







汉语拼音:ruì jiǎn








  1. A year ago, wrangling over the price of gas sold by Russia to Ukraine briefly diminished the flow of gas through Ukraine to Europe.


  2. Most of the world's major economies are trying to spend their way out of the sudden collapse in financial activity using borrowed money.


  3. The motor industry, one of the worst hit by the plunge in global demand, is expected to see further losses.


  4. No signs so far, therefore, of the sort of dramatic price drops that might lead to a slump in investment and put pressure on the banks.


  5. This sudden cold spell has knocked the bottom out of the market for seasonal items like ice cream and suntan oil.


  6. Because oil now costs much less, many have had to write down the value of those contracts, even if they are not due to be settled for years.


  7. Interestingly, the appeal of studying education seems to be slipping.


  8. What is often described as a "withdrawal" in 2014 is really a troop reduction.


  9. Due to the question of U-Ra balance, its scale and reserves was discounted sharply.


  1. 产量锐减。

    Production fell sharply.

  2. 去年外援锐减。

    The foreign aid evaporated last year.

  3. 今年销售量锐减。

    Sales have slumped this year.

  4. 岁入锐减的政府。

    Governments with plummeting revenues.

  5. 洪水过后收成锐减。

    After the floods the harvests were subnormal.

  6. 地震使该城人口锐减。

    The earthquake dispeopled the city.

  7. 19世纪,黄钩蛱蝶的数量锐减。

    In the 19th century the population of comma butterflies crashed.

  8. 淡水鱼类的数量也急速锐减。

    Freshwater fish populations are in precipitous decline.

  9. 美国销售锐减, 欧元重获反弹

    Euro Resumes Rally on Sharp US Sales Drop by Ashraf Laidi

  10. 耕地锐减,浪费土地资源行为比比皆是。

    Therefore, we must be put continuance development stratagem into practice, protect natural res.

  11. 干旱期使我们的水供应锐减。

    The dry spell quickly diminished our water supply.

  12. 美国蜜蜂的数量正以惊人的速度锐减。

    Honeybees in the U.S. are still dying at an alarming rate.

  13. 美国蜜蜂得数量正以惊人得速度锐减。

    Honeybees in the U. S. are still dying at an alarming rate.

  14. 最接近的解释是政府收入锐减。

    The proximate explanation has been the collapse in government revenues.

  15. 接着爆发了黑死病,人口锐减了四分之一。

    Then, with the Black Death, it fell by a quarter.

  16. 但是野生的数量已经因为采摘而锐减。

    But wight wild populations have been reduce reduced by too much havestharvesting.

  17. 水资源锐减的同时, 水污染也日趋严重。

    At the same time the reduction of water resources, water pollution are becoming increasingly serious.

  18. 个体工商户数量锐减的法律与经济分析

    Legal and Economic Analysis of the Decrease of Individual Business

  19. 美德本应占上风, 然而其影响却锐减。

    Virtue, which should have been triumphant, had taken a bad tumble.

  20. 武器价格受战争影响有所上扬,库存量锐减

    Price of weapon increases due to the wold war. Hence, stock in trade decreases.

  21. 在过去的五十年里, 老虎的数目锐减。

    The number of tigers has reduced abruptly in the last fifty years.

  22. 接着体重锐减25磅,右眼失去大部分视力。

    Then he lost 25 lbs. and most of the sight in his right eye.

  23. 结果表明,薄耕层使米质变劣,产量锐减。

    The results showed that the grain yield and rice quality decreased under the conditions of thin plough layer.

  24. 汉化的结果是畲族人口的锐减和行将消失。

    The result of Han immigrant is, greatly reduction of SHE population and possible disappear of SHE ethnic.

  25. 15世纪的瘟疫使欧洲大部分地区人口锐减。

    The 15th century plagues left vast areas of Europe depopulated.

  26. 由于夜间下了大雨, 森林大火看起来火势锐减。

    The forest fire, thanks to heavy rain during the night, seems to have spent its force.

  27. 自从激增开始,暴力和宗教的杀戮就锐减。

    Since the surge began violence and sectarian killings have fallen dramatically.

  28. 他说,由于干旱严重,六月份农产品出口量锐减。

    He said that due to the severe drought the export volume of farm products in June decreased dramatically.

  29. 网上房产合同撤销一周锐减数百倍正常吗

    Online real estate contracts revoked several times a week reduced normal

  30. 他指的是该国生存的这种斑纹动物的数量正在锐减。

    He was referring to the stripy animals that prowl the country in declining numbers.


  1. 问:锐减拼音怎么拼?锐减的读音是什么?锐减翻译成英文是什么?

    答:锐减的读音是ruìjiǎn,锐减翻译成英文是 to decrease or fall sharply



拼音:ruì jiǎn   [意思]:急剧、飞快地减少 [反义词]:激增、猛增 [近义词]:暴减 森林锐减  森林锐减是指人类的过度采伐森林或自然灾害所造成的森林大量减少的现象。 其中影响最大森林锐减便是热带雨林减少。其中主要原因是发展中国家大量砍伐林木用于出口。因此,1985年FAO制定的热带森林行动计划《TFAP》和1922年6月在巴西巨星的“联合国环境与发展大会”。前者对当今热带森林保护和再生具有重大意义,它是与热带森林有密切关系的各国及国际组织实施的热带森林保护,再生和适当利用的行动计划,要求各国检讨和制定森林规划和加强林区发展机构之间的合作,并要求向恢复森林改进农业和土地利用规划等重要森林管理项目投资的80亿美元。现有86个国家正在依此制定国内的热带森林行动计划。而后者UNCED通过了《关于森林的原则声明》和《21世纪议程》。原则声明表明了世界各国认识到森林可持续发展对整个环境的重要性,一致认为应该为森林保护和可持续发展作出贡献,《21世纪议程》是其具体行动的行动计划,以缓解森林锐减。