坛用刀割我的心

    cutting out my own heart on a Mayan Altar.

  10. 我们总是把女权主义者捧上神坛。

    We have this tendency to put visible feminists on a pedestal.

  11. 他抬眼望着神坛,好像在找寻灵感。

    He raised his eyes to the altar as if seeking inspiration.

  12. 她来到教堂, 摘下面纱, 畏缩在神坛前。

    When she went to church, she kept her veil in place and wince at the sermon.

  13. 他们向我们保证金融业将被赶下神坛

    Finance, we were assured, would be pulled from its gilded pedestal.

  14. 而且我觉得你在说阿兹特克的神坛吧

    and I think you mean Aztecs.

  15. 龙得神庙和神坛仍能在远东得许多地方看到。

    Dragon shrines and altars can still be seen in many parts of the Far East.

  16. 龙的神庙和神坛仍能在远东的许多地方看到。

    Dragon shrines and altars can still be seen in many parts of the Far East.

  17. 他想像带她一起走向神坛举行婚礼的那一天。

    He dreamed of the day he would take her down the aisle.

  18. 纳萨是羌族社会中独特的其有顽强生命力的祭祀神坛。

    Nasa is a sacrificial altar with vitality unique to the Qiang people's society.

  19. 她已经知道自己的命运了, 就像神坛上的牺牲品, 死亡。

    She knows the fate which is about to befall upon her, just as the sacrifices on the altar, inescapable death.

  20. 这个女人跪在神坛前祈求上帝她的儿子能够平安归来。

    The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son's safe return.

  21. 这个女人跪在神坛前祈求上帝她得儿子能够平安归来。

    The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son's safe return.

  22. 摘要纳萨是羌族社会中独特的其有顽强生命力的祭祀神坛。

    Nasa is a sacrificial altar with vitality unique to the Qiang peoples society.

  23. 我们在里面看到一个竹床和竹子的神坛,但是没有人。

    Inside, we saw a small bamboo cot and bamboo altar, but no one was there.

  24. 教堂在轰炸中被毁坏了,但神坛却完好无损地幸免于难。

    The church was destroyed in the bombing but the altar survived intact.