


1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……


1. 许 [xǔ]2. 许 [hǔ]许 [xǔ]应允,认可:~可。允~。特~。承认其优点:赞~。嘉~。预先答应给与:~诺。女方接受男方求亲:~配。~嫁。以身相~。或者,可能:也~。或~。处,地方:何~人。表示约略估计的词:几~。少~。这样:……



汉语拼音:jǐ xǔ







  1. 多少;若干。

    《古诗十九首·迢迢牵牛星》:“河汉清且浅,相去復几许?” 宋 杨万里 《题兴宁县东文岭瀑泉在夜明场驿之东》诗:“不知落处深几许,但闻井底碎玉声。” 郭小川 《赠友人》诗:“你添了几根银发,我多了几许白髯。”

  2. 多么,何等。

    《北齐书·高元海传》:“尔( 高元海 )在 鄴城 説我以弟反兄,几许不义! 鄴城 兵马抗 并州 ,几许无智!”《隋书·杨勇传》:“昔 汉武帝 将起 上林苑 , 东方朔 諫之,赐 朔 黄金百斤,几许可笑。”



  1. Through shaping a series of soldier image, he makes the same score the gas that bought how much of soldierly bearing again.


  2. Tonight, with words and you, write down the deep attachment to many, few, do not ask you to answer, just so you know!


  3. Love is not how much you say "I love you" ! but whinside much you can prove thin side it as true.


  4. A of the corner establish a bell chicly to make everything appears so not heavy, add how much lightsome .


  5. But if you're feeling Wolfenstein withdrawal, or have Wonders on the mind, we might be able to help you out.


  6. In the darkness of the night, if he sharpened it, it had the light of fire like fireworks displaying down into the water.


  7. Earthly things may be worthy of a dash of earth-shattering, is not to like dust, all of these look back on the case.


  8. be the last to leave a company going downhill, your personal market value declines each additional day you stay.


  9. From the vantage of adulthood, and with some retrospective guilt, his son loved him for this grand gesture.


  1. 不知几许。

    No one can tell how much.

  2. 你的时间价值几许?

    What's your time worth?

  3. 几许车辆犹如米粒

    Where there are some vehicles like grains of rice

  4. 修正主义你的健康智商有几许?

    Revisionism How much is your health IQ.

  5. 长长的石皮弄, 不知深几许。

    Stone Peel Alleyway, long and deep.

  6. 清晨得黑暗更增添了几许迷人得色彩。

    The darkness of the early morning adds to the bewitching atmosphere.

  7. 清晨的黑暗更增添了几许迷人的色彩。

    The darkness of the early morning adds to the bewitching atmosphere.

  8. 胸前蝴蝶结褶皱设计,增添几许女人味。

    Chest bowknot drape design, add how much woman flavour.

  9. 多少老师的额上又添了几许细纹。

    How many teachers have added a dash of the amount of the fine lines.

  10. 昨日苍茫今几许, 酒不醉人, 人自醉。

    Diffused yesterday now how many, the wine doesn't inebriate a person, person from inebriate.

  11. 欲知松老看尘壁, 死却题诗几许人。

    For more information see the dust loose old walls, and death poem dash of people.

  12. 微妙而复杂的香气中蕴含几许柑橘与白果芬芳。

    A delicate and complex nose with hints of citrus and white fruit.

  13. 我心里有几许的忐忑, 不过我还是对未来充满期望。

    I'm a little worry and fear. Anyways, I'm looking forward to the future.

  14. 青苹果,柑橘的芬芳加上几许蔬菜清香,颇为精致。

    Offering a very delicate scent of green apple, rich in citrus fruit and vegetal notes.

  15. 是谁在主宰地产风云, 我们能承载几许时代责任!

    Who is the dominate estate situation, we can hardly come bearing the responsibility of the times!

  16. 我总有几许的留念, 但又期许下一个未知。

    I always have how much the souvenir, but expect next unknown.

  17. 香味 几许莫利洛黑樱桃与成熟红莓的芬芳十分显著。

    Distinct hints of Morello cherry and ripe red berries.

  18. 香味 几许莫利洛黑樱桃与成熟红莓得芬芳十分显著。

    Distinct hints of Morello cherry and ripe red berries.

  19. 鱼儿在荷花池中轻游, 偶尔会惊出几许涟漪。

    Fish are swimming gently in the lotus pond, causing ripples at times.

  20. 鱼儿在荷花池中轻游,偶尔会惊出几许涟漪。

    Fish are swimming gently in the lotus pond, causing ripples at times.

  21. 怜悯的说,因地美特许权价值还剩几许值得怀疑,

    What remains of IndyMacs franchise is of questionable value, to put it charitably.

  22. 通过塑造一系列军人形象,他又平添了几许英武之气。

    Through shaping a series of soldier image, he makes the same score the gas that bought how much of soldierly bearing again.

  23. 她的眼睛又大又明亮, 使本来显得平板的脸平添了几许美。

    Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to an otherwise drab face.

  24. 这样, 便呈现出好看的深红色基调并点缀了几许桃黄。

    So, in come nice deep reds with a hint of peach.

  25. 品酿笔记鲜明如稻草色般的酒泽, 但又带著几许柠檬绿色。

    Tasting notes Vibrant straw in colour with flashes of lime green.


  1. 问:几许拼音怎么拼?几许的读音是什么?几许翻译成英文是什么?

    答:几许的读音是jǐxǔ,几许翻译成英文是 How many; several.





【翻译】how many;how much

【解释】 多少、几多

【出处】不知经历几许风波 几许心中言。——清·袁枚《祭妹文》 表示意思是“什么时候”,“多久”,“多少”表示问。有时候也表示感叹“多么”“怎么”“这么多”等含义。
