







汉语拼音:xuàn xuàn







  1. 光耀貌。

    汉 扬雄 《太玄·玄文》:“天炫炫出於无畛,熿熿出於无垠。”《汉书·叙传下》:“炫炫上天,县象著明。” 颜师古 注:“炫炫,光耀之貌。”

  2. 迷乱貌。

    唐 杨炯 《梓州惠义寺重阁铭》:“仰之不极,目炫炫而丧精;登之无阶,心遑遑而失度。”



  1. "the spooky thioindigo red pan-blood shade, the intermittent cold air fearful heart" , has not taken the flash equipment to dazzle!


  1. 林志炫专辑

    Love Will Keep Us Alive.LRC.

  2. 逆离散余炫

    inverse discrete cosine transform

  3. 炫采柔滑眼影

    Ombre Absolue Radiant Smoothing Eye Shadow

  4. 我们玩得很炫。

    We had a gorgeous time.

  5. 舞池里够炫,卧室里够艳

    Great dancers, great sex.

  6. 你的网站看起来好炫。

    Your website looks fantastic.

  7. 炫富消费将令人皱眉。

    Conspicuous consumption will be frowned upon.

  8. 炫光过滤器

    glare filter.

  9. 偷炫呼机的

    Sparkle pager stealer!

  10. 自己的炫车。

    Fancy car at my disposal.

  11. 智旋至炫, 王者归来

    With Dazzling Smart Rotation, Lord Guru Comes Back

  12. 偶的口琴练习林志炫。

    My Harmonica practice Terry Li.

  13. 我不喜欢炫富的学生。

    I do not like flaunt wealthy students.

  14. 缤纷炫彩眼影

    Colour Surge Eye Shadow Soft Shimmer.

  15. 约翰从来不炫富摆阔气。

    John never puts on the dog to show off his money.

  16. 无线,无忙乱,极炫得工作!

    No wires, no fuss and works brilliantly!

  17. 罗峥的炫舞

    Gorgeous choreography from luo zheng.

  18. 是超炫的比赛

    Rock star contest.

  19. 佩尔穆特还避免炫富。

    He also shuns the trappings of wealth.

  20. 炫酷,是的,谢谢

    Bad ass. Yes, thank you.

  21. 狗叫这个名字真够炫的!

    That's a pretentious name for a dog!

  22. 我有亮点,我有亮点要炫,我的朋友。

    And have I got flair. I have got flair to spare, My friend.

  23. 我都没想起来炫呼机呢

    Oh, cristina, I can't even think about the sparkle pager Cristina.

  24. 纵情活力炫彩眼影

    Unlicenced passion lively eye shadow

  25. 高感超炫睫毛膏

    High Impact Mascara in Black

  26. 炫魅纤长睫毛膏

    lash XL maximum length mascara

  27. 奢侈的幻觉,炫富,矫揉造作的冷漠。

    Illusion of luxury, richness ostentatious, precious carelessness.

  28. 达芙妮,这辆怎么样,不是特别炫

    Daphne, what about this one? It's not too fancy.

  29. 孩子们在露天游乐场玩得很炫。

    The children had a gorgeous time in the amusement park.

  30. 超光感炫彩唇膏

    Colour Surge Bare Brilliance Lipstick in Pink Beach