


1. 嚣 [xiāo]嚣 [xiāo]喧哗:叫~。喧~。~~(喧哗声)。~张(放肆;跋扈)。~谤(为众人所谤议)。~风。~然。~尘。甚~尘上。……


1. 张 [zhāng]张 [zhāng]开,展开:~开。~目(a.睁大眼睛;b.助长某人的声势称“为某人~~”)。~榜。铺~。~灯结彩。纲举目~。商店开业:开~。拉紧:紧~。~力。扩大,夸大:夸~。放纵,无拘束:乖~。嚣~。料理,应酬:~……



汉语拼音:xiāo zhāng








  1. 放肆;邪恶之势上升。

    清 李渔 《蜃中楼·训女》:“只是刚勇太过,近於嚣张,害事不浅。” 老舍 《四世同堂》四四:“反之,就这么把女儿给了他,焉知他日后不更嚣张,更霸道了呢。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第十六章:“敌人见他们没有子弹,气焰顿时嚣张起来。”



  1. The world of men and women is not equal, so called confidence man, woman's confidence is called arrogance.


  2. Police are on the case. Be on the look out for a really bad-spelling dirt-bag wielding a box-cutter and a face full of shame.


  3. I was an exquisite thief. I mean God Himself could have come down and I would have fucking blatantly lied to him with the most honest face.


  4. Wild, blatant sunshine rudely invade into the hall, seems to challenge the gloomy and outworn atmosphere there. . .


  5. The dark, engulfed in its arrogance, cannot fully believe that its demise is not only certain but on the horizon.


  6. The bravado of the young criminal disappeared when he was confronted by the victims of his brutal attack.


  7. I'm not as confident those graphs are going to hold up for fields besides computer science, so I'd be leery of betting on a date.


  8. Syria has abruptly stopped bluffing, pulled a good part of its army out of Lebanon, and promised to remove the rest fast.


  9. Imagine if the world's more some of these countries, such people, such leaders will be so arrogant that the Yanks?


  1. 这地方太嚣张了。

    The place is too rowdy.

  2. 你嚣张不畏惧退缩

    You go fearlessly with arrogant

  3. 他怎么会如此嚣张?

    How could he be so arrogant?

  4. 他呀,不但赌钱嚣张。

    Not only the way he gambles.

  5. 观众中有嚣张份子。

    The rowdy element in the audience.

  6. 政府这么能嚣张吗?

    So government can be such unruliness

  7. 所以才这么嚣张跋扈。

    Why so arrogant and despotic.

  8. 小混蛋们 别和我嚣张

    Hey,don't mess with me,you little fucks.

  9. 再次嚣张起来的恐怖主义。

    terrorism rearing its ugly head again

  10. 另外,觉得你很嚣张呀。

    By the way, I feel you are very arrogant.

  11. 工人的嚣张,简直不成话!

    The way the workers are getting out of hand just lately is simply preposterous!

  12. 青春需要宣扬, 并不是嚣张!

    Youth need to promote, not arrogance!

  13. 你的屈服让他们更嚣张。

    You spoiled them by caving in.

  14. 但是传闻他的愤怒他的嚣张气焰。

    But rumors of his arrogance anger him.

  15. 那话听起来很嚣张,是不是?

    That sounds arrogant, doesn't it?

  16. 和这个众所周知的嚣张病魔斗争

    Fighting this thing as aggressively as we know how.

  17. 有时那些当权者颇为傲慢嚣张。

    At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant.

  18. 你这么嚣张,难道你是招家的人?

    You are very arrogant, could you be a zhao?

  19. 整个人带着一种嚣张的华美。

    The whole individual takes a kind of overbearing gaudiness.

  20. 告诉小牛,你们嚣张的日子过去了。

    Tell them their days of disrespect are through.

  21. 对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处。

    The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan.

  22. 我们认为是时候煞煞他们的嚣张气焰了。

    We thought it was time they were brought down a peg or two.

  23. 嚣张的盗匪也绝非短时期就能成气候的。

    The rampant banditry is also a short period can not amount to anything.

  24. 他炽焰嚣张,完全不把群众放在眼里。

    He was so arrogant that he paid no attention to the masses.

  25. 他炽焰嚣张,完全不把群众放在眼里。

    He was so arrogant that he paid no attention to the masses.

  26. 对这个嚣张不法的地主已给于严厉的处分。

    The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly landlord.

  27. 一分不落的进入他们团伙分赃, 嚣张, 猖狂。

    ichibu is not up to enter their gang loots , handicap, behind it.

  28. 嚣张的特权美元的兴衰与国际货币体系的未来

    Exorbitant Privilege The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System

  29. 我们不让提莫西和那些嚣张的孩子们玩。

    We don't let Timothy play with those rowdy children.

  30. 我们不让提莫西和那些嚣张得孩子们玩。

    We don't let Timothy play with those rowdy children.


  1. 问:嚣张拼音怎么拼?嚣张的读音是什么?嚣张翻译成英文是什么?

    答:嚣张的读音是xiāozhāng,嚣张翻译成英文是 arrogant


