


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:fā yuán








  1. (河流)开始流出。

    《隋书·天文志上》:“是故百川发源,皆自山出,由高趣下,归注於海。” 金 元好问 《顺天府营建记》:“ 宋 十八塘濼发源於此。”《醒世姻缘传》第二三回:“离这 綉江县 四十里一个 明水镇 有座龙王庙。这庙基底下发源出来滔滔滚滚极清极美的甘泉,也灌在 白云湖 内。” 徐怀中 《西线轶事》四:“ 红河 发源于 云南省 崇山峻岭间,在 中国 境内叫作 元江 。”

  2. 借指事物的开端。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·颂赞》:“发源虽远,而致用盖寡。”《法苑珠林》卷二十:“是故发源西国,则 优填 创其始;移教东域,则 汉明 肇其初。”《宋史·乐志七》:“於皇 顺祖 ,积德累祥。发源深厚,不耀其光。” 周扬 《<中国歌谣选>序》:“诗是从民歌发源的,他们都或多或少地从民歌吸取了养料和形式。”



  1. Historically, Wenzhou has been a city renowned fot its handicrafts and also as one of the birthplaces of celadon.


  2. The Bay Area is home to one of the oldest chocolate manufacturers in the United States, making it a destination for many chocolate lovers.


  3. Small moonquakes, originating several kilometers below the surface, are thought to be caused by the gravitational pull of Earth.


  4. The main reason he launched his firm in New York was that the city was the home of the finance industry, his intended market.


  5. "The Europeans are the biggest losers of the economic crisis, even though the home of subprime madness was the U. S. "


  6. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, is often the place where romance starts.


  7. The underbelly of the human psyche, what is often referred to as our dark side, is the origin of every act of self-sabotage.


  8. Human factors in design used to be about having empathy for the individual and their relationship with a product, that's where it started.


  9. The tiny garage in Palo Alto, California, where the company originated is now regarded as the birthplace of Silicon Valley.


  1. 蒸发源活门

    evaporation source shutter.

  2. 事件的发源点。

    The point of origin of an event.

  3. 长江发源于青海。

    The Changjiang River rises in Qinghai Province.

  4. 汽车逆向物流发源

    the source of vehicle reverse logistics

  5. 现代舞发源于美国。

    Modern dance was developed initially in America.

  6. 现代舞发源于美国。

    Modern dance was developed initially in America.

  7. 莱茵河发源於何处?

    Where is the source of the Rhine?

  8. 象棋或许发源于印度。

    Chess was probably invented in India.

  9. 它发源于何地何时

    Where and when did it originate

  10. 尼罗河发源于何处?

    Where is the source of the Nile?

  11. 莱茵河发源于何处?

    Where is the source of the Rhine.

  12. 此河发源于山中。

    The river takes its rise among the hills.

  13. 莱茵河发源于瑞士。

    The River Rhine rises in Switzerland.

  14. 侧面上蒸发源法兰

    Evaporation source flanges on side wall

  15. 摇滚乐发源于20世纪50年代。

    Rocknroll was started in the 1950s.

  16. 那条河发源于洛矶山脉。

    That river flows the Rocky Mountains.

  17. 这河发源于群山之中。

    The river rises in the mountains.

  18. 文明发源于亚洲某地。

    Civilization was cradled somewhere in Asia.

  19. 化学突然变异诱发源

    chemical mutagen

  20. 这个态度也发源于女人。

    This stance also comes from Venus.

  21. 水从地下得洞里发源。

    Water emanates from this hole in the ground.

  22. 水从地下的洞里发源。

    Water emanates from this hole in the ground.

  23. 这条河发源于什么地方?

    Where does the river rise?

  24. 莱茵河发源于瑞士南部。

    The Rhine springs from the south of Switzerland.

  25. 自然法观念的发源浅探

    The Source of The Concept of Natural Law

  26. 那条河流发源于山腰处。

    The river springs from the side of the mountain.

  27. 这条河发源于一个湖。

    The river takes its rise from a lake.

  28. 这条河发源于一处泉水。

    The river rises from a spring.

  29. 这条河发源于一个湖泊。

    The river takes its rise from a lake.

  30. 这条河发源于这片丘陵中。

    The river rises among the hills.


  1. 问:发源拼音怎么拼?发源的读音是什么?发源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发源的读音是fāyuán,发源翻译成英文是 rise

  2. 问:发源地拼音怎么拼?发源地的读音是什么?发源地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发源地的读音是fāyuándì,发源地翻译成英文是 A place where a river begins to flow.; use...




拼音:fā yuán词性:动词基本
