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1. 叶 [yè]2. 叶 [xié]叶 [yè]植物的营养器官之一:树~。菜~。~子。~落归根。一~知秋。一~蔽目(喻目光短浅,常被眼前细小事物所遮蔽,看不到远处、大处。亦称“一叶障目”)。像叶子的:铁~。百~窗。同“页”。世,时期:初~……
1. 叶 [yè]2. 叶 [xié]叶 [yè]植物的营养器官之一:树~。菜~。~子。~落归根。一~知秋。一~蔽目(喻目光短浅,常被眼前细小事物所遮蔽,看不到远处、大处。亦称“一叶障目”)。像叶子的:铁~。百~窗。同“页”。世,时期:初~……
汉语拼音:yè yè
《隶释·汉先生郭辅碑》:“叶叶昆嗣,福禄茂止。” 宁调元 《燕京杂诗》之五:“人情叶叶都如此,世路悠悠古所难。”如: 汉 民族自 南宋 播迁,遭异族压迫;避到海隅,无日不图光复旧物,重树 汉 帜。以是叶叶相承,保留着民族复兴的传统,和许多秘密的结社。
唐 王建 《宫词》之十七:“罗衫叶叶绣重重,金凤银鹅各一丛。” 宋 晏殊 《清平乐》词:“金风细细,叶叶梧桐坠。” 清 纳兰性德 《采桑子》词:“几竿修竹三更雨,叶叶萧萧。”
Cha nine mountain peaks above the floating amid the fog, like a leaf boat, floating in the sea.
槎山九座峰顶漂浮在雾海之上,宛如叶叶扁舟,浮游于海上。Trees up to 15 m tall, glabrous except for rufous pubescent branchlets, stipules, abaxial leaf surface, pedicels, and sepals.
乔木达15米高,除了小枝、托叶、叶背面、花梗和萼片上被红棕色短柔毛外无毛。As there is no immediate basin of two months, watering the violets, there were ulterior motives in Ye YE gaunt, withered.
就如眼下的那盆两个月没有浇水的紫罗兰,枝枝叶叶有些憔悴、干瘪。an upright geranium having scalloped leaves with a broad color zone inside the margin and white or pink or red flowers.
直立天竺葵,扇形叶,叶缘内有略宽的彩带,白色、粉色或红色花。along with the reduction of shroud radius, tip clearance flow of the rotor becomes strong.
随着的罩壳半径的减小,动叶叶尖处间隙流动逐渐增强;stems, stipules, petioles, and leaves densely covered with cystoliths.
茎,托叶,叶柄,和叶密被钟乳体。And Indian plants, of scent and hue The sweetest that ever were fed on dew, Leaf by leaf, day after day, Were massed into the common clay.
而那吸食甘露的印度花草,本来色和香都最为美妙,如今却日复一日,一叶叶地,变成了一堆黄土,一堆烂泥。However, the epidermal cells of cotyledons, leaves and sepals were irregular with undulate anticlinal walls.
子叶、叶、花萼和果实上的表皮细胞呈无规则形,垂周壁波形。Blade twist is important because a propeller moves at much greater speed at the blade tips than at the center hub.