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传送,传达:传~。投~。~送。~交。~眼色(以目示意)。呈~国书。顺着次序:~补。~变。~增。~减。~升。~降(jiàng )。古代指驿车。……
汉语拼音:dì jiǎn
唐 韩愈 《顺宗实录三》:“天下应犯死罪者,特降从流,流以下递减一等。”《宋史·真宗纪一》:“五月壬申朔,御 乾元殿 受朝。京畿繫囚罪流以下递减一等,杖罪释之。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·时事·英吉利考》:“武官以火器考试入伍,月俸多者番银三百,次二百六十,以次递减。”
At the beginning of the game, money is of huge importance, but doubloons decrease in value as the game progresses.
在游戏开始阶段,金钱极为重要。但随游戏发展,杜布隆的价值递减。Monotonic sequences are pleasant to work with because their convergence or divergence is particularly easy to determine .
我们乐意处理单调递增数列或单调递减数列,因为特别容易确定数列的收敛或发散。The DAC 100 needs to be able to count up and down and consequently a reset condition should take it to a point near its mid-range.
DAC100需要能够递加和递减计数,因此复位条件应当将其带到接近其中间范围的点。The decreasing character of a function with negative derivative can be proved by an analogous argument.
负导数函数具有递减性的证明完全类似。Under the system Buffett put in place when he announced his massive donation, the number of shares he hands over declines by 5% a year.
当巴菲特宣布其大规模捐资计划时,他就建立了相应的捐赠制度。在该制度下,他捐赠的股票数量每年递减5%。It's all too easy to breeze past the point of diminishing returns when you don't even have to go into an office.
如果你甚至用不着去办公室的话,轻而易举就会超过收益递减点。So if it has been focusing on capital inputs in the long-term, it is bound to result in diminishing capital marginal efficiency.
如果长期一直注重资本要素的投入,势必会造成资本边际效率递减。Case studies indicate the correctness and practicability of these equations which can be used in reservoir engineering study and prediction.
用较多的实例证实了递减率微分方程与相公式的正确性与实用性,这些公式可用于油气藏工程研究与预测。Distinct areas of electric field also exist when different jet distances are applied, and the intensity in each area tends to degression.