


1. 共 [gòng]2. 共 [gōng]共 [gòng]相同,一样:~性。~同。同甘~苦。彼此都具有、使用或承受:患难与~。休戚与~。一起,一齐:~鸣。~勉。~议。~处(chǔ)。总计,合计:~计。总~。与,和:“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水~……


1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……





汉语拼音:gòng jià jiàn



原子间通过共用电子对所形 成的相互作用。分非极性键和极性键。



共价键 [gòng jià jiàn]
  1. 原子间通过共用电子对而形成的化学键。如在形成氯分子时,电子不是从一个氯原子转移到另一个氯原子,而是在两个氯原子之间形成共用电子对,通过共用电子对形成共价键。



  1. It is often represented by a single line between the symbols of the two atoms that are bonded together.


  2. wherein the compound of formula I further comprises at least one covalent bond with a biotin residue or an analogue thereof.


  3. A process to produce a crosslinker includes incorporating a pendent group comprising a covalently bonded phosphorous atom.


  4. Peroxide: Any of a class of chemical compounds in which two oxygen atoms are linked by a single covalent bond.


  5. Crosslinkers having a covalently bonded phosphorous atom, the phosphorous atom having at least one covalently bonded oxygen atom.


  6. The covalent bonding to the polymer chain provided stability towards solvents and a migration stabilizing effect.


  7. High-molecular-weight components can be formed by the formation of SPI intermolecular covalent bonds through modification with MTG .


  8. For the last 100 years, they have done that mostly by making and breaking the strong covalent bonds that form when atoms share electrons.


  9. A covalent bond formed by a shared pair of electrons (see bond).


  1. 共价键半径

    covalent radius.

  2. 共价键负载

    covalent supporting.

  3. 共价键物质

    covalent bonded material.

  4. 共价键方向性

    orientation of covalent bond.

  5. 共价键接枝

    covalent bond graft.

  6. 配位共价键

    coordinate covalent bond

  7. 环状非共价键

    circular noncovalent.

  8. 共价键的本质

    The Nature of Covalent Bond.

  9. 共价键饱和性

    saturation of covalent bond.

  10. 非偶极共价键

    a nonpolar covalent bond.

  11. 以共价键联系的

    covalently linked

  12. 三, 共价键的特点

    The Characteristics of Covalent Bond

  13. 三,共价键的特点。

    The Characteristics of Covalent Bond.

  14. 共价键表面改性剂

    covalently bound surface modifying agent

  15. 共价键的定义是什么?

    What's the definition of the covalent bond?

  16. 物理吸附与共价键固定

    covalent immobilization and physisorption

  17. 联接通过形成共价键来联接

    To join by creating covalent bonds.

  18. 共价键理论提出的历史背景

    Historical Background of Emergence of Covalent Bond Theory

  19. 共价键形成中的唯物辩证法

    Materialist Dialectics in the Taking Shape of the Covalent Bond

  20. 他创造了共价键这一概念。

    And he coined the term covalent bonding.

  21. 化学键主要有离子键、共价键、金属键。

    Chemical bond mainly includes electrovalent bonds, covalent bonds, and metalic bonds.

  22. 化学键主要有离子键、共价键、金属键。

    Chemical bond mainly includes electrovalent bonds, covalent bonds, and metalic bonds.

  23. 聚醚氨酯共价键合肝素的研究

    Study of Covalently Immobilizing Heparin to Polyetherurethane Surface.

  24. 但对于共价键就没这么简单了。

    Well, with covalent bonding, it's not so simple.

  25. 受体没有给共价键提供电子的原子。

    The atom that contributes no electrons to a covalent bond.

  26. 对共价键的部分离子性估算的讨论

    Discussion on the method of estimating partial ionic properties of covalent bond

  27. 所以我们明白, 这是化合物中的共价键。

    Just so that we are clear, this is the bond in this compound.

  28. 价键理论在经典的共价键理论基础上产生。

    Valencebond theory was formed on the basis of the classical ideas of valence bond.

  29. 共价键键长与原子轨道半径之间的关系

    The Relation Between Bond Length and Atomic Orbital Radii

  30. 两个电子都由一个原子提供的共价键。

    A covalent bond in which both electrons are provided by one of the atoms.


  1. 问:共价键拼音怎么拼?共价键的读音是什么?共价键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:共价键的读音是gòng jià jiàn,共价键翻译成英文是 covalent bond; covalent link; covalent linkag...



共价键(covalent bond),是化学键的一种,两个或多个原子共同使用它们的外层电子,在理想情况下达到电子饱和的状态,由此组成比较稳定的化学结构叫做共价键。其本质是原子轨道重叠后,高概率地出现在两个原子核之间的电子与两个原子核之间的电性作用。需要指出:氢键虽然存在轨道重叠,但通常不算作共价键,而属于分子间作用力。共价键与离子键之间没有严格的界限,通常认为,两元素电负性差值大于1.7时,成离子键;小于1.7时,成共价键。